This is topic What did You do to get your BFP? in forum After Tubal Reversal at Tubal Reversal Message Board.
Posted by Peach
I have been reading lots of boards, posts, and logs about what so many have done to get pregnant.. Due to some age groups. more should be done as you get older. Since not everyone is a part of a certain thread... maybe posting your suggestions, experiences, and what you have done in assisting in getting you fertility "in check" to get pregnant....not to mention going to a fertility Specialist. ie: EPO, Preseed, clomid, fertilaid... etc... What did you take or do to acchieve your goals? Can we get some helpers out there to add their list of "things to do" while TTC.
Though I did not get my BFP every since my TR in 05 and goning through LAp in 12/07. I still would like to let you know what I did, and what I should have continue to do....
Preseed, clomid many times, prenate vitamins, extra folic acid, mucinex (not that i needed it), and started eatting right and walking 1 hour a day.
me 44
dh 45
tl 86'
tr 4/05- HSG- 10/05- left blocked, right open
IUI 4 times every other month in 06-07 NEG results
RE done a Lap/Recannulation 12/07- both were blocked - now supposedly both OPEN.
My cycles all were ovulatory... and levels were good. 4.6-7.8 only once did it get to 10.3 for FSH. Lining always thick enuff. dh sperm was over 20mil- considered normal for his age.. morphology motility was a bit low but well enuff. Guess not!
Now What?
Posted by Jennifer K.
We had our TR in August, 2005. It took us 22 months to get pregnant with Lydia Grace - that was after 4 miscarriages and 1 suspected ectopic. Here is what I was doing the month we got pregnant with Lydia Grace:
Metformin (1500mg)
Baby aspirin
Clomid (100mg on CD5-9)
Trigger shot on CD15
Progesterone (100mg 2x daily starting 2 days after O)
BD CD14,15, 16 & 17 (1x per day)
Acupuncture (1x per week started 6 weeks before BFP)
No coffee
Eating right
Mild exercise
I was diagnosed with PCOS and unknown repeat m/c. I did all the tests and everything came back normal. I started seeing an RE about a year after my TR. We got our first BFP the first month we were seeing her and our first month on clomid. Unfortunately, it ended in a miscarriage. After our 3rd m/c our RE started treating us as if we had been diagnosed w/ repeat m/c even though my test results were normal. I had good egg reserves and a good lining and the clomid helped me to ovulate regularly. My RE thought that the PCOS was affecting my egg quality and that we needed to keep trying until we "popped off a good one" which we eventually did. We now have a happy, healthy, beautiful 9 month old baby girl that is THE light of my life.
I hope this helps those still out there waiting for their BFP. I'm living proof that it can and will happen if you hang in there and keep trying.
Posted by MRC
Jan....the first time I got pregnant I was on a "break" and did nothing special but let off the pressure...that ended in m/c. The second and third time I got pregnant was the same dh was drinking ALOT of redbull...the second pregnancy ended in m/c as well..but third time was a charm...I'm just about 20 weeks pregnant with my first tr baby. Have your dh drink redbull before can't hurt...another girl on the march 06' board has here dh do that and she has a beautiful tr baby girl. You are mor than welcome to come join us over there as well
![[Big Grin]](
TR 3-6-06
m/c 9-29-06
m/c 2/13/08
BFP 7-3-08 EDD 3-9-09
Posted by Tanya from VA
TR 9-7-06
BFP 9-11-07
Carly 5-13-08
The cycle I got pregnant I did nothing in particular. I used my ClearBlue monitor and I OPK'ed twice. We bd'ed twice - every other day - only twice in the fertile period.
I ttc for a year and had two miscarriage. In that time I took took asprin, used Pre-Seed, took vitamins, had my dh take vitamins, used my monitor, used OPK's, tried the Instead, laid on my back after bd'ing - and I've become a believer that half of this stuff we do while ttc doesn't really do anything.
I know that sounds harsh - I certainly tried it all myself - but the one time I did absolutely NOTHING, and didn't even take it overly serious (we were moving, stressed, I didn't even hardly temp and didn't test until my AF was due) I got my sticky BFP.
