Saturday, May 31, 2008
Early Pregnancy Symptoms Following Tubal Reversal
This is topic Early Pregnancy Symptoms? in forum After Tubal Reversal at Tubal Reversal Message Board.
Posted by J9inOregon (Member # 11760) on April 23, 2008 12:09 AM:
Okay, I know you can find out what early pregnancy symptoms are on the web. However, I was wondering if some of the women on the board would share their early pregnancy symptoms and when did they start to experience them (how many DPO).
Thanks for sharing!
Posted by iahopeful (Member # 11997) on April 23, 2008 08:04 AM:
Hi There. Sore bb's worse than PMS. Emotional like PMS, tired and hungry. The smell of things is beyond normal and even if you don't throw up; you will gag at different smells. Gassy belly in the morning and middle of the night for me. BD is more awesome than normal. especially when your done and there is no AF!
Praying for a BFP for you!
Posted by iahopeful (Member # 11997) on April 23, 2008 08:07 AM:
p.s. I was tired like a week before AF was going to come but the sore BB's didn't really start until after AF. I normally have pms and i really noticed that I wasn't as bad this time but again symptoms like it showed up after AF was due and didnt show. I also woke up a lot in the middle of the night. I tested negative like 3-4 times before I got the BFP. Clear Blue Easy is the way to go!
Posted by Karen M (Member # 11869) on April 23, 2008 08:50 AM:
WOW I feel like Trish just crawled into my head haha.
Jeannine I had very similar symptoms as Trish. For about a week before AF came I started getting symptoms but I chalked it up to AF coming. My BB's were sore as heck more so than with AF, I too was emotional and very tired. My smell is so out of whack I think my entire family thinks I am crazy. I can smell everythinggggg good and bad and most of it makes me want to throw up although I haven't thrown up yet. Many symptoms came around 13-15 DPO for me and I never thought to test until I realized I was 13 DPO and I used the clearblue easy digital and it came up + within seconds!!
Posted by Jennifer K.Garza (Member # 8951) on April 23, 2008 10:00 AM:
I also have alot of what Trish has. I didnt test until i was 2 days late ( i have Severe Bronchitis and thought i was late from the medications i was on) i have been really gassy
at nights ( i freak out every night thinking its an ectopic only to have it pass i know TMI) other than that my stomach feels different more full than normal but so far no sickness to report but im still early.Oh and im Very MOODY and dizzy i actually told off an old man at the grocery store (not that he didnt deserve it but that is SO Unlike me)
TR 2/17/06
MC 8/06 (clomid Cycle)
EP 12/06 (clomid cycle)lost right tube
MC 3/07 (clomid cycle)
BFP 4/15/08 due 12/22 (we werent even TTC but Happy)
1st #s 21
2nd #s 39 (45 hours apart)
next blood draw Thursday and ultrasound Monday wish me luck for a sticky bean [baby]
Posted by J9inOregon (Member # 11760) on April 23, 2008 01:24 PM:
Thank you ladies for your responses. I am only 10DPO.
I know that I absolutely want to be PG and I can be making a big deal out of nothing (which one of us hasn't). Here is what has been going on:
I have been burping and gassy the last two days and I normally am not at all. I avoid anything that would make me gassy but now it doesn't matter what I eat.
My sore BBs started only 4DPO. They usually don't start until 7-8DPO. I usually get irritable one week before I am due. I have to be very conscious of how I act because I feel overwhelmed. This time it started way earlier. Luckily, my DH listens to me say that I know it is me and I am quiet because I am worried about being snippy.
I have had all sorts of weird cramping. I have been clumsy lately and get light headed if I sit up too fast or lean down and then get up. I have a super sensitive nose, but then I usually do. I was writing a note in the kitchen and had to move a sealed bag of marshmellows that were a foot away from me because they smelled to strong. DH couldn't understand how I could smell a sealed bag!
I tested BFN today (but only at 10DPO). So either it is too early or I am just making mountains out of molehills. Just wish I could know now!
Posted by d02bkj (Member # 11900) on April 23, 2008 01:39 PM:
J9inOregon, You got me laughing out loud about the sealed marshmellow bag...I don't know why, I just find it so funny! [Smile] I hope you get your +!
Posted by iahopeful (Member # 11997) on April 23, 2008 01:42 PM:
I was in the same frame of mind and every test was negative and the doctor told me I couldnt come in until i was like 7 days late. I was so anxious it was unreal. Then one day I went to work and smelled the coffee and just gagged. It was then I had a really good feeling I was pregnant. I went out at lunch and bought a test. I went into the bathroom at work and sat there for a good 2 minutes at least (it felt like forever) I thought for sure since it was taking so long it was negative but then I saw it pregnant and hollered OMG!!! it was the digital and all I could do was cry. I ran out grabbed my cell and called my hubby. Then sat in the breakroom and sobbed while my whole department fussed over me. I know it's not good to tell right away but I couldn't keep it in. It was all over my face especially since they all knew we had been trying. I hope you get your very own memorable day real soon!!!
Posted by Karen M (Member # 11869) on April 23, 2008 02:55 PM:
I am feeling soooooooo much better when I read what everyone is writing about their noses!!!
I am literally going crazy with mine all I hear everyday from so many people is "I can't smell anything" "I don't understand how you can smell that" I can't be near anything, and everything smells bad to me or makes me sick. I am glad I am not alone
Posted by J9inOregon (Member # 11760) on April 23, 2008 04:58 PM:
Thanks for all the feedback. I'll keep you posted.
