This is topic Not sure how to take this BFP! in forum After Tubal Reversal at Tubal Reversal Message Board.
Posted by bpmommyof5
Well ladies, my Af was almost two days lat but showed up on Dec 3rd. I started having CM thick on Friday cd8 so I tested for ovulation came back positive. Sunday still continuing with thick cm went to church was there 30 minutes and began to get hot and sick at my stomach 5 minutes later was n the bathroom throwing up. Threw up twice then left church went home and threw up again. Took some phenergan and slept most of day. Woke up this morning got ready for my HSG test . Took a HPT not sure why just did. Came back positive! went to test told DR she ordered a HCG went home took 3 more HPT all had faint pink lines. Still waiting for test results had DH pee tested ( no faint pink line) So I knew I was pregnant but now need the numbers. Numbers came back @ 40. So if i calculated correct I would be 24 past ovulation! Do these numbers seem low to anyone? I also am cramping so worried!
Posted by paprika0601
I wish none of us worried as much as we do, and I find it almost funny that we are the first ones to say "try not to worry" but worried our little heads off. I've seen lower numbers and successful tubal reversal pregnancies . I cramped up until my 13th week. I worried until I quit cramping. I hope that makes you feel better and maybe worry a little less. Lets wait and see how your numbers do the 2nd and 3rd draw. Good luck. I will be praying for you
Posted by AngieMP
My first number was 44. I am a little confused though .. AF showed on Dec 3? Or do you mean Nov 3? Dec 3 would only make you CD 13 .. and many don't even ovulate by CD 13. Maybe I am reading it wrong ..
Posted by in-Gods-hands
I wish you all the best. It is known that some ladies can O right after AF. So there is a chance you are just very early. What ever is going on I hope you get answers. Hang in there. Miranda
Posted by Abby C
I honestly can say I was one that did not worry. I took a HPT once AF didn't show up. It was a very faint line (barely visible). Took another the next day with FMU and the same result. I called the doctor and went to have BW. My HCG was 72 then the second draw it was 225. I never had another draw and went in for US at 6 weeks and everything was right where it was supposed to be.
As long as your numbers are doubling it doesn't matter where it starts out at. If you read the back of the HPT box it will tell you also that you are more likely to get a - result when you are actually pregnant than you are to get a + result when you aren't. Relax and keep breathing!!!
Posted by cdb
Congrats to you! I couldn't be happier if it were me! I mean that. I think going through this tubal reversal journey together makes this so much more special. We had our surgeries the same day and have grown closer and closer since then. Like I told you last night, just be excited!! I know it is hard but this is great news! I love you girl!!
Posted by Jo Ann01
Congrats! I hope that everything works out great for you - however.... You are right, if you really are 24 DPO than the number is low. I wonder if you didn't ovulate later that you thought? You know a OPK will react as a +++ if it detects hcg in your urine. It happened to me.
AF was a day late and I tested and got a BFN. AF arrived the next day. But my bb's stayed swollen and AF was very short and light. At around CD 9 I felt right sided and rectal pain. It went away after one day. Then it came back very lightly. I used an OPK on what I thought was CD14 on the new cycle and it was +++. Then 2 days later I started bleeding again this odd purplish blood.
I went in for a blood draw and my level was 120. They did an u/s and found my right tube was swollen huge. They admitted me to the hospital and checked my level the next morning - it had dropped to 84. They sent me home and I continued to bleed and watch my numbers down to zero.
The right sided pain continued and they finally removed my tube 6 weeks later. It was sealed on both ends and full of old blood.
(9 months later I got pregnant again with my one tube left and my son is 13 weeks old)
I am not trying to scare you or discourage you, but the reality is that you are right to be cautious. I hope that you ovulated later than you thought and that your numbers will rise and everything will be fine. But I have had 2 TR babies and 2 m/c since my TR, so I know firsthand that it doesn't always work out.
Please be aware of symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy and go to the doc ASAP if you have any.
I really hope this is your keeper!
Jo Ann
Posted by HeWants2BeADaddy
Diane is so right... we have been on this journey together for months before out TR and everyday since. Your BFP is our BFP... I do have to say I am not as good a person as Diane lol, when I heard about your BFP I got so anxious to finally see one myself, but yes I am thrilled for you and DH. You both mean the world to us. The best news thus far is that you can get pregnant... and it gives us hope! Here's to the 8-3-09 TR sisters and a happy and healthy nine months for you Beverly.
Posted by HeWants2BeADaddy
I am waiting by the phone for your call Beverly, and just want you to know that I love you and Tony! We are praying for you sticky bean
Love, Sam & Neva
Posted by bpmommyof5
Well got my second hcg draw back this afternoon. Wasn't good they went from 40 to 52 in 48 hrs. The dr is thinking ectopic. But I will go again friday for a 3rd draw to see if the hcg numbers will double.
I'm really sad but trying to stay hopeful! I have been praying for a baby for xmas for months! I really thought my prayers were answered and I was getting my baby! I guess god must have other plans for me!
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