Friday, February 29, 2008
Your Personal Journey From Tubal Ligation To Tubal Reversal Surgery
This is topic Your journey from TL to TR in forum New Message Board Members at Tubal Reversal Message Board.
Posted by 2girlsmama (Member # 12024) on February 26, 2008 05:12 PM:
I'm newer to the board.I wanted to know what brought you to Dr. Berger and brought you on this journey?
The reason why I'm asking is I'm so confused what to do. I want to have the TR for PTLS symptoms but I want another baby too. My lovely DH started me on this journey when he said he often wishes we could of tried again for a boy. Hense my screen name 2girlsmama. Then after I find this wonderful site, and we find out that I'm not crazy and the feelings and symptoms I have are most likely due to PTLS, he decides that our family is complete and doesn't think we should do it to have DC but for my health, and since concluding I would have to do some form of birth control so that I was not pregnant all the time. So he has back down from wanting me to have the TR because he feels we are complete. He also thinks since I would have to be on the BC anyways why have the surgery!
I also just found out my best friend who has been nothing but supportive thru this process is pregnant, and it's funny because her and her DH thought their family was complete!!
I just wanted to see if others were like me struggling to make the decision to either have it or to not. I know it can only be up to me and my DH.Has anyone else's DH felt like they wanted the TR and then changed their mind? Also I take BC pills due to the heavy bleeding which I've been on now for a year, and I was going to try to go off them this month, I skip the normal day I start and immediately felt like crude, bloated.So I took the pills and this whole week I have felt like a bump on a log, nothing interests me, I'm short with my DDs and just want to crawl in hole. I don't know if it is depression or just disappointment in possibly not getting the TR.
Any opinions or stories would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
Posted by Blessings (Member # 9736) on February 26, 2008 05:35 PM:
My DH and I have 5 children together and I had the TR surgery due to the PTLS (BEST THING I EVER DID). We did not want anymore children since we have 5 already. Since my surgery I have not taken any precautions not to get pregnant.. we decided if it was God's will for us to have another baby that he will bless in this area , if not then that is okay too.
I feel like my old self before TL and for that it was well worth anything even if I never do have another baby.
I will be turning 40 soon and will take precautions not to get pregnant if I do not get that BFP very soon.
You could always have the surgery and if you later decide to TTC then you will have that option plus, you could help eleviate your PTLS symptoms.
Best of wishes, christie
Posted by sprocket (Member # 10860) on February 26, 2008 05:56 PM:
hi sherry,
i had my TL when i was 18 yrs old. i had already had 2 children and was in a very bad marriage, so i thought it best. well from then on until TR my periods were awful. always painful, 7 - 10 days long and very,very heavy. i had started looking into TR around the year 2000, b/c of my periods ( my doctor never would put me on the pill, said it was a waste b/c of TL) my husband at the time wouldn't hear of it. he said the period thing was a lie and i was trying to trap him with child support if we split up. needless to say i realized b/c of that and other things we didn't need to be together any longer. i suffered for 5 more years with the terrible pains . in 2005 i meet my soul mate. we discussed more children right off the bat and i explained about the TL and about the TR. he was all for it,after we got married. so we got married 3/7/07 and 5/2/07 we had the TR. he has 7yr old triplets from his 1st marriage and i have 2 teenagers from my 1st marriage. so in a sense we are complete also. we mainly did the TR b/c of my problem, but have since decided to try for more babies. to me if you are already on BC what would it hurt to have the surgery and then stay on them and later if you and DH decide to have more children you can. TR is most definately worth getting rid of PTLS. my periods are now only 3-5 days, alot less painful and no where near as heavy. good luck and best wishes.