Posted by MichelleToo (Member # 12330) on April 24, 2008 12:01 AM:
I agree witht the ladies... tired, BBs sore, the best part - NO AF! [Smile]
I think one of the worst things about pregnancy for me was the smells. I could smell things when I was pregnant that I didn't even know had an odor before I got pregnant. Honestly, I had to change cleaning products because the toilet bowl cleaner made me sick. I changed deodorants (mine and DH) to unscented because they bothered me so much. I remember once we saw a dog sniffing a bush and I told my DH, you don't think that there is any odor there, but I know exactly what that dog is smelling!! [Big Grin] (Exaggerating a bit..)
Posted by MS_LICIA (Member # 9456) on April 24, 2008 10:14 PM:
My SURE sign/symptom were sore BB's.
(at least da nips were)
Very seldom did they ever get as tender as they were. Not even during AF were they sore. Can't recall exactly how many DPO I noticed, but for some reason, it was almost IMMEDIATELY.
I tested like 12 times b4 receiving a BFP on the 5th test. Prior test were negative & it was 2days just b4 AF was due.
Then I tested the day of & got a POSITIVE so light, I thought it was an evap line, which prompted me to test again when I did. Of course
I tested at different times, but I had to make sure. Confirmed it with a FRER test. I did this in the evening. This test recommends you use FMU, I didn't & received a BFP @ 5pm. Go figure.
I'm currently 10wks 1day preggo !! [infant]
Posted by Peach (Member # 6668) on May 29, 2008 08:38 AM:
Curious to know if anyone had cramping through-out the Luteal Phase. I have been cramping a bit.. almost like af, but not as strong.. irritable crampy feeling starting at 2 or 3 dpo. I have been gassy since just before "O". I am now 6dpo! I dont want to look into it much but could this be a sign?
Posted by caroljean776 (Member # 12436) on May 29, 2008 08:57 AM:
Hi everyone. I'm about 15 DPO and due for my AF in the next couple days (usually have a 35 day cycle) I tested and got neg. but with all my pregnancies (x4) didn't get a BFP until after my missed period, even a blood test was neg. I've had horrible gas pains in am and at nite for the last week - i can lay in bed, push on my belly and pass gas! My Dh brought some lasagna into the bedroom for breakfast a few days ago and I started gagging! I wake up nauseous and go to bed farting! (TMI) I am usually in a bad mood - very edgey - a few days before AF, this week I've just been emotional - wanting to cry for absolutely no reason - but not crabby or mean. Lets keep our hopes up Jeannine! Here's a ? though, did anyone have drippage??? I'm not dry like I should be before AF. I have been dripping clear fluid - very small amounts but enough that I wear a panty liner. Anyone ???
Posted by caroljean776 (Member # 12436) on May 29, 2008 09:00 AM:
Jeannine...your post was a month ago....are you pregnant???
Posted by Rhonda Brown, RN (Member # 9485) on May 29, 2008 10:37 AM:
It is great to see you all sharing your stories and experiences of early pregnancy symptoms . Keep us posted on how things go for all of you.
Posted by Loribeau (Member # 8892) on May 30, 2008 08:38 AM:
To answer your question-- I have cramping pretty much throughout the luteal phase, so I've learned not to read anything in to it at this point.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Body Mass Index (BMI) Requirements For Tubal Reversal Surgery
Body mass index (BMI) calculator for women
The following is topic Weight Loss Support #7 in forum Preparing for Tubal Reversal at Tubal Reversal Message Board.
Posted by beebeekinsers (Member # 12115) on April 15, 2008 11:23 AM:
Just thought I would also add that anyone who wants to join us for support, but is worried about listing your personal data...Don't let that stop you! We are all in this together. This is all by choice, and if you choose to leave out a piece of info, such as your current weight, that is OK.
For me, I feel the need to make it public, because seeing it there where others are seeing it too makes me more accountable. But that is my personal choice.
Let's make it another great day!
beebeekinsers W 196, BMI 36.4, 8 lost, 46 to go
wantanotherchance W 220, BMI?, 45 lost, 50 to go
Brandi W 160, BMI 31.2, 24 lost, 45 to go
Snookums W 179, BMI 32.7, lost?, 29 to go
pattync W ?, BMI 34.9, lost?, 48.8 to go
mama_soon W 225, BMI?, lost?, 45 to go
Posted by Brandi (Member # 3653) on April 15, 2008 08:00 PM:
Hope everyone is having a great week and making healthy choices!!
Posted by Brandi (Member # 3653) on April 16, 2008 11:20 AM:
Only 2 more days till I weighin I've done better this week so far but not as good and I should have. I need to step it up a notch and make this week count!!!!
Posted by Matt, ST (Member # 7398) on April 16, 2008 11:51 AM:
Congratulations ladies for making the decision to live healthier! I personally know that it can be difficult sometimes but it's definitely worth it. Lots of luck
Matt Murphy, ST
Posted by Karen M (Member # 11869) on April 16, 2008 12:16 PM:
I hope to talk with someone who can give me healthy tips on weight with pregnancy
Posted by Snookums (Member # 12230) on April 16, 2008 02:45 PM:
I have PMS right now...any ideas on how NOT to eat everything in sight ESP sweets (chocolate)???
I have been walking my 2 miles everyday, but sabbotaging it with my cravings the past 2 days!!! HELP!!
Posted by Karen M (Member # 11869) on April 16, 2008 03:00 PM:
lol Shannon, I wish I figured out the trick to PMS and cravings!! I can't even eat lately and I just keep gaining
Posted by Brandi (Member # 3653) on April 16, 2008 07:30 PM:
Shannon, I don't know how true this is but I read that taking magnesium suppliments will help. Apparently we are low during that part of the cycle so we crave chocolate because it is loaded with magnesium.