Good luck to all!
Posted by HisWill
The number one thing I did, was prepare for the fact (as much as possible-it's a lie to say that dissapointment and heartache wouldn't be normal) that I didn't know what my outcome would be. I knew many ladies on the boards conceived the first time trying, others take a while, and some never become pregnant. The one factor in common is that all want another child(ren). I was truly ready that this may not be God's plan for me. I didn't want to be heartbroken over something I wasn't guaranteed. I was actually surprised I became pregnant, because I had been so realistic about it not being my call.
I didn't OPK or chart, because I know I would over-focus on this, and I didn't believe making it the focus of my life would be my honestly surrendering it to God how I intended.
I know this is a very personal journey for all of us ladies-I'm just sharing how I embarked on my journey. I pray for all of us to have peace regarding our fertility.
I take herbs to promote overall health. I don't believe beginning something for the sake of fertility is necessarily very effective. I take the following for my overall health and I do it whether TTC or it's been years that I've been on it.
Good Multi vitamin
3000 mg vitamin C
EPO from CD1-O when TTC, otherwise all month
Super B complex
Fish Oil 1000 mg
Baby aspirin all the time. I take this because I lost a baby due to positive ANA. I don't believe it necessarily helps get pregnant, but I know for sure it protects me from m/c.
Husband takes good multi vitamin
1000 mg vit C
Super B complex
Baby aspirin for heart health
Fish oil 1000 mg
Dh-37 next month
TL 4/19/05 at time of c-section
TR 7/30/08
BFP 9/16/08-1st cycle TTC
EDD 5/28/09
Posted by debjim
Not trying to be funny or anything, but all we did was BD during O time, I didn't even use OPK's I just knew around when I would O.
It took 5 months for the first baby and 3 the second.
Posted by Marty
For me it took 0 months for my first TR baby and he is 9 months. I breastfeeded the first 6 and now that he is 9 months Im pregnant so I would say it took 2 months for Baby # 2....
Posted by Marty
Sorry did not write what I did... Lots of you know what and Fertil-Aid- Also eating healthy and lots of jogging seems both times I got pregnant is when I would be in pretty good shape...
Posted by BlessedMommyKat
I have been taking pre natal vitamins for 18 months, I've tried charting/temping, using opk's alternating BD days...I'm stumped as to how some of you just don't really think about it and... poof! You're pregnant! Are those of you who have gotten bfp's physically fit and within normal BMI ranges? I'm overweight and can't help but to wonder if that is hurting me.
Posted by Amy1234
Pre-Seed + opk + Dh drank Redbull 10 minutes before bd.
Posted by HisWill
Hi BlessedMommyKat,
My BMI is in a good range. Before this pregnancy I was 5'9 and about 140.
I truly think being overweight may cause problems. Obviously, plenty of overweight women become pregnant, but because fat cells in women produce estrogen dominance, it is likely that being overweight doesn't help fertility. High amounts of body fat can increase estrogen-or prolong the estrogen phase, thus reducing the mature follicles and ovulation.
I understand being overweight. In my first pregnancy, my doctor thought I had lupus. He placed me on 80 mg of prednisone a day. I started out at 120lbs, and at 34 weeks when I delivered I was 218. Additionally, with each of my pregnancies I gain WAY over the recommended amounts of weight on very healthy foods and the right amount of calories. My doctor says that I have a maternal storing thing going on. Unfortunately, I don't shed much weight through bf'ing like my friends! So I have to work hard after each of my 4 children to lose a lot of weight to be healthy. I understand what it's like!
Best wishes!
Posted by april1979
HI, I am 29 and my DH is 44, I had my TL in 01, and TR on 12-07, It took us 8 months to get pregnant. First I tried the figuring out when I O'd, and starting taking prenatal vitamins. After 5 months of trying, I had looked into Clomid and Pre-seed, Had DH tested, was normal, When I purchased the Clomid and Preseed I had to wait for next cycle, and AF never came. The month before, I had said that maybe this is not In God's plan for us to have a baby. And was going to give up. So, when I got pregnant, I was on nothing, BD'd Twice One at night and once in morning, (that is what did it for my sister too, BD'ing twice when O'ing)
I am over weight, my bmi is high, I know that does not help, But it doesn't make it impossible. So I hope this helps. Good Luck to all still trying! Oh due on 4-25-08!!!