Posted by in-Gods-hands (Member # 11795) on February 27, 2008 08:45 AM:
Hi Sherry I had my TL in October of 03. I was in a marriage were things were not good and did not want to add any more children to the mix. I have moved on and God has blessed me with a great man. Funny thing is he is younger than me too. He does not have any children of his own but has took my 2 in as his own. He does all the daddy stuff even the sick stuff. I am getting the TR to make me feel better from the PTLS and if God choices to bless us with a baby we would love it. I am set to get my TR in March on the 24th.I remember that before my TL I loved getting out and doing things I loved life. After the TL I want to just stay home never get out a lot even though I love the great outdoors. I want to be myself again so I can be a better mom. I understand where you are coming from. If you want to you are welcome to come to the Waiting Room and talk with all the lady's in waiting. I wish you all the best in what you decided to do. Miranda
Posted by 2girlsmama (Member # 12024) on February 27, 2008 02:45 PM:
Thank you for your tell me your stories.I want relief from these problems. I'm scared I will be the only one that doesn't benefit from this surgery. It's nice to hear when others have the same symptoms as me and having doctors telling them it all in their heads. Is the waiting room for posters already scheduled or for anyone considering the TR?
Posted by hopefulin2008 (Member # 11297) on February 27, 2008 03:35 PM:
Hey ladies I hope its alright if I jump in! I have not had my TR yet but I am schudeled for Aug 4 so that will put me at 2 years and 8 months and some odd days between TL and TR. I am having my TR so that my DH and I can have another baby but not only that I would love some relief from the PTLS sysptoms that I have too. Hope you ladies are having a blessed day in the Lord! Jennifer in NC
Posted by in-Gods-hands (Member # 11795) on February 27, 2008 03:46 PM:
The Waiting Room is for all lady's waiting in some way. You are more than welcome even if you have not set your date yet. My name is Miranda and I am keeping the list going right now. I started caring for the list before I set my date. I was weired to put my own name on the list. I wish you all the best.
Posted by 2girlsmama (Member # 12024) on February 27, 2008 10:23 PM:
Thank you Miranda. I have read the posts in the Waiting Room. I'll have to go over and post. Thanks
Posted by beebeekinsers (Member # 12115) on February 29, 2008 10:39 AM:
Hello Ladies,
My journey begins almost ten years ago. I was 26, having my 4th child, and near the end of my marriage. I now have a wonderful DH, who married me 8 years ago, knowing that I could not have more children. We spoke of reversal early in our marriage, but were not fortunate enough at that time to find Dr. Berger. Suddenly, we began to talk about it again, after I found this web site, and we are both very excited bout the possibility. I have not scheduled the surgery yet, since we need to save the money up, and I also need to lose some weight. I'm 36 now, and feel confident that there is time for me. My kids are thrilled that we're planning this.
Posted by Lisa D. (Member # 11010) on February 29, 2008 12:13 PM:
Hi Sherry!
I didn't have PTLS, so I can't speak to that, but I can speak to the fear. I, too, was more than a little anxious about ttc again. So many questions and I would waffle back and forth between, yes I want another baby, well maybe that would be too much to add another child?-Always struggling to leave it in God's hands. Anyway, we went through with the surgery and I was soooo nervous because I assumed we would be just as fertile as we were before. I swear He would just breath on me and I would get preggers!!! LOL Well, here I am almost a year post TR (5/1/07) and not one BFP. Oh how I wish I could have the 'problem' of being too fertile!! So my point of all this is- I had nothing to worry about. We don't have to use protection, because it isn't easy for us to conceive anymore. We have to work at it and that seems to be the case for alot of gals here. Though, everyone is not the same and the type of your TL makes a difference. Just thought I'd share our experience. GL
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Ladies Announce They Are Pregnant This Week After Undergoing Tubal Reversal Surgery
This is topic Pregnancy Report for 2/16/08 to 2/22/08 in forum Weekly Pregnancy Reports at Tubal Reversal Message Board.
Posted by Sarah Meacham, RN (Member # 9766) February 22, 2008 04:53 PM:
Age DOS Type of Ligation Tube Lengths
33 2/28/07 Falope rings 6.0cm/5.5cm
35 10/12/05 lig/res/caut 5.5cm/3.0cm
33 6/27/05 lig/res/caut 7.5cm/6.0cm
37 2/3/06 bipolar cautery 5.0cm/4.5cm
29 9/7/07 lig/res 5.0cm/6.5cm
29 3/1/07 lig/res/caut 5.5cm/3.5cm
36 11/27/07 Hulka clips 7.0cm/8.0cm
29 11/6/07 Filshie clips 7.0cm/7.5cm
33 7/16/07 Falope rings 4.5cm/4.5cm
40 5/31/07 Hulka clip 7.0cm
34 1/8/04 bipolar cautery 4.0cm
Congrats to everyone this week and don't forget to check out the Pregnancy Announcements for more details!
