Sunday, April 26, 2009

Is It Beneficial To Get A Tubal Reversal for PTLS?

A frequent topic of discussion on the Tubal Reversal Message Board is about the issue of Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome (PTLS). Cristina ('dixechick77') posed this question: "Since I had my tubes tied, I have noticed less libido, more headaches, longer periods with heavier bleeding including clots, unbelievable mood swings and heavy cramping. WHAT IS THIS? I have read different views! Would it be beneficial to have a Tubal Reversal?" She receives responses other message board participants about the issue of Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome (PTLS), such as "Immediately after TL, I had severe headaches, bleeding with clots, depression, anxiety, skin problems and the list goes on. I am on CD 5 and have had only slight cramps, no headaches and no mood swings although results vary from woman to woman. I had immediate results after TR. Tubal reversal was worth every penny for me," and "Absolutely! It is called Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome and I had it bad. My tubes were tied for 3 years and I suffered right away. I am six month post-TR and am 95% back to what I consider normal. I say, go for it!" Another member adds, "After I had my tubes tied, AF started to change. My AF before the TL used to be 4 days, mild cramps, and medium flow. I had my TR Nov. 08 and have not had a single episode of flooding and no cramps. I am amazed. I am back to my old self!" Dixechick77 asks "Why aren't doctors diagnosing this?" That question has been discussed in detail on the Tubal Reversal Blog.

This is topic Is It Beneficial To Get A Tubal Reversal for PTLS? on the Tubal Reversal Message Board.

Posted by dixechick77
Hello everyone! My name is Christina. I am 31 years old - with 3 daughters. After my 3rd daughter (6 years ago) I had my tubes tied. In the last 3 years I have noticed less libido, more headaches, longer periods with heavier bleeding (including clots), unbelievable mood swings and heavy cramping ALL the time, not just during my menstrual. WHAT IS THIS??? I have read different views! Would it be beneficial to have a Tubal Reversal???

Posted by anesiajackson
Christina, I am 33 yo with 3 children. I had my TL in 2003 and just had my TR on the 1st. Immediately after TL, I had severe headaches, bleeding with clots, depression, anxiety, skin problems and the list goes on. I am on CD 5 and have had only slight cramps, no headaches and no mood swings although results vary from woman to woman. I had immediate results which I am grateful for, and the chance for #4 with DF. I wish you luck, TR was worth every penny for me.

Posted by dixechick77
Thank you anesia. My hubby would love to have another shot for a boy - but I am not sure if I am ready quite yet. But I am DEFINATELY ready to get rid of these headaches,cramping etc. etc. We are looking at getting the TR in June, I hope. We are waiting on his disability rating to come in from the Veterans Administration to decide WHEN we can afford to do it. Thank you for your help! Good luck on #4

Posted by Flutist29
Absolutely! It is called Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome and I had it bad. My tubes were tied for 3 years and I suffered right away. I am six month post-TR and am 95% back to what I consider normal.
I say, go for it!

Posted by dixechick77
Thank you!!! I have been looking through some of the other posts! Why aren't doctors diagnosing this?!?!?!?! This is worse than anything ever! My family doctor just kept prescribing zoloft or whatever to help, but it doesn't! My husband thinks I don't want him anymore - which could not be further than the truth, but I just don't CRAVE sex anymore, let alone anything else!!!!! Thank you ladies for your insight!

Posted by Flutist29
I didn't either and it frustrated my husband alot. We've had sex more the last six month than the previous 3 years before my TR. LOL!
The libido returned within a couple weeks following my TR.
Needless to say, DH is HAPPY!

Posted by dixechick77
I am glad to hear that I am SO not alone! Thank you for the support ladies!

Posted by aliyahsdream
I am in the same boat. The doctors kept saying I was just depressed, that is why I was so tired, or I had Chronic Fatigue, etc. They gave me meds that did not work and made me feel worse. I am so grateful that I found out about PTLS. My doctor blew a gasket, but there was no way he was giving me another medication that I do not need. I am looking forward to some relief from the symptoms. So is DH. LOL It has gotten to the point with the fatigue that I am almost bedridden, especially during AF, but all the time now. I thought I was alone, but am so grateful for all of you that have been where I am and that there is hope. Thanks so much!

Posted by ajherr
After I had my tubes tied, AF started to change. Cramps as well as flooding. To the point that I needed to be home "in case" it happened. My AF before the TL used to be 4 days, mild cramps, and medium flow. I had my TR Nov. 08 and have not had a single episode of flooding. NO CRAMPS. I am amazed. I am back to my old self! Praise the Lord!

Posted by dixechick77
Ladies I am now getting so excited about having the TR done! My DH is as well! LOL. I am with all of you on the sleeping fits and cramping - but the MIGRAINES are outrageous. They come on at the blink of an eye and take me going to sleep to get them to ease off - not go away. Does anyone else Wake Up with a headache? Other than normal daily life issues - I have no stress. So I have nothing that should be giving me these. Anyways - I thank all of you for your input and keep the posts coming! I am ready for the TR! Hoping in June!!!