I just try to eat healthier snacks. Eating nuts about 20 minutes before a meal makes you feel satisfied sooner so you won't pig out as much. About 12 almonds 20 mins, before a meal or if you are feeling like eating everything in site.
Posted by Brandi (Member # 3653) on April 16, 2008 07:37 PM:
Karen, I'm not a doctor but I would think if you're eating healthy and getting the proper amount of calories, watch your salt intake etc, and do what every exercise your doctor recommends, you may drop some weight and be healthier when the baby is born than you are now. I suggest speaking with your doctor and see what he has to say. He's better educated and you shouldn't start any kind of diet or exercise program without talking to him first anyway.
I hope you have a happy healthy pregnancy. Let us know what your Dr says.
Posted by beebeekinsers (Member # 12115) on April 17, 2008 11:14 AM:
Hello ladies! Make sure and let me know when you need your info updated. I lost two more pounds! I still am having a hard time making exercise priority, but I am being so so careful about what I eat!
Do this eat fresh. Concentrate on natural foods like fresh vegetables and fruits. Also, try to choose food that is bright and colorful, such as strawberries, blueberries, red and yellow peppers, etc. There are plenty of these foods that you could fill up on and would never cause you to gain! I know, I know, they don't exactly taste like chocolate, but the more you eat them, the more you want to eat them.
Here's a trick I use to tame snacking...put your favorite grapes in the freezer, and when you need a snack, these are great! They retain all their flavor, and when frozen, taste much like a popsicle. Best of all, they are so cold, you have to eat them slowly!
Keep it up ladies! Brandy, thanks for all the cute videos I love the exercising dogs, lol!!!!
beebeekinsers W 194, BMI 36.1, 10 lost, 44 to go
wantanotherchance W 220, BMI?, 45 lost, 50 to go
Brandi W 160, BMI 31.2, 24 lost, 45 to go
Snookums W 179, BMI 32.7, lost?, 29 to go
pattync W ?, BMI 34.9, lost?, 48.8 to go
mama_soon W 225, BMI?, lost?, 45 to go
Posted by Sarah Dziadosz (Member # 11326) on April 17, 2008 11:31 AM:
Keep up the hard work ladies!
Posted by wantanotherchance (Member # 12157) on April 17, 2008 12:13 PM:
Hi lady's ,Dose anyone know what day we are sup post to update on weight loss for the week?
Please let me know Thanks Linda in Kentucky
Posted by beebeekinsers (Member # 12115) on April 17, 2008 12:33 PM:
Hi Linda,
You can feel free to update whenever you like! Just post your info and I will add your changes! Louise
Posted by wantanotherchance (Member # 12157) on April 17, 2008 01:03 PM:
Ok thanks , I have lost 2 pounds so far this week 48 pounds to lose, IBM is 39.9 I will report weight again Sunday Thanks Linda in Kentucky Everone have a great day
Posted by beebeekinsers (Member # 12115) on April 17, 2008 02:18 PM:
Great Job Linda!!!! Keep it up!
beebeekinsers W 194, BMI 36.1, 10 lost, 44 to go
wantanotherchance W 218, BMI 39.9, 43 lost, 48 to go
Brandi W 160, BMI 31.2, 24 lost, 45 to go
Snookums W 179, BMI 32.7, lost?, 29 to go
pattync W ?, BMI 34.9, lost?, 48.8 to go
mama_soon W 225, BMI?, lost?, 45 to go
Posted by mamasoup8 (Member # 11212) on April 17, 2008 04:16 PM:
Hi all, just wanted to stop by and encourage you all! There have now been 2 graduates (that I know of) from weight loss support to go on to have their TRs and get their BFPs so it's all worth it! Congrats Christbride!
I'm also trying to add in the walking daily to keep from gaining too much in this pregnancy Karen but I really wasn't able to do it during the first trimester so much as I was tired and sick all the time.
Be encouraged ladies, you can do this!
EDD 10/14/08
Posted by wantanotherchance (Member # 12157) on April 17, 2008 10:08 PM:
Hi lady's, Just a few lines to tell you all that I have a diet that works, Its a 3 day diet that will drop 10 pounds in 3 days. If any of you are interrested please feel free to email me at for the diet . I am starting on it tomarrow so I will know by Monday morning how much you lose in 3 days. Linda in Kentucky
Posted by Brandi (Member # 3653) on April 17, 2008 11:18 PM:
Congrats to everyone on their weightloss. I will weigh in tomorrow!!
Posted by beebeekinsers (Member # 12115) on April 18, 2008 07:34 AM:
Hey Linda,
I sent you an email yesterday....when you reply, would you send me the 3 day diet? I am always skeptical of "fad" diets, but I am curious to see what it is. Thanks!
Hey everyonedo this! Drink 6 servings of water (8 oz. each) today!!!
Posted by mama_soon (Member # 11730) on April 18, 2008 02:42 PM:
Hey Everyone...hope your all having a wonderful friday...well I didn't try real hard this week on the diet week will be better, now that spring has finally sprung here in Minnesota I can get my weight stayed the are my stats...hope you all have a wonderful weekend and I will check in next week...I just wish I could make this year go by faster...I have ONE whole year to wait for my TR...oh well.....hope I am not the only one who has to wait so long...
BMI=38.9 ( will get better...)
take care ladies and the best of luck to you all in this weight loss journey.
