This is topic Need Help Making a Choice-PLEASE.. in forum Preparing for Tubal Reversal at Tubal Reversal Message Board.
Posted by darkfeary474 June 09, 2009 04:34 PM:
Hi Ladies!!!
I know it has been a long time sense I have posted on here and I am sorry for that!!!... but I am still on my journey to get my TR done, It's just with the research that I have been doing I am just not sure as to what direction I want to go,.... here is my problem.. - when I first started my search for a TR doctor, Dr. Berger was the first Doctor that I ran into on the net and he has already seen my post-Op report and said that I am a good candidate for the TR.... but I have sense ran into on my search another Doctor .. Whom I wont mention here out of respect for Dr. berger of coarse , but my problem is I am just not sure who to go with it this is driving me CRAZY!!!! .. can anyone possibly give me some insight or advice?... its not just a price thing either I am thinking of my Safety and health also , like one of my questions is if something was to happen out of the ordinary while getting the TR and an emergency occurred how would that be handled? is there an emergency room or area at Chapel Hill?
Thanks SOOO much For all the Insight that I can get.. I need this info kind of soon. as our funds will be coming threw soon!!
Dana W From Ohio.
Posted by alwayshope June 09, 2009 04:43 PM:
I can understand your concern but there is a hospital very close if anything were to happen but I had my done on the 29th of May and I do have heart problems and they just had me get some test done to make sure that I was cleared t have surgery and they can handle most things and I will tell you as a nursing student and working in the medical field for 13 years I freak my self out by knowing a little too much but he and his staff are very knowledgeable about what they do and I trusted them 100 percent.....but at the end of the day go with whom ever you feel confident with I hope this helped soon best of luck to you in your TR journey. Miasha
Posted by AngieMP June 09, 2009 05:34 PM:
I believe they mentioned on the off chance that should something unexpected come up, that you would be transported to a nearby hospital. I am thinking, but don't quote me, that I was told that it only happened like 3 times in 08, and it was done for precautionary measures, not serious issues. You will be asked about your health history and anything of concern would have to be addressed before you have surgery. We traveled to NC (18 hours from home) and had complete trust in CHTRC. I would not have done it any other way. We loved the experience and would do it all over again! (yes, I really mean that)
![[Big Grin]](
Posted by StephSH June 09, 2009 05:55 PM:
Hi Dana,
I too looked at other websites in my search for the right Dr for my TR, and I'm from Southern Ohio, so there was one in particular that was MUCH closer to me than NC is.
The deciding factor for me was mostly the websites. I know that seems stupid, but I decided based that the professionalism put forward in Chapel Hill's website was a good way to judge the professionalism of the practice and staff in general. I found the other website to be childish, unprofessional and it spent more time saying why you should NOT go to someone else than just simply stating why you SHOULD go to them.
Chapel Hill didn't even hint that they had any "competition" they simply state their business, and their website is classy.
Not sure if that helps, but that is how I made MY decision :-)
Posted by cindy0714 June 09, 2009 06:00 PM:
I struggles a little bit trying to decide who to use. I have a doctor right here where I live that specializes in TR. My heart kept pulling me toward Chapel Hill so I went with it. I used Dr. Monteith and 2 months after surgery I was pregnant. I am now 11 weeks. I promise you will not receive the kind of patient care Chapel offers anywhere else. That I am sure of.
Posted by 1forhubby&me June 09, 2009 06:11 PM:
I also looked at other sites and decided on Chapel Hill because the "other doctor" had more negativity about everyone else and could not prove to me that he was worth the time. As for Dr Berger and staff they are always professional and willing to answer questions no matter how silly they may seem. The decision is ultimately yours if you are uneasy about anything just call and speak to the staff. Good luck on your decision and I'll keep you in my prayers. I'm scheduled for next week so I'll let you know about how I felt being face to face with everyone but looking at the posts and the conversation confirming my appointment today, I look forward to a great experience.
Posted by darkfeary474 June 09, 2009 07:01 PM:
Thanks for all of your opinions ladies!!! it is much appreciated.