Posted by mamasoup8 (Member # 11212) February 22, 2008 05:10 PM:
Congrats and have a happy and healthy 9 months!!!
Posted by Sweetpea (Member # 2742) February 22, 2008 05:51 PM:
WAHOO! Another great list....CONGRATS ladies!
Posted by Lori H (Member # 10104) February 22, 2008 06:02 PM:
congrats!!!!!!! I wish all of you a happy nine months.
Posted by donnavan (Member # 12094) February 23, 2008 07:04 PM:
Awesome to see so many I wish you all a healthy Nine months God Bless you all. I so hope I get Preg soon after my TR.. My husband is so so so excited.This will be his first and I have three but they are all teenagers and have their own life even though he loves them so much they are still not going to call him daddy so that would be such a wonderful moment.. so glad this message board his here I am having so much fun reading and learning everything.. God Bless you all
Posted by hopefulin2008 (Member # 11297) February 23, 2008 11:18 PM:
Congratulations Ladies! Wishing you all a happy and healthy nine months. Jennifer in NC
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome After Tubal Reversal
What Happens to Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome After Tubal Reversal?
Tubal Reversal Message Board members discuss the difference in their symptoms of Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome before and after tubal reversal surgery.
One members states, "I had my tubal reversal due to PTLS. I had a lot of bad symptoms. Mine were fits of rage, no sex drive, could not sleep, weight gain, hair loss, depressed (never was before), terrible long AF's. I had the tubal reversal in 3/06 and by the time of my first cycle most of them were gone. I was much better and my family saw a huge difference in me without me even asking around 3 months. My first AF cycle was back to pre-TL. I was very fortunate that my surgery was a complete success and this happened for me very soon after TR." Another reports, "It takes about a full cycle and you'll notice the difference. I don't know how it works or why, but it works. It's truly amazing."
The following is the topic PTLS after TR in forum After Tubal Reversal on the Tubal Reversal Message Board.
Posted by heavenlycreation (Member # 11842) on February 09, 2008 02:51 PM:
I had my TR on 2/4, not because I'm trying to have another baby, but because of PTLS. I've not been myself since my TL in April of 07. It started w/ weird, electric shock type of headaches, that I can feel in my mouth and face, and then turned into these mental states where I just feel frozen and disconnected, not wanting to be around people. Social situations became very uncomfortable, even playing with my children was not the same. I feel brain dead all the time, and can't concentrate on anything. I thought I was going crazy until I found out about PTLS in Dec 07. God answered my prayers when I was able to schedule my surgery in Jan.
Now I'm 5 days past my surgery and wondering when I'm going to be normal again. I wonder if there is anyone else out there like me, who had the same symptoms. I just wish I knew what to expect. The unknown is so hard to deal with. Today I definitely feel different than before the surgery. I have a racing heartbeat, lightheaded, headache, and some light vaginal bleeding. All of those things on top of my usual symptoms, that have not gone away yet. I'm hoping that the new symptoms are due to hormone changes, which would be a good thing!
If any of you have experienced the same things, when did you feel normal again after the TR? If my new symptoms are from hormone changes, how long should that last?
Posted by mama12 (Member # 11260) on February 09, 2008 03:17 PM:
It takes about a full cycle and you'll notice. I got pregnant right after, had a MC and even the MC was less than my normal period bleeding.
I had a rough AF last month, I o'd on my non tube side, this month though??? A PIECE of cake, my worst symptoms were the usual bloating water weight which is normal PMS and sore BB's that's it LOLOLOLOL I cannot even smile huge enough to show how happy I am to have relief!!! My AF? Almost over and started on the 7th.