Posted by beebeekinsers (Member # 12115) on April 18, 2008 03:21 PM:
beebeekinsers W 194, BMI 36.1, 10 lost, 44 to go
wantanotherchance W 218, BMI 39.9, 43 lost, 48 to go
Brandi W 160, BMI 31.2, 24 lost, 45 to go
Snookums W 179, BMI 32.7, lost?, 29 to go
pattync W ?, BMI 34.9, lost?, 48.8 to go
mama_soon W 225, BMI 38.9, lost?, 45 to go
Mama_soon, I know a year seems so very long, but keep busy with your health improvements, and when the time comes, you will be SO ready!
Linda, thanks for sharing the 3 day diet. A couple of us are going to try it, and if we have good results, we will sure let everyone know! It's kind of concentrating on protein and vegetables, with only a little bread.
Have a great weekend, girls, and try to do something active that you enjoy! Louise
Posted by Brandi (Member # 3653) on April 18, 2008 04:46 PM:
Hi ladies....well I weighed and only lost one pound. I'm ok with's better than gaining. I didn't get off my butt and exercise this week, but I will do better this week.
As for the fad diets, they just don't work. you may drop some pounds fast but when you stop that diet the weight will come back and then some. Why not go ahead and just eat healthy and exercise. There are no 3 day or miracle fixes.
Hope everyone has a good weekend.
Posted by Snookums (Member # 12230) on April 19, 2008 11:08 AM:
Exercised this week...walked my 2 miles of hills everyday. But with AF due in 3 days, weighed in today and 1 pound down. I will admit...didn't eat the best everyday due to cravings. Tried to get all my fruit and veggies in though!! The ice cream shop in town opened and it was 70 here yesterday. Of course, we had to go, but I was good! Instead of getting my normal waffle cone full, I got a baby cone! I was proud of myself!
Water is a HUGE help!! Make sure you get your water EVERYDAY!!
Have a wonderful weekend!!
Posted by wantanotherchance (Member # 12157) on April 19, 2008 12:43 PM:
Hi everyone just a few lines to say, I have already lost 3 pounds and been on this diet for 1 1/2 day's , Just a reminder to the Lady's that are doing this diet with me, after 3 days go off the diet for 5 days , And repeat the diet again if you want to. And continue a health eating pattern , So you don't put the weight back on,, I hope everyone of you have great results from the diet, good luck to all of you. Everyone have a great day . Linda in Kentucky
Posted by beebeekinsers (Member # 12115) on April 19, 2008 05:48 PM:
Ladies, I've updated with your recent pounds lost, but since I don't have your height, I need you to refigure your BMI so we can keep that current...
Every pound lost brings us closer to our goal!!! Keep it up!
beebeekinsers W 194, BMI 36.1, 10 lost, 44 to go
wantanotherchance W 215, BMI 39.9, 46 lost, 45 to go
Brandi W 159, BMI 31.2, 25 lost, 44 to go
Snookums W 178, BMI 32.7, lost?, 28 to go
pattync W ?, BMI 34.9, lost?, 48.8 to go
mama_soon W 225, BMI 38.9, lost?, 45 to go
Posted by wantanotherchance (Member # 12157) on April 19, 2008 06:12 PM:
My IBMs are 39.3 thanks Linda in Kentucky
Posted by beebeekinsers (Member # 12115) on April 20, 2008 08:01 AM:
OK, here's the list updated with the BMI Linda reported. Ya'll have to do this part, since I don't know your height!!
As of today, Sunday 42008
beebeekinsers W 194, BMI 36.1, 10 lost, 44 to go
wantanotherchance W 215, BMI 39.3, 46 lost, 45 to go
Brandi W 159, BMI 31.2, 25 lost, 44 to go
Snookums W 178, BMI 32.7, lost?, 28 to go
pattync W ?, BMI 34.9, lost?, 48.8 to go
mama_soon W 225, BMI 38.9, lost?, 45 to go
Posted by Brandi (Member # 3653) on April 20, 2008 08:55 PM:
Hi Louise, My BMI is 31
Posted by Snookums (Member # 12230) on April 21, 2008 09:20 AM:
177 today...BMI 32.5....2 down...27 to go for my FIRST goal!!
Posted by beebeekinsers (Member # 12115) on April 21, 2008 11:05 AM:
As of today, Monday 42108
beebeekinsers W 194, BMI 36.1, 10 lost, 44 to go
wantanotherchance W 215, BMI 39.3, 46 lost, 45 to go
Brandi W 159, BMI 31, 25 lost, 44 to go
Snookums W 177, BMI 32.5, lost 2, 27 to go
pattync W ?, BMI 34.9, lost?, 48.8 to go
mama_soon W 225, BMI 38.9, lost?, 45 to go
Great job! We just have to keep the pounds coming down, even if it is 1 pound at a time!
My exercise goal for this week is to walk on the treadmill 1 mile every evening.
Tip for the day check labels for sodium, and use table salt sparingly. Too much sodium makes us retain excess fluids, and keeps that pound or two from coming off!
Posted by byGodsGrace (Member # 12317) on April 23, 2008 03:21 PM:
Greetings to all of you absolutely wonderful women, I must start off this way because I have first visited this website on Sunday and feel that I am addicted, I have gone through most of the Waiting Room mail and have been so encouraged.
I came upon the weight lost support while going to the next thread (I started reading from WR 4? and start from the last page and come all the way to one than do that for each page).
I don't know any of you but I believe that what we did in haste (TL) for some of us has brought so many beautiful, compassionate people together, and I applaud you all for coming together and helping one another.