And StephSH You Make ALLOT Of Valid Points about the "Other Site" I never looked at it from that point of view but you are completely right! .. Have You had any luck conceiving yet sense getting your TR?
Dana W From Ohio.
Posted by ismagirl June 09, 2009 07:02 PM:
I too am from Ohio (columbus)
I looked at rate my md dot com and they had very good comments one negative but it was directed to a nurse specifically and not to the doctors or chapel hill. and as you know being human you can't please everyone all the time. I went to Chapel Hill because God lead me there, plain and simple it was Gods will. I had my tr in Dec 08 and am now 6wks preggo saw heartbeat today.
Ireally think that you already want to go with chapel hill cause you are asking ladies who have nothing but good to say about them.
Ihope that no matter what you go with that all is well for you and that you follow your heart.
Posted by StephSH June 09, 2009 08:00 PM:
I got one BFP the second cycle after my TR but it ended in MC about a week after I found out I was pregnant. Haven't gotten another BFP since then, but I'm starting Clomid this month, both tubes are open, and I have very regular cycles, so I'm hoping that it will happen soon. I have short tubes, 3.5 on each side and that is probably what's causing the delay.
What part of Ohio are you in? I'm in Western Ross Co.
Posted by pkubes68 June 09, 2009 08:11 PM:
CH told me IF you needed some kind of ER care you would be transported to The University of North Carolina Medical Center (hospital). It isn't likely but they do let you know just in case.
When I found CH on the internet I just knew that was the place to go. I'm so glad I did and I have no regrets. Go with your gut instinct. Good Luck.
Posted by Julia, RN June 09, 2009 10:02 PM:
Thanks to each of you for the helpful posts (and very nice comments)! In the unlikely event a patient needs hospitalization, we do have a transfer agreement with The University of North Carolina Hospitals approximately 1 mile from our facility. Dr. Berger and Dr. Monteith have both been on staff there, so we have a nice relationship...if needed. All of our nurses are ACLS (advanced cardiac life support) certified and we have only board certified MD's. As some of you know based on the testing we have asked for pre-operatively, we err on the side of caution and have policies and procedures in place to ensure patient safety. This occasionally means that additional testing - or a delay in surgery - is required, but it is based on our commitment to safe and professional care.
Please let us know if you have questions!
Julia S., RN
Posted by darkfeary474 June 09, 2009 10:31 PM:
Thanks Steph Again . and sorry to here about your MC, I hope the clomid helps ya!
Also Thank You Julia for your info on - just in case there is an emergency , wow I didn't realize that the hospital was only 1 mile away from CHTRC that in itself sets my mind at ease,
I do not have any kind of major medical problems so that shouldn't be a problem the only problem I do have which isn't to much of a problem now is, I am a Type 2 Diabetic but have my Diabetes under complete control with an A1C level of 5.3 which my Doctor told me is at Non-Diabetic Levels!!!! Whoohooo... I have worked hard to get where I am at right now and in turn have also lost 66pounds in the process
As of now my husband and I have talked over and it looks like we will be going with Dr. Berger for my TR!.... so I will be getting in contact and finding out what is left for me to do..
Thanks Again!!!!
Posted by darkfeary474 June 09, 2009 10:32 PM:
Thanks Steph Again . and sorry to here about your MC, I hope the clomid helps ya!
Also Thank You Julia for your info on - just in case there is an emergency , wow I didn't realize that the hospital was only 1 mile away from CHTRC that in itself sets my mind at ease,
I do not have any kind of major medical problems so that shouldn't be a problem the only problem I do have which isn't to much of a problem now is, I am a Type 2 Diabetic but have my Diabetes under complete control with an A1C level of 5.3 which my Doctor told me is at Non-Diabetic Levels!!!! Whoohooo... I have worked hard to get where I am at right now and in turn have also lost 66pounds in the process
As of now my husband and I have talked over and it looks like we will be going with Dr. Berger for my TR!.... so I will be getting in contact and finding out what is left for me to do..
Thanks Again!!!!
Posted by TulipGarden June 10, 2009 12:01 AM:
I had my surgery on June 4, 2009. All I can tell you is that we traveled half way across the country, and it was well worth it. I don't think I have ever gone into surgery and felt more comfortable. They are a terrific group of people.
