Friday, January 18, 2008

Using Clomid After Tubal Reversal

Occassionally, Dr. Berger's patients ask about the use of Clomid and other follicle-stimulating medications after Tubal Reversal Surgery. These medications should always be used with caution in any woman trying to conceive. While not contraindicated after tubal reversal surgery, they should be used under a doctor's supervision and only if there is a documented need for ovulation induction. Because use of follicle-stimulationg medications require supervision by a women's local OBGYN doctor, Dr. Berger does not prescribe these medications for his tubal reversal patients.

This is topic On Clomid or Other Meds #2 in forum After Tubal Reversal at Tubal Reversal Message Board.

Posted by CarlaJo (Member # 10380) on December 28, 2007 09:13 AM:
Will someone please explain what the process is for injectibles?

Posted by atf6377 (Member # 11791) on December 28, 2007 09:38 AM:
I am by no means an expert since this is my first cycle doing injectables but I will try to give you the run down.
The injects stimulate your ovaries to produce eggs---how many eggs you produce depends on how well you respond to the stims and how much you take. In my case, my RE wants me to produce no more than 3 eggs so that I am not faced with high order multiples.
You typically inject yourself every evening for 7-14 days depending on yhow well you respond to the stims. Then once your eggies are mature you receive an HCG trigger shot which will force your ovaries to release the mature eggs--thus making you ovulate.....which is around 36 hours after trigger.
I started all this on CD3 with labwork---E2 and FSH then my RE called me that evening with the amount of stims I was suppose to use that night.....150units. I am to take 150units each evening until Saturday when I go fro more bloodwork and a follicle scan. The labs and US will tell him how well I am responding to the stims and he will tweak my dose of stims accordingly. I will have more labs and another scan on Monday and go from there. Once my follicles become mature (hopefully I will have 2 or 3) He will give me a trigger shot and I will go home and BD like bunnies with DH---lmao!!!

Posted by Rhonda Brown, RN (Member # 9485) on December 28, 2007 10:01 AM:
Dear Carla,
It can depend on the medication. With injectables there is close monitoring that it involved. Vaginal ultrasounds are begun early in the cycle along with blood work to monitor your response to the medications and to adjust as needed. They also use the monitoring to help with the timing of ovulation. I hope that this information helps. Please let me know if you have any other questions. I wish you much success.

Posted by CarlaJo (Member # 10380) on December 28, 2007 11:09 AM:
Thanks a bunch ladies!!!

Posted by Sweetpea (Member # 2742) on December 28, 2007 12:55 PM:
Happy New Years Ladies!!

Posted by CarlaJo (Member # 10380) on January 04, 2008 11:23 AM:
Wow, I finally found the right one. Okay, so, here is the question: How long after ovulation do you use progesterone? I believe I will have suppositories, I have to go pick them up.

Posted by shannonk (Member # 11063) on January 04, 2008 01:12 PM:
has anyone heard of the drug femara, which is supposed to be like clomid but without the thickened mucus problem

Posted by robertozgirl (Member # 10215) on January 04, 2008 03:34 PM:
Hi, I remember reading this post from Dr. Berger in the past so I dug it up for you.
Jeni sends...
Femera is a medication that is approved for use for the treatment of breast cancer in post-menopausal women. Some doctors prescribe it as a fertility drug, although this is "off label" or a non-approved use of the medication since it induces ovulation in pre-menopausal women. leading I am not aware of any published studies on the possible long term affects of using Femara as a fertility drug. There have been some case reports of babies born with birth defects to women who have used Femera to induce ovulation. It is not clear at present whether Femera caused these defects or not.
The safer approach, in my opinion, is to use the lowest dose of Clomid (starting with 25 mg or one-half tablet) that induces ovulation as documented with an OPK, and then add a small amount of additional estrogen (such as Premarin 0.3 mg a day cycle days 10 through the day of the LH surge) to help stimulate cervical mucus production. Of course, if ovulation is occurring spontaneously, then no ovulation inducing medication should be used at all.

Posted by VIV007 (Member # 11493) on January 04, 2008 08:07 PM:
You will start progesterone supp. two days after ovulation has been com firmed and will continue until you test for a BFP or the ugly AF shows up.
What CD day are you on. I am on CD9, second month of Clomid and awaiting Ovulation.
Besting a great month and plenty of baby dust your way.

Posted by pray4me (Member # 2763) on January 08, 2008 01:41 PM:
This is my first month on Clomid CD3-CD7. I only felt lightheaded. No other side effects so far.
I would like to know if I can take Mucinex to increase CM after taking Clomid?
Thanks Amanda for starting this thread last month which got great responses.Please ladies share your updates.
Vicky(38) TR5/03/07 CD7
Clomid CD3-CD7 (1st round)

Posted by CarlaJo (Member # 10380) on January 08, 2008 01:54 PM:
Here is my update. I feel TERRIBLE. This is like the worst PMS ever. I am MEAN and I am never mean! Sheesh. I am on the 3rd day of the first cycle. My dr wants me to continue every month until I am done trying....
43 Clomid 5-9, CD7

Posted by CarlaJo (Member # 10380) on January 08, 2008 01:55 PM:
Oh yeah! Thanks Viv. I am CD7 right now.