It takes a full cycle and gets better from there I promise!!!! You'll see. The first O I noticed increased sex drive, and I was warmer I was ALWAYS cold after T:, it's so nice. The perpetual pain in my ovaries??? GONE!
You should have only normal PMS symptoms, give it a month you'll see and it gets even better after, it did for me.
The disconnected fuzzy brain feeling was my very first symptom of PTLS and it is HELL. That was a huge flag to me all I could think was "WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!!!" That is gone too. I'm back finally. Thank God. That was THE worst symptom of it all I think, when your heads in a fog life is just no fun you know that! Give it a little time you'll see what i'm talking about it all just goes away like magic.
PMS is a breeze in comparison to the C%^& I dealt with for 7 years. I don't know how it works or why Dr. Berger I don't think knows either but it works. It's truly amazing.
Give it 2 full cycles you'll get the full effect.
You should write down all your PTLS symptoms now while you remember them, then in 2 months see where you are at. You'll be surprised I bet!
PTLS was the MAIN reason I had this done, I want another baby, but that's not a guarantee, the PTLS thing though I was at the end I was DONE. I was not tolerating it any longer. I had a 14 day long period then I scheduled. It was truly my last step before hysterectomy.
Posted by Blessings (Member # 9736) on February 09, 2008 03:31 PM:
I also had my TR due to PTLS..I had alot of bad symptoms. Mine were fits of rage, no sex drive, could not sleep, weight gain, hair loss, depressed (never was before), terrible long AF's.
I had the TR in 3/06 and by the time of my first cycle most of them were gone. I was much better and my family saw a huge difference in me without me even asking around 3 months. My first AF cycle was back to pre-TL. I was very fortunate that my surgery was a complete success and this happen for me very soon after TR.
I hope you get relief soon. You do need to give it some time though, after being on this board for almost 2 years, everyone heals at a different pace and you cannot really compare yourself to anyone else.
Blessings, Christie
Posted by in-Gods-hands (Member # 11795) on February 09, 2008 05:27 PM:
Christie what you talked about sounds just like me right now. I am to get my TR in March-08. I am look forward to being me again. I just had a rage fit cause my son broke the paper holder on my printer. I have learnt to hold it in but that can not be good either. I can not wait till I am myself again. You lady's give me hope and ty for that. Miranda
Right now I am CD-31 so that is a big part of how I feel today. I just want to get away from everyone here at home or hide under the covers and stay in bed, lol.
More information on Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome (PTLS)
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Do Symptoms of Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome Improve After Tubal Reversal?
The following is from the Tubal Reversal Message Board
Posted by 2girlsmama (Member # 12024) on February 05, 2008 04:54 PM:
Hello everyone
My name is Sherry, I have two DDs 4 and 2. The other day my DH said to me over lunch, sometimes I wish we could still have kids.I had been having the thought for awhile, and due to my TL in 2006 could not without reversing. So I go to the internet and found this website. A total godsend!
Then I saw about post tubal ligation syndrome. I was like that is me. My gyn put me on BCP, and I didn't think why? I chalked it up to age and hormones, I'm only 31.My husband and I are talking about do the surgery ASAP. I found out I had the Parkland TL, has anyone had this type, and gotten pregnant, and has the PTLS stopped? TIA
Posted by HopesAndDreams (Member # 11754) on February 05, 2008 07:05 PM:
Hi Sherry,
Welcome to the board! You will find so much information here. I've hanging around here for almost 5 years, but recently started posting. I'm 33 and I suffer PTLS so bad and have regretted my TL even on the OR table having it done. I just scheduled my surgery for April 11th! I've been saving for the past 3 years and finally able to schedule. Anyway, I didn't have the Parkland TL as you did, but I'm sure someone will chime in and help you with information. Again, welcome to the board and read up as much info as you can here. LOL
Posted by Rhonda Brown, RN (Member # 9485) on February 05, 2008 07:18 PM:
Dear Sherry,
Welcome to the board. We have had many patients that have come for surgery for PTLS and most women report an improvement following the surgery. Not only are they feeling better but they also have a chance for another baby if they desire. Dr. Berger has performed the reversal procedure on many women that had a Parkland tubal ligation. Please feel free to email me if you have any questions or if I can assist you with anything. I look forward to hearing from you and hopefully meeting you soon. By the way, we do have openings at the end of February.