What steered us was the fact that Dr. Berger has a long standing history of focusing just on TR; we did not want someone who was going to try to push us into IVF. I could have gone to someone here right in town and it cost much more, but they only perform 3 or 4 a month. Dr. Berger's credentials are impressive and he specializes in TR. Once I met with Dr. B I felt confident in choosing him, he answered my questions very thoroughly and was open to any and all questions. He was realistic, and I appreciate that more than anything. I can tell he intelligent but yet willing to explain it understandable terms. As far as my surgery, I liked the fact that I went into surgery a little later than anticipated because this meant that Dr. B took his time with the patient before me, which in turn assured me that when it came my turn that Dr. Berger would also give me the same care and attention, and he did just that. Dr. Monteith caught my eye with practicing in high-risk OB. I guess because I am considered high risk. While I chose Dr. B, I have heard many great things about Dr. M.
This is what my husband said: Marc liked that Dr. Berger is straight forward, logical, professional, and has excellent knowledge about his specialty. He liked that Dr. Berger takes good care of himself, and while you should’t judge by looks, it shows that his character exudes some type of concern and determination that most likely carries over into his work. And I agree, Dr. Berger is a very handsome man. But that is not what made me comfortable lol!
Regarding the staff, if I haven’t said it a million times, it's true what everyone says. They work so well together as a team. They made me smile, and feel so comfortable. The anesthesiologists made me feel comfortable also. They asked questions that made me feel confident that they knew what they were doing. Goodness, even the receptionists made me feel comfortable.
I never worried for a moment there would be a situation in which I would’t be taken care of if there was an emergency, but I also attributed that to my husband whom I trust. My husband is intelligent and on high alert when it comes to my well-being. In my state of consciousness I know that my husband would not allow me to be in any type of sub-standard situation.
Even if we are never able to conceive, without a doubt, we picked the best surgeon to give us the very best chance. I do not regret it for a moment.
HTH. Lots of luck to you and your journey.
Cindy & Marc
Posted by BearsGirl June 10, 2009 12:30 AM:
I am going through the same thoughts also. When I first started my journey for a TR I thought about Chapel Hill for sure. I do have a TR Dr. right here in my town but it was the site and the communication here at Chapel Hill that attracted me. The care that is taken to give responses is just wonderful. I have a couple of months to do some soul searching and will be ready for TR. I believe my choice will be Chapel Hill though!
Posted by purplelisa12 June 10, 2009 08:55 AM:
I agree with TulipGarden,
I'm always the one who "shops around" but kept coming back to Chapel Hill. It was a matter of who has been doing "ONLY TUBAL REVERSALS" for me. At my age etc, if I was really going to do this I wanted "the best" and I found that to be Dr. Berger. I too must admit that the website and all the info they share as well as having this very board was also a deciding factor for me. It just feels more like a "home" for us who decide this is the journey we want to take. Where there is support, there is knowledge. And I think in this journey we all need as much knowledge as possible. The staff are great and very caring. Dr. Berger is "yes, handsome" but very professional, and I felt like he cared about each of us that day. So you will ultimately have to decide what's best for you. But if you do choose Chapel Hill and Dr. Berger you will NOT be sorry.
Posted by AnitaA68 June 10, 2009 09:11 AM:
I called clinics and doctors in my area that performed TRs. I had a list of questions including how many performed, costs, success and website availability.
What I found was very few did as many as CH, the cost was less at CH, the others didn't keep records of pregnancies, and they had no web site.
I feel that since CH specializes in TR, they would be better than someone who did them only a couple of times a year. I also liked being able to see statistics and be in contact with people who were sharing my experience.
From When choosing the right tubal reversal surgeon, patients prefer to choose the surgeon who is more involved with them and not the competition. Women are opting for tubal reversal surgery to have a child and are not concerned with websites that are there for bashing other physicians. They are choosing to be well informed and make an educated decision. Many couples have made the final decision and that is to proceed with tubal reversal surgery. After many hours of searching information and reading the moment has arrived to choose the right surgeon that will fit your needs and provide the surgery with the results you are looking for.
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