Posted by AutumnalPyre (Member # 8496) on January 08, 2008 02:06 PM:
I have a Clomid question...
This is my first month taking Clomid 50mg CD 2-6. My cycles are usually between 24-27 days with O always CD 13 or 14. This month, all the signs I am getting point to O being between CD 8 and 10?! Is this possible? TIA

Posted by VIV007 (Member # 11493) on January 08, 2008 03:44 PM:
Hello Ladies
Passing by to say hello and to check up on how everyone is doing with clomid.
I wanted you guys to know how I was coming along on my second cycle of Clomid.
I was originally scheduled for an U/S tomorrow Wednesday but since Sunday I was feeling ovulation cramps so I call the RE and he had my come in Monday afternoon instead.
Thank God I had two big follicles 22/21.5 on my right side. YAY YAY ladies that is the side Dr. Berger was able to repair. That same day the doctor had me trigger shot and today we went in for the #1 IUI and I have to go tomorrow for #2 IUI because I should be ovulating by tonight or tomorrow.
Ladies I ask for plenty of prayers and baby dust. HEHEHE I begin the frustrating 2WW on Thursday.
Wishing everyone is doing well and I sending

Posted by CarlaJo (Member # 10380) on January 08, 2008 03:48 PM:

Posted by babydean (Member # 10601) on January 08, 2008 04:46 PM:
could i join in your thread i have been on clomid 200mg. still no o now on to a infertility dr. i guess he will put me on injectables.. could you please give me a rough estament of the cost because i will be self pay

Posted by mommye (Member # 10658) on January 08, 2008 04:54 PM:
Hi Girls! Sorry I've been MIA. I have been really busy. Just wanted to say hello to you girls. I'm now on CD 32 and tested with BFN, but the tests that I have I recieved from earlypregnancy tests dot com, and also used in OPKing. My OPK only showed 1 day in the positive;however, my progesterone was 26 on CD 20. I believe that cold might have something to do with the tests, and with all the money I have spent on tests, I am not going to the store to buy any more as of yet. My doc's office told me that if I did not have AF by tomorrow to come in for a blood draw. I'm keeping my fingers crossed! Talk to you later.

Posted by mommye (Member # 10658) on January 08, 2008 04:55 PM:

I'm so excited for you I hope this is it!!!!!

Posted by CarlaJo (Member # 10380) on January 08, 2008 07:24 PM:
Nicole that sounds REALLY promising! I hope this is it for you!

Posted by mommye (Member # 10658) on January 08, 2008 08:50 PM:
Thanks CarlaJo, and I'm not sure about the progesterone. Anyone else know?

Posted by CarlaJo (Member # 10380) on January 09, 2008 09:09 AM:
Any news Nicole???? Let us know when you know!

Posted by Sherri G (Member # 4906) on January 09, 2008 11:41 AM:
Ladies, I'm not not part of this thread per sae but I figured this would be a great place to ask my question... I took my last clomid pill on Monday night. Tuesday already I was getting alot of lotiony/ewcm (tmi). I did an opt last night and while there was a line, it wasn't the same as the control line. Has anyone ever O'd that early on clomid?.. I mean my last pill was only 2 days ago but all signs are starting to show. Last cycle I got a +OPT about 5 days later than what I was expecting so now I'm really confused. TIA for letting me butt in.. I hope you ladies can give me some advice and info...
Sherri G

Posted by Sherri G (Member # 4906) on January 09, 2008 11:48 AM:
Oh, I also wanted to add that while I do know that if you do test early for ovulation, that you can get a false positive so that's why I figured I better come to the experts. I really don't want to miss this chance.

Posted by brlracer (Member # 11897) on January 09, 2008 11:48 AM:
I am new to the boards, 3 years past TR. DH and I started taking fertil+male and fertil+female made by Total Health Enhancements it was orinally a horse supplement. Their success rate is 70% for ages 35-46. Anyone using supplements? My dr discussed possible drugs but I have been ovulating normally, but my age is getting up there!

Posted by CarlaJo (Member # 10380) on January 09, 2008 12:49 PM:
Hi Sherri,
All I know is this: when I am not sure of stuff, I BD anyway. That way I don't miss the chance. Are you temping? I know that unless there is a male factor involved (low sperm count), you can BD everyday.
Maybe someone else will chime in.
Much Baby Dust To You!!

Posted by VIV007 (Member # 11493) on January 09, 2008 02:48 PM:
This was my second cycle of clomid and thank god I O'ed around the same time as usual. The only bad side effects were the night sweats and headaches.
I hope you have a success cycle with clomid.

Good advice Carla.. now only if I could get DH on board to BD every day.. that's a chore each month as so as it is. He tells me he's too old to go like that every night He's only 43. I sure hate to see what he's like in 7 more years when he hits the big 50!!!