Let me say that I love writing but I will do my best to make this brief and post again another time.
I am 39/40this year, DH 43, DS 18, DS 16 and wanting twins a boy n girl would be great (I know you are listening God) I had my TL in 1991; I am 5'6 1/2 n weigh 280, BMI is 43.6.
I had lost 40lbs b4 when I remarried in 2005 by eating 6 times a day and being in the gym twice a day but walking lots, so I know that I can do it again. I don not drink lots of water because I was told by a Chinese herbalist that too much water effects your liver (Like water log) that is for those that have a problem with water retaintion).
I have not even booked yet all talked to anyone at the clinic, but you all have inspired me just by your fellowship.
Hope not to long will post again, really enjoying reading, I am in England by the way and will be making the trip once the weight is 3/4 down.
Posted by Brandi (Member # 3653) on April 23, 2008 10:22 PM:
Welcome to the board. I look forward to reading more posts from you. I know what you mean about this being addictive, I visit several times a day if I can.
Congrats on your weigh loss.
Posted by Snookums (Member # 12230) on April 24, 2008 09:33 AM:
Good Morning!
Hope everyone is having a wonderful week!
As of today...
Weight 174.5
BMI 31.9
Down 4.5 so far!!
This message board is definitely helping!! I feel like I have a big group of friends rooting each other on!! THANK YOU!!
Posted by wantanotherchance (Member # 12157) on April 24, 2008 10:08 AM:
WELCOME to the board. You will find a lot of support here for weight loss. Congrats to the lady's that have lost weight this week.I am at a stand still or something this week.I am a little sad today. I guess its just the emotional part of weight loss. Hope everyone has a great day. Linda in Kentucky
Posted by Sarah Dziadosz (Member # 11326) on April 24, 2008 01:16 PM:
Keep up all of your hard work
Posted by beebeekinsers (Member # 12115) on April 24, 2008 01:36 PM:
Hi girls, byGodsGrace I have added you to the list, Welcome to the Weight Loss thread! I know it has really helped me to stay focused!
Congrats on your weight loss Shannon! Keep it up!! I'll bet your lookin' awesome!
Tip for the day: If you have trouble with feeling the need to snack late in the evening, try this! After dinner is done and the kitchen is cleaned Hang a sign up stating that the "Kitchen is Closed for the night" haha!
As of today, Thursday 42408
beebeekinsers W 194, BMI 36.1, 10 lost, 44 to go
wantanotherchance W 215, BMI 39.3, 46 lost, 45 to go
Brandi W 159, BMI 31, 25 lost, 44 to go
Snookums W 174.5, BMI 31.9, lost 4.5, 24.5 to go
pattync W ?, BMI 34.9, lost?, 48.8 to go
mama_soon W 225, BMI 38.9, lost?, 45 to go
byGodsGrace W 280, BMI 43.6, lost?, 100 to go
Posted by winnie the pooh 61 (Member # 10368) on April 24, 2008 02:27 PM:
I left you a message in the waiting room!
Good luck on your weight loss!
From The UK
Posted by mama_soon (Member # 11730) on April 27, 2008 11:17 AM: can mark me down for a 5 yes 5 pound loss....whohoooo.....I am so happy....don't know what that makes my BMI I can't find the calculator on here...but I am down five pounds which puts me at 220...40 more to go....yippeee...
Posted by MyAngel112706 (Member # 12279) on April 27, 2008 12:02 PM:
I just wanted to say that a lot of times for women some of the weight is water retention so I drink lots of tea and cranberry juice because they are both natural diuretics and will help with that. Be prepared to pee a lot though. Just trying to help. I wish you all the best of luck.
Posted by beebeekinsers (Member # 12115) on April 28, 2008 10:11 AM:
Here is the link to calculate your BMI:
mama_soon, Congrats on your 5 pounds gone!!!!! Awesome!!!!!
byGodsGraceI have changed you to 40 to go, that sounds so much easier!!
I'm changing my "to go" number to the amount I need just for the surgery for now....since I am down to less than 90 days away!! I can always keep plugging away at it before my BFP!!
Have a great, losing day girls!!! We have got to make every day count!!!!
As of today, Monday 42808
beebeekinsers W 194, BMI 36.1, 10 lost, 14 to go
wantanotherchance W 212, BMI 38.8, 49 lost, 42 to go
Brandi W 159, BMI 31, 25 lost, 44 to go
Snookums W 174.5, BMI 31.9, lost 4.5, 24.5 to go
pattync W ?, BMI 34.9, lost?, 48.8 to go
mama_soon W 220, BMI 38.9, lost 5, 40 to go
byGodsGrace W 280, BMI 43.6, lost?, 40 to go
Posted by wantanotherchance (Member # 12157) on April 28, 2008 01:54 PM:
Hello everyone ,Hope everyone is having a great day. I have lost another 3 pounds weight 212 IBM is 38.8 42 pounds to go to get to the weight I want to for TR. Good luck everyone this week on your goal weight. Linda in Kentucky
Posted by byGodsGrace (Member # 12317) on April 28, 2008 04:21 PM:
Hello Ladies,
Thank you all so much for your support, it makes a lot of difference when you have people that can relate to what you are dealing with.
I went cycling this morning for about 30 mins and felt good except for that certain part of my anatomy that is too big for a little bike seat so I am a little sore down there if you know what I mean. lolol, but I will live.
I have lost 20lbs before so I know that I am capable but let me just share with you some of the things that helped me. HTH someone.
I had to eat 6 times a day to build my metabolism.