Posted by 2girlsmama (Member # 12024) on February 05, 2008 10:54 PM:
Thanks for the welcome.
Posted by momto10 (Member # 11808) on February 05, 2008 11:30 PM:
I had my surgery less than 1 month ago and I am already 80 to 90 % better...
Posted by Matt, ST (Member # 7398) on February 06, 2008 07:59 AM:
Hi Sherry here is a link you should check out that can give you more information about the Parkland procedure. I hope this is helpful for you.
Matt Murphy, ST
Posted by in-Gods-hands (Member # 11795) on February 06, 2008 08:10 AM:
Sherry welcome to the boards. It is nice to meet you. If you want to you can come over to the waiting room and talk to everyone waiting to get their TR and when you set your big date I will proudly post your name on the list if you would like me to. I wish you all the best. I have talked to many lady's that have improved on the PTLS after the TR. They tell me it is a new day, they are themselves again. I am seeking on in March if Gods works it out and I am getting very excited. Prayers coming your way. Miranda
Posted by Simonsen6 (Member # 10172) on February 06, 2008 08:14 AM:
Sherry - here is the websites link for your TL you had done and the success rate with it-
I had PTLS SO bad- I too was put on BC pills- didn't help! They did a D&C because of all the bleeding every week- didn't help. They did a lap and when in to see what was wrong- NOTHING the next step they wanted to do was a hystorectomy (sp?) I'm 34- I had my TL in 2000 and have four kids. I didn't know what was wrong with my body but I knew there was something- every DR just told me it was all in my head and there was nothing wrong. I was causing my body to do these things.... YEA Right!!! After 4 years of hopelessness I found Dr. Bergers website.. There was once again hope for me...
Took a year almost two to get the money - last March 9th, 2007 I had my TR and it was the BEST thnig I have ever done!!! The staff there at chapel hill were AWESOME!!! I wish all dr.'s and staff ran their bussinesses that way! They were friendly and caring and made me feel important!
Dr. Berger was amazing!!! HE talked to me and listened-- he didn't think these symptoms were crazy or in my head- He said he has seen several women with the same thing... The whole experience at chapel hill was wonderful!!
I came out with 5.5 on my rigt and 5.0 on left for my tube lengths. The first cycle after my TR was great!!! Then each month I started feeling my body getting back to normal!! Almost all of my PTLS symptoms were gone and I had my sex drive back and my moods were SO much better!!
In Aug-2007 I went in for my HSG to see if my tubes were open because I still hadn't gotten a BFP-- I followed Dr. bergers instructions to a T -- I was driving my Dr. here crazy because I kept saying Dr. Berger says this and Dr. Berger say that (lol) They were both open and the dye flowed prefectly... IN Jan 2008- I got my first BFP (note- I was one of the later ones to get a BFP then the rest of the March 07 girls) I am now due 09-15-08 and thrilled to death!!!
Finding Dr. Berger and going to chapel hill was the best choice ever!!! I even think if I never got a BFP I would have been happy with the results of the PTLS being gone and Dr, Berger believing there was such a thing...
Good Luck on your journey- Follow your heart and don't wait!!!
Lots of Love,
Posted by mama12 (Member # 11260) on February 06, 2008 08:43 AM:
2 girls mama I've had two preganancies, 1 was a MC, which happens. One was an EP I suspect I've had tube width problems on that side, after surgery it was way too skinny. My oldest DD I think had a hang up in that tube, I had repeated Negative preg tests with her and lots of pain on that side, I think just the way my body was made, it's been skinny since birth on that side. So no big deal, they took it out I'm fine. I suspect even without any surgeries I may have had troubles with that tube. My left side is perfect so we are trying again. We are getting excited!!
As far as PTLS my periods now instead of being 9-14 days long, they are now 5 days long.
The exhaustion and pain all month are GONE!!
I've got normal PMS nothing unbearable.
For PTLS it works. I can obviously get pregnant and we will be trying again soon.