Posted by AutumnalPyre (Member # 8496) on January 09, 2008 04:53 PM:
I have the same problem with my DH and he's only 34! You'd think BDing was painful or something! I told him if we stick to this month's "schedule", that I'll buy him some hockey tickets. LOL Let's see if that lights a fire under him!

Posted by Patiently waiting (Member # 11777) on January 09, 2008 05:43 PM:
Im sorry to bump in on this post but I just wanted to say that if my DH acts as though he might die because he has to be on a schedule for TTC, I think I might have to smack him.. Especially since right now, before TR, he is constantly wanting it all the time......He should be so happy when my PTLS is over with and I actually want to have sex. Right now I have no interest( due to problems probably that have to do w/ PTLS) but TTC I will have loads of interest.....Watch, he'll pull the ol'.."I have a headache thing" LOL. Sorry, Im just rambling...

Posted by CarlaJo (Member # 10380) on January 09, 2008 07:47 PM:
LOL! Well, no BD, no BABY!!! I took the clomid last night instead of in the morning and that seemed to have helped my mood. My lower tummy feels "fullish", if that makes any sense. I will take my last dose tonight.

Aunt Flo reared her ugly face today Oh well on to round 2 of Clomid.

Posted by CarlaJo (Member # 10380) on January 09, 2008 08:46 PM:
Sorry to hear that Nicole.

Yeah, me too. Sorry Nicole.

Posted by Sherri G (Member # 4906) on January 10, 2008 09:22 AM:
Shannon, It's funny but yet it's not.. DH thinks he "knows" when we should BD. When I say "time to BD" he asks when I got a +opt and then proceeds to calculate exactly what days would be best. Me on the other hand, I take my temps (not faithfully though), use OPK's, KNOW my body and the signs it gives me and then say "ok we're BDing the next 5 days like it or not." Poor guy, by the end of that 5 days he's completely worn out!! SO that's why he trys to pinpoint O on his own, so he won't be "tired & worn out."
I laughed when you said that about hockey tickets because I actually work part-time for an entertainment company and I work alot of AHL hockey games (GO BEARS!!!)
Unfortunately, my hubby isn't a sports fan (he's into anything automobile related) so I couldn't entice him with hockey tickets, which would be easy for me.
Good luck to you and Everyone else. Here's hoping we all release nice mature eggies and lots of them!!

Posted by CarlaJo (Member # 10380) on January 11, 2008 07:13 AM:
Sherri, did you ever get an answer to your question? Did you O? I feel like I am going to also and I took my last clomid pill Wed night.

Posted by AutumnalPyre (Member # 8496) on January 11, 2008 08:24 AM:
Mine does the same things! Isn't it funny? He adds it all up in his head and does the little air doodling thing with his finger and everything! Good luck with that this month! I think we both need it!
This is our first cycle of Clomid, and I feel like I'm about to O a grapefruit or two. Anyone else have this? How much later should I expect to O? TIA

Posted by pray4me (Member # 2763) on January 11, 2008 09:22 AM:
Good Morning ladies.
I finished my first round of clomid Tues. I have been feeling what I believe to be very light O pains and CM is wet. I am on CD10. I do take temps and use OPK. So far temps are crazy maybe it the hotflashes during the night and OPK is(-)
Dr told us to BD CD11, CD13, CD15. Hopefully I will O as normal.
Sorry AF showed up Nicole.
Carla is enjoy reading your posts.
Regarding DH and BD: I took him to the RE with me and he got a better understand since he was able to ask all of his questions and voice concerns.

Posted by CarlaJo (Member # 10380) on January 11, 2008 09:42 AM:
Why, thank you Vicky! I think you just made my whole day! :-)
I am also CD10. First cycle of Clomid. My OPK was positive this morning, but I am thinking that Sherri said that you can get false positives while using Clomid. My temps took a dip which is what I usually do right before I O. I feel like I may be, cm is wet also. Hmmm...everything I read says you O 5-9 days after your last pill???
Here is my FF chart

Posted by pray4me (Member # 2763) on January 11, 2008 10:09 AM:
Brain Freeze - can not remember how to post chart. My temp dip yesterday (2nd day after) and sky rocketed up this morning. I do not believe I am O yet. I am praying for this weekend.
? Carla what are your reasons for using Clomid?

Posted by CarlaJo (Member # 10380) on January 11, 2008 10:28 AM:
Go to sharing and then home page set up. Then you can copy and paste the url. HTH.
We have been trying for over a year now. We had an ectopic in December of 2006 and nothing since. I think I stopped ovulating after the methotrexate shot for a few months. So, the reason we are doing it is three fold, I am 43 time is ticking, possibly not ovulating (according to my dr, but I think I am), and it is the last thing we will try. We are going to quit trying in June of this year.
Why did you decide to try it Vicky?