I started at the gym by 5:30 mornings and after working out for an hour I had a protein shake from the gym most mornings or hot oatmeal (Fiber is important it keeps you regular).
by 10 I would have a piece fruit (banana, apple any fruit even the banana chips) and chex mix.
by 12:30 1:00 I was having lunch which I would bring from home of dinner the night before (this saves from spending unnecessary money)
about 3:00 it was a snack again
5:30 dinner and then sometimes a snack after if I ate before 5:00 because I really tried not to eat after 6:00 because it really does not give us much time to work it off before preparing for bed. and if I did eat after 6:00 it was popcorn and hot chocolate or green tea.
the tricks were to only drink water and green tea no sweetener at all. (now this is not the best tasting but green tea helps you to loose weight, it is good for you and cleans you out so I drank it before all of my main meals.
And I ate all of the same foods that I used to eat (this is lifestyle so it needs to be something that you can do for the rest of your life); I just ate more often and smaller portions.
Because I used to retain water I cut out adding salt to my food unless it was an ingredient that was needed.I started using garlic which is good for your blood pressure and so many other things.
I used to eat nuts and raisins as a snack and whenever I had snacks I would always fill a paper cup and when the cup was empty of that particular snack than that was it until the next snack time.
Don't know if this has been helpful but it worked for me.
Posted by Brandi (Member # 3653) on April 28, 2008 08:08 PM:
Congrats to everyone on their hard work.
bygodsgrace thank you for sharing your plan and tips with us. It is always helpful to see what others are doing.
I didn't weigh in on Fri because AF was in town and it was pointless, but I will be weighing in this coming Friday. I may start going to the gym again, but I'd really rather save the money. I have a treadmill here at the house if I would just get off my butt and use it.
Keep up the good work everyone!!!
Posted by mama_soon (Member # 11730) on April 29, 2008 10:35 AM:
I have been doing pretty much the same as below...I cut out all soda...all bad junk food and no greasy food...I do give myself one day a week to cheat..but my last cheat day we decided to go to Burger King...well all the grease from the fries gave me very bad diarrhea..sory I can safely say that I won't be doing that again...which should help...I have one year to go before my TR we are planning on going next April....for a combination birthdays/anniversary trip...our 3rd anniversary will be March 25, and our bdays are April 30 and May that should be a wonderful trip...well keep up the good work ladies and WE CAN DO THIS...
Posted by beebeekinsers (Member # 12115) on April 29, 2008 11:03 AM:
I know what you mean about the bicycle seats...I used to love riding, but the last time I went with the kids, I thought my rump was going to be bruised!lol anyway, walking seems to be my main mode of exercise. thanks for all the ideas! We can do this!!
Posted by byGodsGrace (Member # 12317) on May 02, 2008 03:33 PM:
Hello Ladies,
Hope all is well with you, I have been pretty busy with this working out business. I believe I have been doing well. (anyone that can get up at 5:30 in the morning when it is raining to cycle to the gym is doing great.
I think that my downstairs has adjusted to the bike seat. I cycle for 1015 minutes each day to go to the gym which I started officially on Thursday and have been working out for an hour and then riding back home to take a shower and prepare for work.
I have also downloaded the GI Index Tables so that I can check the foods which are low in fat and pick from there what I like and eat that.
It has not been too bad because I am not depriving myself of foods that I like, there are foods on there that I can live off and be happy and I am eating 45 times a day and I am genuinely full.
I decided to walk home from work today, it took me about 45mins; I was carrying at least 7pds on my back so I was not a happy camper but I made it, thank God.
I will weigh in next Thursday just to see how I am doing but will not do another weigh in for about two weeks after that.
I am already feeling like I have lots more energy, I think it is all the cycling.
So come on ladies it is spring time lets get to walking, jogging, swimming, dancing to get that weight off and keep in mind two very important things;
1. Your health with or without this operation is important, we are not getting younger.
2. We want to be able to play with our children and keep up with them when they start running off around the mall.
So be encouraged, put your mind into it and everything else will follow.
Posted by MichelleToo (Member # 12330) on May 02, 2008 07:45 PM:
Hello Ladies,
Congratulations on all of the hard work!
I was wondering if I could be added to the list? I am 166 lbs and my bmi is 27.6. My goal at this point is to lose 26 pounds.
~ Michelle
Posted by beebeekinsers (Member # 12115) on May 05, 2008 08:06 AM:
How is everyone doing on their Weight Loss journey? I seem to be stuck at a plateau, but I know that if I keep going, I will see a breakthrough. I did LOTS of walking last week while on a trip to D.C.!
Welcome to our tracker, MichelleToo! I saw on the waiting room that you have scheduled your surgery congratulations!
As of today, Monday 50508
beebeekinsers W 194, BMI 36.1, 10 lost, 14 to go
wantanotherchance W 212, BMI 38.8, 49 lost, 42 to go
Brandi W 159, BMI 31, 25 lost, 44 to go
Snookums W 174.5, BMI 31.9, lost 4.5, 24.5 to go
pattync W ?, BMI 34.9, lost?, 48.8 to go
mama_soon W 220, BMI 38.9, lost 5, 40 to go
byGodsGrace W 280, BMI 43.6, lost?, 40 to go
MichelleToo W 166, BMI 27.6, lost?, 26 to go
Posted by Snookums (Member # 12230) on May 05, 2008 08:15 PM:
I am stuck turned really cool and rainy for a few days, so didn't do much of walking!! Bad girl!!
Still trying to eat good, thinking the scale must just be STUCK on that number...LOL [Razz]
Hope all have a good week!!!