Even with the MC and EP I know I've made the right choice getting TR. It's really changed my life I feel alot better now.
Even down to being warmer I used to be cold all of the time, I'm warmer now... It improves symtoms you would'nt think were, or notice until they are gone. Kind of amazing really.
They've tried for years to put me on BC I've even had hysterectomy offered due to the pain...
I've held out, NO pills nothing. I'm glad I did, TR was the answer. It works. I don't know how or why, someday technology will tell us why i'm sure.
There is risk involved but even after everything we've had happen I have to say I'm 100% still completely happy with my choice!!! I wouldn't change a thing.
PTLS is NOT in your head, we can say it to you but I guarantee you'll see after you get surgery. The bleeding I was having was completely out of control it was like hemmoragging every month and now it's at a good normal AF. Like I was before TL.
You'll probably still have some PMS that is normal you are supposed to it means your ovaries are working! But near bleeding to death every month the horrible pain, is just intolerable, Becki I know how it was for you it was the same for me over the top and dysfunctional to say the least.
Thank GOD for Dr. Berger. He is the best!! He changed my life for the better.
2 girls mama at 31??? Seriously... that's the thing you have to question, I know I did that's how I found Dr. Berger. I'm 35. There's just a point where it doesn't make sense anymore. The logic isn't there. It could happen, but not in the numbers it is, there is obviously a link between TL and PTLS.
You've come to the right place.
I also am with Becki, even if we don't have a baby, the PTLS relief is so incredible that I honestly don't care, I know it's horrible to say with everyone TTC, but it is true.
Posted by 2girlsmama (Member # 12024) on February 06, 2008 10:36 AM:
Thank you all so much. It is so nice to know I'm not alone.I thought I was going crazy.I feel like I'm mean for no reason at all.I just want to cry sometimes, it is like it comes out of nowhere.I thank God for my DH speaking up, were on the fence about another child, but when I saw the posts about the PTLS I felt like a big weight had been lifted off me.Some of my concerns are what are the risks? As my DH says I don't want to lose you.It makes me so mad that the doctors who do these TLs are allowed to not tell us the risks.Thank God for Dr.Berger and his staff.
Posted by Simonsen6 (Member # 10172) on February 06, 2008 11:04 AM:
With any surgery there is risk involved- BUT I can tell you this- I have had 6 laps, a TL, TR and my apendix taken out--
This was by far the easiest surgery I have ever had.. They are that good there!!!
My TL was horrible and hurt for several days--
With my Tr I remember getting on the bed and Dr. Berger coming in and said HI said something to the nurses and the next time I knew they were waking me up-- I was SO tired but the asked me how the pain was and I really didn't have any I just wanted to sleep. Dr Berger came in and told me how the surgery went - and my lenghts, I drank a juice box-- IT WAS SO YUMMY!!! Went back to the hotel and slept most the day - I really didn't feel any pain- I did take my med on time and the next day the nurse came in and checked me-- I then drove 7 hours to get home and once I was home I didn't need to take any more meds..
I felt very relaxed and comforted at chapel hill, I knew I was where I was supposed to be and all would be well!!!
I just wish I would find a dr. and staff like Dr. Berger and his staff- They really spoiled me! Now I have high expectations as the service I should get (lol)
My DH was not sure too- he thought it was all a scam and was pretty worried I would have something go wrong or get an infection- you never know about Dr's these days-- But once I had my consult and we met the staff and the care, then Meeting Dr. Berger my DH was impressed just as much as I was and he told me he had a good feeling about this!!!
You know after I go PG and the blood draws and all that protocal - MY DH still says do what ever Dr. Berger suggests because that is what is best!!!!
MY first numbers were 10,333 and the dr. office would not do an ultra sound because they said it was still to early and they wouldn't see anything - dr. Berger says you can at 1500-2500 so we talked about it and my DH said what would Dr. Berger suggest you do-- I said go to the ER
And off we went-- They did teh ultra sound an sure enough you could see the sac and yoke...
I'm tell you - This is the best place you could ever ask for- Dr. Berger is hands down the best DR in the world. I know you and your DH will love him too!!!!
Lots of Love!