Posted by wanting (Member # 2899) on January 11, 2008 11:17 AM:
hi ladies i am not new on the board i had tr in 8/03 since then had 2 ectopics and 3 mc we just finally found a re that will help us and now i am scared to death he said my dhs swimmers were fine and my hormones were good but he perscribed me clomid 100mg starting cd 3 i have read so much crazy stuff and am scared to take it i could really use some you ladies mind if i join you.any advice is welcomed

Posted by CarlaJo (Member # 10380) on January 11, 2008 11:21 AM:
Sure you can join us! The more the merrier! I was scared too. I didn't want to do any of that stuff. It affected me more when I took it in the morning. I would advise you to take it at night, that way you sleep through some of the side effects, if you even have any. Some women don't have any at all.
GL and much baby dust!

Posted by pray4me (Member # 2763) on January 11, 2008 12:23 PM:
Welcome wanting. This was my 1st round on 50mg Clomid CD3-CD7. I took it after lunch each day. The first day I felt weird and very light headed. The other days no side affect. Like most women I was scared also.
I am 38 - TR 5/07. DH and I informed DR we wanted to take an aggressive approach. Found out with the follicle test that my eggs were not maturing enough so he put me on clomid. Prior months he thought nothing was wrong bcuz of my charts. hmmm could have been the December stress. Hopefully this month eggs will mature and BD timing is right.
Carla, I asked because looking at your chart your LP seemed short at times. It seems as though a lot of women their BFP when after they stopped trying or reached their cutoff time. We are in prayer.
Much Baby Dust to everyone

Posted by PookieStarnes (Member # 11020) on January 11, 2008 01:03 PM:
HI all - noticed that 'pray4me' posted that she starts Clomid on CD3-CD7....I am supposed to start this month too but I am to start CD1-CD5....WEIRD...I wonder if that is because I am a 28 day cycle????
Any one wanna chime in .... Just me thinking out loud...Melissia (TR 12/21/2007 - 21 days post OP)

Posted by Sherri G (Member # 4906) on January 11, 2008 01:31 PM:
I took an OPT last night and got a line but it's not anywhere close to the control line. I've been having alot of pressure and pains in my pelvic and back, kinda feels like my belly is stuffed with something and is trying to squeeze out!!!
I'm not getting an U/S and I'm kinda worried because the last time I took the 50mg dose CD3-7 I developed OHSS and produced 6 cysts. The RE could tell I O'd but couldn't tell how many eggs I released. I'm taking a chance this month and hope I don't live to regret it. That month, DH and I didn't BD because we had an arguement but I told him that regardless of what happens he's BDing even if I have to rough him up
Carla and Shannon, keep me posted. I'd love it if we'd all get PG this cycle and all go on to deliver babies (and all around the same time). How awesome would that be!!!!

Posted by Sherri G (Member # 4906) on January 11, 2008 01:40 PM:
Hey Carla, I think it was a false alarm on ovulating early. I'm hoping because DH and I haven't been BDing. I told him this weekend we'll "start." When we finish is yet to be determined. LOL!! DH was worried that I am using clomid. He said that because he knows women are born with a set amount of eggs and if I'm wasting up to 6 eggs a cycle using clomid, he's worried that my supply will run out and I'll go thru menopause early (I'm 36 yrs old). I told him I didn't think I'd worry about that at this point but he does bring up a very interesting question. I wonder if anyone has ever discussed that with their RE.. If they have I hope we hear those answers, I'd be shock to find out I "ran out" of eggs!!!
Oh BTW, I'm definitely using Preseed this time. I'm not taking any chances on the CM thing. Anyone else using it??

Posted by CarlaJo (Member # 10380) on January 11, 2008 01:49 PM:
Hi Sherri.
I hope it was a false alarm then! I understand the full feeling. I have that too.
It seems like we have less ladies posting on here compared to the 1st thread that Amanda started.
I have the preseed, I just haven't been using it, b/c I didn't think I would be O'ing this early. Maybe I am not, maybe it was b/c of the clomid in my system still.
I hope I don't till after Sunday. We are going to my mother in law and father in laws in Columbus this weekend... Can't be BDing there! It is just a little condo..

According to my ovulation calendar I should be gearing up to O this week!!!! I sure hope this clomid works.. The way I've been feeling lately, I must have a number of eggies ready to leave the nest!!

Posted by Sweetpea (Member # 2742) on January 14, 2008 11:29 AM:
Hi Ladies~
Well first round on injections didn't I'm waiting for AF to get here and start all over again. I will be starting at a higher dose.
I'm anxiously waiting......
Hope everyone has a great Monday!!
Good Luck Sherri!

Posted by babydean (Member # 10601) on January 14, 2008 12:01 PM:
good morning ladies, i am on cd37, waiting to go to a re thureday,he's 3 hrs away but if it get's me preg worth it. probally will leave out wend. had my tr in feb.15,2007 so almost a year,been reading about you that's on clomid well it didn't work for me this time in past preg. it did i got up 200mg. so on to the next step.hope all has a great day

Posted by atf6377 (Member # 11791) on January 14, 2008 12:18 PM:
Hey Ladies--
How is everyone doing in their cycles??
Sherri--I hope the Clomid does the trick for you. Is your doc not monitoring you with US around O time??? It seems like you REALLY need one since you developed OHSS before.
Veronica--Sorry your injectable cycle didn't work. I hope you get your BFP with the higher dose. I too am going to get a higher dose next cycle if this one doesn't work.
As for me---9DPO and I tested my trigger out-so now I will probably tet for real in the morning which is still ery early for me at 10DPO. I typically don't get a BFP until atleast 13DPO but they have all been m/c's. I am hoping that if I can get an early BFP, then it may be my keeper baby.