Posted by AnitaA68
Jan, I'm sorry this journey hasn't been the one you had hoped for.
My TR was in November 05.
We tried everything we could come up with, for me and for DH. At first, it was just letting nature take it's course. After the HSG showed open tubes, we stepped it up a bit using temping OPKs, etc. We eventually went to an RE who diagnosed me with unexplained infertility. That was very disappointing since all tests came back with excellent results. We did a few rounds of drugs, IUIs and then IVF.
Each person is an individual case. What may work for one, may not for another. Being under weight or over weight can influence fertility. As well as what you eat, your environment, etc, etc. I remember how hard it was to hear someone say they did nothing special to get their BFP and to relax. Although they meant well, it usually made me feel terrible. I think the most important thing I did was to try to stay positive and not give up. And that was very hard by the time the two year mark rolled around. I wanted to continue to try every avenue we could to get a little one.
I hope you soon get your sticky BFP. I know how heartbreaking this whole experience can be.
Posted by BlessedMommyKat
Andrea (HisWill)
Thank you for addressing my thoughts on being overweight... I commend you for being so lean. What did you do to lose the weight so nicely? I find myself worrying about not eating properly for ttc and it becomes a downward spiral for me. Do you have any suggestions? I'm at the point where I am willing to try anything.
My RE says I am quote, "full of eggs" he counted 13-14 follicles on each of my ovaries and didn't think my weight was hurting me (but I cannot help but wonder) I am way heavier than when I was pregnant the first time. I remember being 6 weeks pregnant and 134. Now I'm not pregnant and I'm almost 200 pounds! So... my common sense says there's something to being overweight and ttc.
Posted by HisWill
Hi BlessedMommyKat,
The first thing I had to do is come to terms with my physical appearance. Since I was so young when I got pregnant the first time, my body was so "perfect"...well, 80 mg of prednisone, and subsequent chemo left me with stretch marks over 80% of my body. Additionally, when you stretch that much so quickly, there's a whole lot of baggy skin involved since prednisone causes a huge depletion in collagen.
Fortunately, I knew God brought me through that so I would give myself to Him completely. I had to be knocked upside the head a bit. Nearly losing my life at such a young age, made me very realistic about what life is about. I believe life is about serving Jesus Christ-"this thorn in my side is but a mere affliction.". I think God wants us to take care of our bodies, but not let them enslave us. I will never look like I did before hand, but I can do my best, you know?
So, I started some good vitamins, and began first walking and then jogging on the treadmill. I am really active will all the kids, but that was never enough. I had to really reduce my calories and fats, add in Omega's like fish oil, and simply eat better and eat less. Since I already cook all of our meals, and we eat healthfully, it's really just eating less and exercising more that did it. I added in tons of water, and a couple of cheap beginners Pilates videos.
There is a place of comfort with knowing everything in your life is in His hands. Knowing that my body has been an earthen vessel for His glory is all that matters. I am sure I'll have 6 months or so of hard work after this baby, but I won't starve myself to reduce my work later. All healthy and I'm sure I'll be looking at another 50+ lb weight gain!
I wish you the absolute best. So many are correct that you can do everything right and still not become pregnant, or you can be eating fast food all the time and not paying attention and you conceive. This is because it's in God's timing.
However, working towards the goal is very commendable, and very good for your overall health!
Posted by BlessedMommyKat
Andrea... did you say chemo?
You are inspiring on so many levels. I thank you for your honesty and your testimony. I know some people take offense here, but not I. I am a believer and I am encouraged by your words... thank you.
Posted by Mary-MI
"I wish you the absolute best. So many are correct that you can do everything right and still not become pregnant, or you can be eating fast food all the time and not paying attention and you conceive. This is because it's in God's timing."