10 days from now, I'll be relaxing in Chapel Hill!!!
Posted by mama_soon (Member # 11730) on May 06, 2008 08:21 AM:
well no loss no gain for me this week...but then today is my birthday and we celebrated all weekend seeings how I have to work today....but I guess I will take a 0 over a gain any day....take care everyone and have a great day..
Posted by beebeekinsers (Member # 12115) on May 06, 2008 10:32 AM:
Shannon!!! It's almost here for you! How exciting! I have 79 days, and still have GOT to lose those 14 I made a firm decision that I will walk 2 miles every morning, and try to get in another 2 miles every eveniing. I hate to put the treadmill in the living room, but, that's where we all hang out, so this way I can still be with everyone AND get my exercise in! I got my 2 miles done this morningso if you have a second to send good thoughts my way, I sure would apprecite it!
I have an appointment with an OB on May 23, and will have the Dr. fill out the weight and height verification form and order my I really have 2 and a half weeks to try to get my BMI down to pretty close to where it needs to be.
I have friends in a health promotion office, and used their machine last week to check my weight, height and BMI, and it told me my BMI was 34but I think it measured from where my hair was fluffed up, instead of the top of my head lol...
But it seems like Dr. office scales always weigh you heavier!!! Anyway this is do or die time for me...wish me luck!
Posted by Brandi (Member # 3653) on May 06, 2008 10:43 AM:
I'm stuck, I think it may have something to do with my dr taking me off my metformin to do all my PCOS testing. Now that it's completely out of my system my weight is creeping upwards even though I'm eat healthy etc. I'm still waiting for my results from my glucose tolerance test to find out if I need to go back on the meds. I don't have any weightloss to report right now, but hopefully I'm just in a funk and it will pass.
Keep up the good work everyone!
Posted by Snookums (Member # 12230) on May 06, 2008 01:42 PM:
Good for you to start your walking program!!! Wish we were neighbors so we could walk together!!
I know you will be able to lose your weight...sending you lots of !!!
Even after my TR, I will still be on here...still want to lose my weight so I can have a healthy pregnancy incase of a BFP!!!! (God willing)
Posted by beebeekinsers (Member # 12115) on May 07, 2008 02:59 PM:
Thank You!!!!
Posted by Matt, ST (Member # 7398) on May 07, 2008 03:20 PM:
Hey ladies, I just read in this months issue of Men's Health that drinking 16oz of chilled water when you get up helps a lot in losing fat. It replenishes cells after a night of no water and this also speeds up metabolism.
Matt Murphy,ST
Posted by Snookums (Member # 12230) on May 07, 2008 03:40 PM:
Thanks for the tip Matt!!
Posted by KimBE (Member # 8677) on May 07, 2008 11:17 PM:
Glad to see the support here. I'll like to be added please. My weight is 222lbs and my BMI is 40.6. I'll post my weight lost next Friday. My weight goal is to loss 37lbs or more. I haven't schedule yet. My DH and I are planning for Aug this year. My DH is my trainer in the gym. lol
I think he forget that I'm his wife and one of the guys. Boy am I sore. I told him that I rather take on labor than the workout plan he have me on anyday. LOL!! He does workout with me. To see him workout make me think about the baby dance. LOL!! Sorry, maybe TMI for you. I don't think I could do this without having support in the gym and out. If you can get someone to help push you at the gym and remind you why we are doing this when it gets ruff. I think we'll make it. This is just my opinion. Good luck everyone. I know you can do it.
Posted by beebeekinsers (Member # 12115) on May 08, 2008 11:20 AM:
Welcome to our little group KimBE!
OK, so I have to tell you ladies, this walking is kicking my rump! I have been faithful to walk my 2 miles in the mornings, and have gotten 1 and 1/2 or more each evening. I have not weighed in yet, because I want to give my body a chance to really respond to this...but I can tell you this (((drum roll)))......I am wearing pants today that I have not been able to wear in a while! Yay!!!
If any of you are also walking, wouldn't it be cool if we kept track of the total number of miles we all walk? For example, since I started, I have walked 14.5 miles, and if any of you keep track, you can add that to mine... just an idea.
Keep up the good work girls, we can do this!!
As of today, Thursday 50808
KimBE W 222, BMI 40.6, lost, 37 to go
beebeekinsers W 194, BMI 36.1, 10 lost, 14 to go
wantanotherchance W 212, BMI 38.8, 49 lost, 42 to go
Brandi W 159, BMI 31, 25 lost, 44 to go
Snookums W 174.5, BMI 31.9, lost 4.5, 24.5 to go
pattync W ?, BMI 34.9, lost?, 48.8 to go
mama_soon W 220, BMI 38.9, lost 5, 40 to go
byGodsGrace W 280, BMI 43.6, lost?, 40 to go
MichelleToo W 166, BMI 27.6, lost?, 26 to go
Posted by brenda0704 (Member # 12131) on May 08, 2008 03:04 PM:
Hi ladies,
I would like to join your group if I may. I'm not scheduled yet, due to financial situation, but I'm hoping for about a year from now (I wish sooner). I really need to lose weight, not only for TR but for my health. I haven't really started anything yet, but I think if my info was posted it would give me more reason to work at it. I joined a Prism weight loss group a few years ago and I lost 50 pounds in 5 months. The weekly meetings and weighins every 6 weeks really kept me on track. Then I had to quit because I couldn't afford it any more. I just don't have much success trying to do it on my own.
I know that when I get weighed at the doctor's office it always is at least 5 pounds more than my scale says at home, but for now I will give you my weight from home. I weigh 203 and my BMI is 35.7. I would like to lose at least 20 pounds, hopefully more.