Posted by robertozgirl (Member # 10215) on January 14, 2008 12:38 PM:
Hello All,
I am on cd 5 and I go in tomorrrow morning for lap surgery. After which I will wait for the next af to begin injectables again. It will be my second round of follistim.

Posted by Sweetpea (Member # 2742) on January 14, 2008 03:07 PM:
Good Luck tomorrow with surgery.....I will be waiting to hear the results so post when you can.
Prayers and thoughts are being sent your way!
God Bless :-)

Posted by Sherri G (Member # 4906) on January 14, 2008 10:09 PM:
Andrea, no my Dr doesn't even know I took the clomid this cycle. She very adament about me doing IVF that I just gave up on going to her and decided to do things on my own. I think I'll be ok this cycle because I don't feel sickly like I did in June when I developed OHSS. I was sick for over 2 weeks and my pelvic area felt like a huge balloon was blown up inside of me. Not the case this time.. even though I do feel some action going on down there. I'm just frustrated because I've been OPKing for 4 days now and NO positives yet. My ovulation calendar says this weekend but I honestly don't trust that. I read on the internet that you should consider the first day you take clomid as your CD1 and then test on CD12-15. Does anyone agree with that???

Posted by christinal (Member # 10504) on January 15, 2008 05:56 AM:
Can I join you guys? I start 100 mgs of clomid tonight. This is my last ditch effort. I went to a re 21/2 hours away to try to get injectables. He said i had to have at least 4 or 5 antral follicles per ovary to get them. Well I had 2. I don't realy think the clomid will do anything for me ( I'm 44) but said I would try for a year. Last time on 50, I didn't O and had a hard time with the OPK's. I started testing too soon maybe? Cd 10...When should I sytart testing? I hate wasting them. I also got false positives, cause I got a + on cd 10 and then again on cd 20. WTH? Can someone tell me when to start testing as to not waste them but to get a true picture of the + I appreciate it.
Cd 5

Posted by christinal (Member # 10504) on January 15, 2008 06:16 AM:
I forgot to ask....can I take Maca root with the clomid? I'm thinking NO, but wanted some input.

Posted by babydean (Member # 10601) on January 15, 2008 11:15 AM:
just wanting to write and say hi everyone could someone tell me when i go to the re thuresday will he want to just talk or will he probally put me on something i have never been to a re

Posted by atf6377 (Member # 11791) on January 15, 2008 12:29 PM:
I hope others will chime in to answer your question about the RE. I began seeing an RE because of recurrent miscarriage and he started with a battery of tests for me.
I would think any reputable RE would start by doing CD 3 bloodwork like FSH---to show your egg reserve. Another good test to have is CD21 Progesterone to see if you are ovulating. Other than that, I am not sure.
Be sure to write down a list of questions to ask him/her while there. Believe me--once you get in there and he/she starts talking medical mumbo jumbo, you will get all confused and forget what you wanted to say.
Good luck----

Posted by Barbara, RN (Member # 8698) on January 15, 2008 02:12 PM:
Sherri G,
I am concerned that you say you are taking Clomid without medical supervision. Clomid is a prescription drug that should be taken under a doctor's close supervision. If you are not comfortable with your current doctor, please find a different doctor to work with. There are risks involved with taking Clomid and it seems counterproductive to subject yourself to unneccessary risk. In addition, dosing yourself without appropriate follow-up with blood tests and ultrasound could mean you are not getting a therapeutic dose. There is a reason these drugs are prescription and require a doctor's care.

Posted by CarlaJo (Member # 10380) on January 15, 2008 04:17 PM:
Of course you can join us Tina! I sure hope that the clomid does the job for you. So far I am on cd 14 and 50 mg clomid. I have not ovulated yet.
Sherri G. I, like you, am not really being monitored. She just told me that if I have any heavy pain to call her. I would be worried if I were you! You already had the OHSS. It doesn't seem good that you are not getting U/S or something.
No, I had not heard that about considering the first day of clomid cd 1. I just heard that you should ovulate 5-9 days after you are done with your last pill. Today is day five for me. Hopefully soon!!

Posted by pray4me (Member # 2763) on January 15, 2008 05:38 PM:
Welcome aboard Tina. This was my 1st round of 50mg Clomid (CD 3-7). I temp every morning and started using OPK on CD8 (between 5-7pm). I finally got a + on CD13. The same morning my temp dropped (yes, am baby dance). I am on CD14 and my temp increased dramatically. Hopefully I O'd yesterday.
If correct I O'd 6 days after last Clomid pill.
Sherri G take xtra care. God Speed.
Baby Dean- I do not see an RE. My dr specialize in fertility so I stayed with him. I have only done HSG and follicle exam. Started Clomid because my eggs did not mature enough in size.
Just make sure you find someone you are comfortable with.
Much love, peace, and baby dust to everyone.