Let me get this straight.. you think that if God wants you to be pregnant, it will happen, no matter what we do? Then why have a TR???? If its his will, wouldn't you become pregnant with tied tubes???
I so wished we could have one post on here without religion being used as the answer to the question that someone has posted, looking for help.
Posted by klinger13
I have to agree with Mary-MI's last statement. This thread started out with people giving their great responses to the question asked, then completely morphed into a religious thread.
I really feel that I have the right to come to this board to read questions, answers, & advice, without feeling that I stepped into a religious message board. It can really make people (self included) very uncomfortable. Can we keep that in mind when responding so all can enjoy and find help from these boards, regardless of our belief system?
Thank you.
Posted by angelsbaby629
I thought your name looked familliar. I have been here since 2000 and had TR done 2002. After we had no bfp's by the 3rd month after TR I went to the dr and begged for clomid. It worked, 4months after TR we got pg with Gabriella. ofcourse we bd'd every day(sometimes 2x's and he was lovin that
This time i was trying to aviod (but no bc) getting pg and wham, it happened. not planned, but always welcomed.
I am so very sorry you are going through this. I still say I was taught a lesson of patients while trying to get pg with Natalie. either way. good luck hun and agian, I am sorry you're going through this mess. just remember, there IS a
light at the end of the tunnel. Jess
Posted by mama12
The best advice I can give, I've had 3 pregnancies in 1 year, lost 2 and am now nearing 4 months pregnant with this one.
I took vitamins all the way through, simple, just Flintstones complete. Made DH take them too.
Which regardless I've taken them for years just to make sure I'm healthy so even that isn't any different. I talk calcium too, everyday.
I didn't OPK, didn't temp, didn't chart. We just did it when I knew I was O'ing, felt like I was Oing. CD 10-14 of a 28 day cycle, that's it.
We NEVER stressed it, never got obssessed. Like Tanya says it didn't help her, I knew it wouldn't help me, even in Dr. Berger's office, he tried to tell me about OPK and charting I told him I won't do it, so lets just get this surgery done! If it's going to happen it will. Which is pretty much when I felt like it, I'm in the mood at O time naturally. Just take it easy and don't worry, don't get stressed.
Let BD be what it is, you and your DH being close. Forget the technicalities. We did and it worked 3 X.
If you have regular periods you are O'ing. So don't worry!! Just have fun everything else will take care of itself.
BTW w/ the 2nd BFP I lost my right tube, so this is a 1 tube baby. It took 4 months of trying and we did it.
I do recommend help though if you have irregular periods. In that case OPK is a good idea.
For me I didn't need it I'm very regular.
I wish you luck!! Keep TTC fun!!!
In all honesty give it a year. You'll get it!
The only unnatural thing I did was have Dr. Berger in there. That's it.
Posted by onemoretracy
I had my TR on 11/08/07. I had used FF to chart for a couple of months beofre surgery just to get a feel for my cycle. I was not always good about keeping it up though!
When the time came to actively TTC I really talked about it with my midwife. She was very helpful and positive. She recommended the HSG and I had that done in March. Also I took Clomid (50mg) that cycle. I had taken it to concieve for my previous pregnancy (pre-TL and TR) As it turns out, one of my tubes is blocked, but that same cycle I had the HSG and also began the Clomid we concieved. I also took pre-natals and baby asprin daily (DH took this as well). I did give up caffeine too.
As far as timing, we were not stressing about it. We Bd about every other day from cd 10-20. I think I o'd that cycle around day 16, but I am not sure bc I wasn't charting, just keeping an eye on mucus changes and mood changes etc.
Good luck with your TTC and remember to have fun and enjoy each other! Now I am in the 3rd trimester, my DH is remembering those back to those good old days of TTC, lol!
EDD 12/22/08
Posted by TrulyBlessed
America is blessed with a great variety of people - we should celebrate that instead of always looking for something to jump down another's throat. And we are also blessed with many freedoms - one being religion, whether you want it, practice it or not - faith comes in many varieties. But maybe you should question why the mention of God "offends" you. No one is saying anything other than what they believe - you can choose to believe or not but just as you have the right to ignore we have the right to proclaim.
