Sunday, December 9, 2007

Dr. Berger's Patients Discuss Use of Ovulation Predictor Kits

Dr. Berger recommends use of ovulation predictor kits as an aid to trying to conceive after tubal reversal surgery. These simple urine test strips are used for a week in the middle of the menstrual cycle. They test for the presence of lutenizing hormone (LH) which is an indicator that ovulation will take place within 12-36 hours. Once the test strip shows a positive, intercourse should take place daily for 3 days during this fertile period of the woman's cycle.

This is topic Help/Need advice? Can't figure this out. in forum After Tubal Reversal at Tubal Reversal Message Board.

Posted by sillypuddha (Member # 11649) on December 09, 2007 12:31 AM:

I have never used OPK's before or anything like that. Had my TR on 11/29/07!! Went great, and I feel wonderful. Just trying to figure out when I O, just to have a head's up on things. I am not temping, and I am currently using FF as a calendar for things. I am using the OPK's 2X a day. I usually test around 10 am, and 9:30 pm. Last night I tested late--10pm, got a - on my OPK, this morning I tested around 10am, got a +. I decided to test again around 1pm to just check it again, and got another +. Tonight, I tested at 9pm, and got a -. Does that seem right? I only had a surge of about 12 or so hours, and where does that put me O wise. My cycles are every 28 days like clockwork. I am currently on CD14 as of Saturday. According to FF I should O today, but again, I have not temped, and this is the first month I am doing any of this. I must be completely stupid. I can't figure any of this out for the life of me. You girls are all such a wealth of knowledge and support, so I figure some of you can explain this to me. Sorry for being such a great big PIA, but I'm hoping someone can help me out with this stuff. Thanks, Krys

Posted by TheMzD (Member # 6500) on December 09, 2007 01:31 AM:

Its very normal for the surge to only last a few hours - you should actually release the egg within 12-36 hours after the surge. Since you just had surgery, your ovulation may have been delayed just a bit, but thats OK.

Good luck!


Posted by Tarebear38 (Member # 9544) on December 09, 2007 09:06 AM:

Kay is exactly right, and yes, it's perfectly normal to get a + and a - in the same day. That's why it's so important to test twice a day when getting close to ovulation. The normal advice is to bd the day of a + OPK, plus the next 2 days (so 3 days in a row). And HEY, don't call yourself stupid! That's not nice, lol. Everyone always has lots of questions at first, so don't worry & ask away.

Posted by sillypuddha (Member # 11649) on December 09, 2007 10:40 AM:

Thanks so much girls for your advice. I really appreciate it. I guess there is still so much I have to learn. I think it's funny, I never had to even think about this with my others. You're all so wonderful, knowledgeable, and supportive.

Posted by mama12 (Member # 11260) on December 09, 2007 10:41 AM:

From the chart Dr. B gave me I'm every 28 days which I know, but from what it said I O on or about the 11th day every month. I know this, we did have a BFP.
What we did was the 9 - 14 BD every day and it worked. I had a mc no big deal but we did get a BFP it did work for sure.
This last month I think I o'd on the 1st. I don't test, never do I can tell when I o when I sing my voice is better when I o. It was clear as a bell on the 1st which was CD11.

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