Posted by CarlaJo (Member # 10380) on January 15, 2008 07:33 PM:
Vicky, you are my cycle buddy. I am cd14 too. No positive on the OPK though. My temp dropped this am, hopefully will go up in the am.
Have a great night!

Posted by CarlaJo (Member # 10380) on January 16, 2008 08:50 AM:
Question ladies:
Warning, maybe tmi...
Last night when dh and I bd (can't miss the eggie!) I felt all kinds of almost pain and pressure. Like he was hitting my uterus almost. I have never felt that before. Could it be the clomid??? This is worrying me a little bit.
My temps are still low. So, cd 15 and no ovulation yet.

Posted by pray4me (Member # 2763) on January 16, 2008 09:31 AM:
Weird - CD13 Morning BD I had no problem but the second time (Night)I felt alot of pressure and was not as moist. This is a new experience for me also. We BD every other day so we will see tonight.
As I stated yesterday, CD13 temp dip 96.98, CD14 skyrocket up 97.92, and now CD15 dropped 97.52. So I do not know if I actually O'd still waiting to confirm. Also CM has changed back to Creamy.
The hardest thing for me is there is no guideline, model, or consistancy. It would be easier if the sign were more concrete.
Carla keep testing I know you started Clomid a couple of days after me.
Have an exceptional day ladies.

Posted by Sherri G (Member # 4906) on January 16, 2008 11:34 AM:
CD 15 and still NO +OPK.. what the heck is going on here!! I've been feeling pains like I should be Oing for the past few days but still the sticks show a light line. I even went out and bought another brand and tested twice lastnight thinking MAYBE I'd get a different result. Guess I'll just have to BD every other day to be sure!!!
Carla, it looks like you and I are going to be in a pickle if we both O this weekend, you're at your in-laws and my DH is at a mens retreat for church. The only good thing is, it's close by so he was already instructed that if need be, he will be finding a way to come home to BD!! Just imagine him telling the others that he had to go home to "service" his wife. (that's his term for BDing during O time)
I also wanted to add that I too have felt the same feelings you have before. I wonder if it's a low cervix causing the feeling?
Thanks ladies for being concerned, I appreciate it. I didn't think it was totally necessary to have an U/S if you were using clomid. (I had posted a question on here before and got that conscensus). If I thought my health was in danger, I definitely would call my RE and tell her I took it this cycle. She'd be ok with it because she told me before that if I changed my mind it was not a problem.

Posted by CarlaJo (Member # 10380) on January 17, 2008 09:20 AM:
Vicky and Sherri,
I am glad I am not alone in this, although it is not pleasant at all!
Well, CD 16 and no positive opk... Maybe the clomid didn't do anything for me.
"go home to service his wife" That is so funny!
Are your temps still up Vicky? Mine are still low. 96.85.

Posted by Sherri G (Member # 4906) on January 17, 2008 10:07 AM:
Still no +OPT.. What!!!??? I'm telling you this clomid had to have done something, I have been feeling alot of O like pains the past 2 days. I don't mind BDing every other day but I need to be on progesterone so its very hard to determine when to start if I don't know when I ovulated. WHY does this seem so hard now. I knew exactly when to test for O and exactly when to BD now after my 3 M/C's in a row, my cycle is SO screwed up I don't know whether I'm coming or going... Maybe I will O late because of the darn clomid... Who knows anymore!!
Carla, keep me updated.

Posted by AutumnalPyre (Member # 8496) on January 17, 2008 11:48 AM:
Ladies, please help me out here!
I am 4DPO on my first cycle of Clomid (50mg CD 2-6). Since yesterday, I have been extremely fatigued, crampy, gassy, and (sorry if TMI) had a noticeable increase in CM (sorry, but I feel like I am leaving a snail trail!). Has anyone else had this with Clomid? HELP!

Posted by CarlaJo (Member # 10380) on January 17, 2008 01:14 PM:
Sorry Shannon, I am not there yet, but it sure doesn't sound like fun!!! Hopefully, it will ALL be worth it!
Sherri and Vicky!! CD 16, Positive OPT today!!! Woo hoo, bd tonight! LOL!
Have a great day!

Posted by pray4me (Member # 2763) on January 17, 2008 09:47 PM:
Happy BABY DANCE to you Carla.
Shannon I just put in my temp and stated I am 3DPO. So far I am not experiencing any of those symptons.
Sherri I experienced several days of O pain before getting ++.
I thought since my temp went up on up, down, and back up that maybe I O'd on yesterday instead of CD13. FF stated that I O'd on CD13. I BD on both days. Wish me luck. CM agrees with CD13. Tell me what you think.