Now the people who try to shove it forcefully down your throat are a bit offensive - even me, a christian, will admit to that - because Jesus himself did not force his teachings on people. But just remember - for those of you who get "offended" by the talk of God - there are just as many of us who are out there that find the encouraging words of our fellow christians a balm in rough times. And yes, God can do all things but it was not him that made fertility impossible - it was her choice of TL that did. He gives us 100% control over our bodies, but that also means we suffer the concequences if we do not treat them right.
HisWill, you are very encouraging for us who are out there that are not "offended". I think you are very brave for standing up for your faith, even when people complain about it - because in the end you are not hurting anyone with your words, negativity in this world is rapant and I hope that one day when I get to do my TR and announce my pregnancy that there will be people like you still around that will praise and rejoice with me and my family.
Sorry that this is so long but it really just aggrevates me when people want to "shut down" a positive thing - last time I checked, true christians were not unhappy, negative people - even in the most dire circumtances.
Posted by HisWill
Yes Blessed, I had chemo.
Mary, I'm sorry you take offense. It isn't religion, it's Jesus Christ. No, I wouldn't become pregnant with tied tubes because I circumvented the will of God by tying off His blessings. Not the answer you wanted, but the one I believe.
There are lots of posts on this forum that don't deal with any bit of faith. I'm sure they will offer you more of what you want to hear.
I'm praying for blessings for every lady of the board, whether they personally offend me or not.
Posted by momto10
Andrea, this is why I don't post much anymore. Faith and belief...religion whatever anyone wants to call it is so much a part of every opinion I have and every aspect of any help I have to offer that there is NO possible way I could write without refering to Christin some way. But as in many things in life offense to Christian religion is harped and therefore Christian religion is suspressed BUT if the roles were turned and I was prasing Budda, nobody would say a word. I guess I'll never understand why Christian support and comfort is attacked.
So if my way of speaking and my way of showing comfort to my TR sisters is NOT welcomed then..... I guess it's time for me to leave.
This entire forum was here for SUPPORT and COMFORT. If you need medical advice, hire a doctor!
Posted by LIZZYpooh
Hello Ladies......I thank everyone of you who trust and believe God for your miracles...since He is the only one that gives life...i will always be trusting him...yes he could have caused me to get pregnant without a tr ...but faith without works is dead...if this board allowed all types of fussing and cussing some people wouldn't be offended with that at all...I am one that is not charting or any of that I am going to keep practicing with dh and will happen when God says so....I'm in love with Jesus and he is in love me.....
Posted by MOMZILLA
I am not a religious person. I was raised Catholic but do not practice. I know many people who are church-goers and still do bad harmful things to people. Likewise, I know many folks who do not attend mass (organized religion) and are very good people who have their own faith in God and serve in their own way. We need to be tolerant of each otther, no matter what our faith or beliefs. I, too, do not like it when people "push" their religion or beliefs on me. That being said, I do not think that is anyone's intent here. People go on this journey for different reasons (ptls vs TTC) and we all go through it in our own ways, taking comfort in words of others, support of family, medical advice or religion. I know it can be frustrating being on this journey that is such a hard struggle for is hard to hear women say it is simply up to God when many are riding a roller coaster of meds, herbs, tests ,kits, temps, and all kinds of interventions. It is a very emotional and personal journey but we need to remember we are all individuals with different beliefs and perspectives and we need to respect our differences and still be there to offer whatever kind of support we can based on our own journies in life. Again, while I do not practice religion I believe in God and believe we just need to be there for each other. When my father in law was dying of prostate cancer I got pregnant unexpectedly (BC failure).I truly believe we were given a gift from God here. Though he was dying we had a wonderful new baby coming. It is unfortunate that he passed 10 weeks before I delivered but it was a positive thing for the family in a very sad time...Again, I am not religious but I still believe this was God's way of giving us happiness and a new focus in the midst of such a great loss. For me, I try to offer advice here based on my experiences in child-bearing and living with PTLS but not through a religious voice or persepctive. I find no fault in those who ride their faith through this journey and share from that view point. As long as nobody is trying to convert me (LOL) I am ok with everyone expressing their feelings and beliefs here. Try to remember why we are help each other from our individual experiences and perspectives. If you do not care for a particular perspective..then feel free to disregard and move on to another post from yet a different perspective..This is a hard journey...let's not make it more stressful and hard on each other by taking offense where none is intended...We are all here to help because we care.
Posted by momto10
Tracey it is just human nature to resort to the explaination of God's Will, when herbs, medicine, creams, surgeries, and IUI all fail. Humans throughout history have looked for reason when our methodes fail. I don't uderstand why that is so offensive. No-one has said you have to be Catholic or you that you have be believe what any of us say...
I will just never understand why words that are meant to offer comfort are so bad.... I know that these types of words comfort me. I want peopel to use them when speaking to me. I am sterile after TR....9 months post TR and NO positives..... It hurts me that maybe God doesn't will for me to have more....BUT... I find comfort in knowingthat maybe it's not my fault, maybe I just don't have 100% control over that part of my life. I not only find it comforting BUT it also relieves my guilt and my anxiety over trying.
Almost ALL "support" groups uses some sort of surrender to a higher power, AA, OA, and many secular mental health professionals instruct people to focus on ones "spiritual-self" in order to relieve stress. Heck Oprah even talks about it all the time... Not that I put too much Faith in her, she isn't fair off the pulse of America.
To everyone who has a problem with these type of words of advice/comfort; What would you prefer we say to offer comfort? Should we be just like you? Should we parrot your thoughts and advice? WHy is my advice any less important? Why, can't I jsut offer my advice and be ignored, when my advice/comfort isn't welcomed? How are we supposed to know who wants that kind of support and who doesn't? Should this forum become so politically correct that even herbs and homeopathey, should be discluded, afterall, science can't prove that either?
Maybe we should jsut have some Socialistic rules guiding our everyword, only saving what the powers that be would say... The who desides who the powers that be are? When I spoke to Dr. B and told him that I was just having the surgery to be Open to God's Will he didn't judge me. He accepted me with love and kindness, despite the fact that all I could do was talk about God and the TL being the BIGGEST mistake I've ever made.
Signed Gwen <who is compeltely baffled by why these words offend. If someone believes something else they can say, please don't talk about God around me. I would say, OK and I would make an effort to not do it again.
Posted by MOMZILLA
Gwen, I was addressing those who feel it is "offensive" when folks mention God. I do not agree with that..That was the point of me saying there is no "intent" here to preach, etc. I was not sure, from your response, if you thought I was expressing an issue with that. My point is that we all bring our individual prespectives here and we should not get offended or make that more stressful for each other. We need more tolerance and support and less worrying about where the advice originates. We are who we are and should not apologize for that, but we should support one another in this journey, despite our differences...
Posted by momto10
OHHHH, gotcha MOMZILLA. Sorry. BTW, I love you screen name.
Posted by MOMZILLA
Thanks. My screen name sort of reflected what I became with PTLS....I was so unhealthy, isolated, short-termpered and miserable..I lost the joy in being a mother to my 3 kids..I felt I became this evil Momzilla rather than just plain Mommy..I am so relieved to be back to my old self again after TR...I feel so badly for some of the women here who try so hard to get pregnant and stay that way. I was lucky to have the 3 kids I have without too much trouble.. I have had 3 m/cs in my life-time and 3 healthy kids. I am blessed to have them!
Posted by LuceFamily
umm... so about those BFP's...
Lets get to the reason this forum is here... regardless of what our individual beliefs may be this board is intended to offer support to one another. So maybe we dont all have the same faith in common, but one thing we do have in common is that we have all struggled with the heartache and turmoil of having gone though a TL and wanting more than anything to have another child. I think there is always something we can learn from each other, lets take what we need from each others post here on the boards... and what we dont like or dont agree with, just move on. Come on guys, this is silly. Let support each other in our journey making children, not acting like children.