Posted by mommye (Member # 10658) on January 17, 2008 09:56 PM:


Posted by BLTEN123 (Member # 10920) on January 18, 2008 07:45 AM:
Morning ladies,
I am on my 2nd round of Clomid. My first round of Clomid and IUI were unsuccessful, but we're trying again. I noticed with my first round that when I "o'd" I had more pain than normal and when my cycle came, the first day was really, really crampy. I didn't get a peak on my CBFM, but I did get one of the sticks that I sometimes use as a backup. I understand that Clomid can throw the CBFM off sometimes. I am on day 3 of clomid and go back Friday for my mid cycle U/S to make sure the follicles responded to the meds. Last time I had my prog test at DPO7 and it came back at 43.2 which the RE said was incredible. But it wasn't incredible enough for me to get pregnant - go figure.
So we're off and running with this cycle and we'll keep our fingers crossed!.
Take care,
TR 05/17/07

I FINALLY got my +OPK!! Yippee!!! So guess what I'll be doing this weekend!!
Nicole, thanks for the concern. I did develop OHSS in June. I was on 50mg of clomid CD3-7. I had 6 cysts on my ovaries. Two were very large. I was sick for close to 2 weeks and had to be monitored via U/S and internal for a month to make sure the cysts went away on their own (which they did) I know I am taking a huge risk doing this on my own. I haven't been sick like I was in June, I've just been having alot of O type pains the past few days. The RE I was seeing (who every other woman raves about) doesn't think post TR conception will work for me since my tube lengths are 4. and 2. She referred me to do IVF and basically said she sees no reason to treat me. I went to another one and he said the same darn thing. I'm running out of Dr's in the area!!!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Pregnancy After Tubal Reversal Surgery With Dr. Berger

A patient on the Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center message board posts the results of her HCG levels and ultrasound exam. Members of the message board as well as staff members from Dr. Berger's office encourage her to follow the early pregnancy protocol that Dr. Berger recommends his patients follow once they have a positive pregnancy test. Not only does Dr. Berger give out very detailed information regarding tubal reversal surgery, he also educates his patients about early pregnancy monitoring once they get a positive pregnancy test so that they can determine at the earliest point where the pregnancy is located. Dr. Berger's care and devotion to his patients is just one reason that women from all over the US and other countries choose to have him perform their tubal reversal procedure.

From the forum After Tubal Reversal at Tubal Reversal Message Board.

Posted by khadija (Member # 7447) on January 10, 2008 02:48 PM: Ok this is not for me but for a close friend. She was PG but lost the baby after 8 weeks. A month later she was PG again. When her #s were around 9,000 US was done. Nothing showed up in the tube or in the U. She has not felt any pain. 1st US with the #s 9000 was done 12-28-07 about 2 weeks ago. She saw no blood or anything, went to DR 2 days ago and #s are now over 33,000. still no pain. No US was done. Is it possible that it could be in the tube or since no pain can it be in the U. Thanks and I hope you all are doing very well.

Posted by berta8133 (Member # 11188) on January 10, 2008 03:17 PM: Everything would be a guess and not quite the way to go...i would say they need to do another u/s. Posted by Rhonda Brown, RN (Member # 9485) on January 10, 2008 03:22 PM: It is highly recommed that immediate follow up with the physician be done today ASAP. Generally a pregnancy can be seen on ultrasound with HCG levels of 1500-2000. Please let us know how things go today.

Posted by in-Gods-hands (Member # 11795) on January 10, 2008 03:24 PM: What kind of US did they do? I would think if the could not see anything with the normal US they would have done a vaginal US. To make sure everything is fine.

Posted by Sarah Meacham, RN (Member # 9766) on January 10, 2008 04:02 PM: Please go see your doctor immediately - you need follow-up to find out where your pregnancy is located as soon as possible.

Posted by khadija (Member # 7447) on January 11, 2008 12:50 PM: OK first thank all of you. From what I read on the papers from the DR, it said that the PG would end on its own. just give it time. For over 2 weeks now she has been very sad waiting on it to happen. I told her to go see my DR yesterday. They saw her right away. Did US and saw the baby and the heatbeat. Told her she was 8 weeks and some odd days PG. She could not believe it. She is so happy now but still in shock. I have never heard of this. She also has been taking MEDS from the DR for 2 weeks now and is worried they could have messed something up. She is going back in for more check-ups to insure her everything is OK. Thank you all so much. As for me I am now little over 20 weeks PG with TR# 3. All is well. I do not feel tired or even feel PG. I have still not felt the baby move but it is moving just fine on US. DR said not to worry it may take a little longer. I wish you all the very best and sending baby dust to all.

Posted by in-Gods-hands (Member # 11795) on January 11, 2008 01:09 PM: I am gald your friend went to your doctor. I am happy to hear you and that baby are doing well also. I bet your friend could have fell in the floor after the doctor fought the baby. Tell her prayers are coming her way. Have a great day.

Posted by Sarah Meacham, RN (Member # 9766) on January 11, 2008 03:56 PM: I'm glad everything turned out to be okay!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Tubal Reversal For Women Who Regret Having Their Tubes Tied

Many women that come to Dr. Berger for their tubal reversal procedure often state that the reason for having the surgery is that they have regretted having their tubes tied in the first place. It is our mission that tubal reversal surgery with Dr. Berger will restore hope, fertility, and the opportunity to have children for 800 more couples, as we have done each year in the past. The Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center message board offers women a chance to see that they are not alone in their feelings and desire for the tubal reversal procedure.

Tubal Reversal Discussion on the Tubal Reversal Message Board:
A new Tubal Reversal Message Board member says, "Hi everyone. My name is Kate and I had my TL in 2004 after my second son. I regretted it from that day. I would like to get a tubal reversal but my doctor said because they were burned, cut, and tied that it was probably not likely to have them repaired. She actually referred me to an In vitro clinic. I'm just checking out my options right now after coming across this site." Kate receives many responses from other message board members about the advantages of tubal reversal and assurance that the fallopian tubes can be repaired by Dr. Berger even after they have been tied, cut and burned. It is apparent that many people, including doctors, mistakenly believe that tubal ligation is permanent and cannot be reversed. In fact, the rate of successful reversal is over 90% among Dr. Berger's tubal reversal patients.

Posted by Patiently waiting (Member # 11777) on December 29, 2007 12:23 PM:

Hi everyone. My name is Kate and I had my TL in 2004 after my second son...I regreted it from that day. I would like to get a TR but Im kind of sceptical about it. My doctor said because they were burned, cut, and tied that it was probably not likely to have them repaired. She actually refered me to an Invitro dr....anyway, Im just checking out my options right now and I came across this site....I guess we'll see. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Posted by mamasoup8 (Member # 11212) on December 29, 2007 12:38 PM:

I had that procedure Kate, and ended up with tubes of okay lengths! Dr. B is the best! I just had TR in November, so I can't report a BFP yet, but I'm hoping! Good luck in your decision- Traci

Posted by PaulnJenn (Member # 10984) on December 29, 2007 02:17 PM:

Send your operative reports to Dr.B and you will be able to find out if you are a good candidate for surgery.The type of TL that you have had has a lot of successful pregnancies.(on the weekly pregnancy lists) The great thing about TR is that you can try every month without the expense of IVF.

Posted by in-Gods-hands (Member # 11795) on December 29, 2007 03:58 PM:

Kate I hope you all the best. My doctor told me about going to Dr. Berger for my TR because of the way he did my TL. So look into everything before you say a door is closed. Dr.Berger said that he could do my TR so now we are working to getting on done in March of 2008.

Posted by LAG (Member # 7053) on December 29, 2007 05:34 PM:

Hi Kate, I had the same thing done (called a modified pomeroy). I got a BFP two months after TR but it ended in miscarriage at 10 weeks due to chromosomal abnormality. I have had a long year since then and haven't been able to try the whole time, but I am currently 5 weeks pregnant as of tomorrow. I ended up with 7cm on each side. Dr. Berger is very good at what he does. I would rather know I have a shot each and every month than pay $10,000 for a gamble per month, not to mention the toll on your body from all the fertility drugs and trauma to your ovaries.
God Bless and good luck!

Posted by Patiently waiting (Member # 11777) on December 29, 2007 06:56 PM:

Hello again,
I have a second question.....I have not cycled in 7 months ( my TL was in 2004) and Im wondering if this would affect my chances of a successful TR or if this is even something to worry about. My gyn dr say that it is just from me, I have a 3 yr old and a 4 yr old but I am not that stressed....what does everyone else think about this? She wanted to give me Depo to make my body cycle but I refused....any comments? [Confused]

Posted by in-Gods-hands (Member # 11795) on December 29, 2007 09:27 PM:

After my TL my cycle messed all up. It has not been normal after the TL. I did the shot no help and then did pills for away and still no help. Could be stress that does happen but the foods you are eating could too. If you are not taking in everything your body needs your cycle could stop. Pray about it and hang in there cause some times it helps to know your not alone. I went all most 7 months was the longs for me.

Posted by cnrstepp (Member # 11810) on January 01, 2008 09:27 AM:

Hi! My cycle has been all off whack since my TL, too. I have more painful periods now than ever before. I am hoping that things will even out once I have my TR.
I have heard wonderful things about Dr. Berger and his staff. If anyone can give you a chance, it will be them!!
TL: 10-1994
TR: hoping for March/April

Posted by Rhonda Brown, RN (Member # 9485) on January 02, 2008 08:19 AM:

Welcome to the board. I am glad to hear that you are thinking of having tubal reversal surgery. Dr. Berger has performed the reversal procedure on patients will all types of tubal ligations.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any other questions or if I can assist you with anything. I look forward to hearing from you and hopefully meeting you in the near future.

Posted by cf4063 (Member # 11864) on January 03, 2008 04:10 AM:

My TL-3/2002. I am so excited to have a child by my husband now!! I am really hoping for the TR in early April!! I love to read the stories of success and high hopes!! Good luck girls!! I can't wait to post my EDD!!!