Posted by Mary-MI
Peach, I have only had one BFP that ended in E/P. Months prior I had an HSG, and my only tube was opened, 3 rounds of clomid, preseed and charting.
When I got my BFP, I was only charting. Now, my RE discovered I have PCOS. I am on my first cycle with Metformin, so we shall see if that works. I didn't realize how much PCOS cause infertility. Best wishes to you.
Posted by momto10
Tracy, I know what you mean about not connecting with my children..... Each onth I sem to get a little better. I seem to "enjoy" my maritail relations again as well. I really feel like my whole life is coming back into order. This month is only my second "normal" month, and I am 9 months post TR..... So, who knows, I feel like I still have time.
I have had 6 Biologocal living children, 4 m/c before TL, and 4 step children. ALL are Blessings, even if I never conceive another baby, "MY" TR was very much worth it!
Posted by MOMZILLA I have no intention of have a TR baby ( I am 43) but I got my pre-TL BFPs by ...child #1: did nothing and got PG within 3 months..child #2)..had 2 m/cs two months in a row and did some temping and clearplan monitor thing but still took 1 year to get pg.. child #3: not trying but had bc fail us resulting in a wonderful gift of a baby boy who turns 4 in March and tells me "Mommy I love you" every day..
Posted by Iluvrsp
If your tubes are blocked when you have the surgery done does that mean that you cannot get pregnant? Also when you have the TR done do you just let nature take it's course or do you have to do something else? I am new to this and just trying to learn before then time comes to have the TR done..
Posted by Tanya from VA
iluvsrp - The point of the TR surgury is to put your tubes back together so you can conceive in a more "natural" or pre-ligation way. If your tubes become blocked then you can not conceive after TR (the old fashion way). You would need to seek IVF or another fertility treatment.
My comments about doing nothing were in no way to meant to say "relax, it will happen". In my case I did almost everything for a year, and we took a month off mostly because we were moving and I simply didn't have time to chart, temp, OPK, ect. It was one of only two months that I didn't do anything.
As far as the the God/religion talk, to each their own. I agree it's hard after months and months of ttc and frustration to hear it's as simple as turning it over to God. You want to know why your being forsaken. What is the plan he has for you? Why this loving giving God throws miscarriage or blocked tubes at you, when others conceieve and have a child with no problems? I felt that way many times, especially after my loss at 10 weeks with twins. It was completely devestating, and I'm not sure I've come back around yet. Just when I felt I was getting past most of it, my dad died unexpectly on April 26th - three weeks before Carly was born in May of this year.
Religious encouragement doesn't offend me, but it's not always easy for those who are struggling with this rollercoaster of ttc to embrace something that is suppose to be comforting when they truly are heartbroken and searching for answers. I'm sure it's actually as simple as that, not some deep seeded anti-religious sentiment.
Best of luck to all.
Posted by Iluvrsp
So what blockage means is that after you have TR done your tubes can become blocked?
Posted by Tanya from VA
Absolutely they can become blocked. One or both can become blocked for several reasons. They can heal up and get blocked or they can get blocked with debris.
Chapel Hill has a statistic - not sure of the number - but it is a possibility you should be aware of.
Best of luck!
TR 9-7-06
Carly 5-13-08
Posted by MOMZILLA
Tanya - That was one of my points..exactly..
Posted by mama12
Iluvrsp. It is a possiblity but the risk isn't that high.
There is a thing called an HSG where they force a dyed liquid through your tubes and do like an Xray so they can tell if your tubes are blocked.
Alot of times just getting the HSG done will clear out tubal blockages if it's just debris or tissue in there.
I wouldn't worry too much about it honestly.
The chances are pretty low, most women have at least one good open one if one is blocked.
All you need is one tube.
Getting the HSG is something you would do maybe 8 months to a year or more after TR if you haven't gotten pregnant. Most Dr.s will recommend waiting for a while see if you get pregnant. It took us a while for me to get pregnant after the EP I had, but I'm pregnant with a good one. Just passed my 1 year anniversary of TR.