Thanks and good luck to all!
Posted by beebeekinsers (Member # 12115) on May 08, 2008 05:28 PM:
Hello Brenda,
I will update the list tomorrow, and I will be happy to add you. You have come to the right place for support!!!
Posted by Linda_77017 (Member # 10314) on May 08, 2008 05:58 PM:
What is the ideal wieght or it is strictly BMI?
Posted by beebeekinsers (Member # 12115) on May 09, 2008 07:16 AM:
Good morning! Well, I weighed in this morning, and I'm 2 pounds down! Nice to see a different number, it's been stuck for about 3 or 4 weeks.
Welcome to our thread brenda0704!! Linda, they go purely by your BMI, which could be unfortunate if you happen to be very muscular...I've heard that Arnold Schwartzenegger would be considered "obese" according to his BMI because of muscle mass. Having said that, I can't say that muscle mass is my problem...
Is everyone drinking their water? It is essential!!! Have a great losing day! Let's make it count!
As of today, Friday 50908
KimBE W 222, BMI 40.6, lost, 37 to go
beebeekinsers W 192, BMI 35.7, 12 lost, 12 to go
wantanotherchance W 212, BMI 38.8, 49 lost, 42 to go
Brandi W 159, BMI 31, 25 lost, 44 to go
Snookums W 174.5, BMI 31.9, lost 4.5, 24.5 to go
pattync W ?, BMI 34.9, lost?, 48.8 to go
mama_soon W 220, BMI 38.9, lost 5, 40 to go
byGodsGrace W 280, BMI 43.6, lost?, 40 to go
MichelleToo W 166, BMI 27.6, lost?, 26 to go
brenda0704 W 203, BMI 35.7, lost, 20 to go
Posted by brenda0704 (Member # 12131) on May 09, 2008 11:28 AM:
Louisecongrats, you're halfway there! Thanks for the reminder about drinking water. Think I'll get some right now.
Posted by beebeekinsers (Member # 12115) on May 09, 2008 01:56 PM:
I'm now up to 18 miles... I started counting on April 30.
Posted by beebeekinsers (Member # 12115) on May 10, 2008 11:20 AM:
Ya'll need to try this: When you are having your height measured, stand up as straight and tall as you can I mean really stretch! Maybe you do this already but for some reason, I didn't think to do this before. Anyway, it gives me another full inch! This makes a great impact on your BMI. And, the walking twice a day has really made a change for me. I was stuck for three weeks at the same weight, even though I was being very careful about what I ate. Now, I am breaking out of that plateau. Two pounds lighter yesterday, another pound this morning...
Sorry so long, but thought I would share this little tip, I hope it helps someone! Have a great losing day! Make it count!
Posted by Pennylane (Member # 12121) on May 14, 2008 12:01 PM:
Hello everyone! I wanted to tell you all about this really different diet that I have been doing. I have done it in the past and have lost like 30 pounds on it but the name is sometimes offensive. It is called fatloss for idiots. It really does work. You do it for 11 days and then you have three days off. My fist cycle, I lost 10 pounds (and they tell you 9) then I had my three days off (went a little nuts) and gained back 2 pounds but on my second cycle, I lost another 7 so it put me at 15 pounds total. I am currently on it again because I want to lose 20 pounds and my work has this program called "get healthy" and if you participate and jump through the hoops then you benifit payment literally are cut in half. So, Just wanted to tell you all about it. You can find it online. You have to pay for it to subscribe but once you have it, it is your for life. I purchased mine in jan 2006 and I was suprised that I was still able to get on it. I'm not by any means advertising for it. I just wanted to tell you all about it.
Posted by beebeekinsers (Member # 12115) on May 15, 2008 04:18 PM:
Where is everyone?
Thanks for the tip Penny can I ask how much does that diet cost? I actually have been using Slim Fast for 2 meals a day for about a week or so, just because I really had to get my BMI under the limit. I still have 10 weeks before surgery, so I can continue to work on losing more.
I have heard that being "obese" can make it harder to conceive. If I am going to the expense of having the TR done, then it seems logical to get weight off so I can actually conceive when the time comes.
Please let me know when you need to have your weight and BMI updated!
As of today, Thursday 51508
KimBE W 222, BMI 40.6, lost, 37 to go
beebeekinsers W 190, BMI 34.2, 14 lost, 10 to go
wantanotherchance W 212, BMI 38.8, 49 lost, 42 to go
Brandi W 159, BMI 31, 25 lost, 44 to go
Snookums W 174.5, BMI 31.9, lost 4.5, 24.5 to go
pattync W ?, BMI 34.9, lost?, 48.8 to go
mama_soon W 220, BMI 38.9, lost 5, 40 to go
byGodsGrace W 280, BMI 43.6, lost?, 40 to go
MichelleToo W 166, BMI 27.6, lost?, 26 to go
brenda0704 W 203, BMI 35.7, lost, 20 to go
Posted by KimBE (Member # 8677) on May 15, 2008 05:38 PM:
Hi Ladies,
Sorry I haven't post. I have been in revival,and spending time with family for mother's day, and my 35 birthday. I haven't been back to the gym. My Dh called and told me it's time to get back on track. Wish me luck. I'm to scared to weigh today because I know I've gain weight. Will post weight soon. Kim
Posted by brenda0704 (Member # 12131) on May 15, 2008 07:26 PM:
Louise, I weighed myself today and I'm down one poundto 202. I haven't been doing a lot, just watching what I eat and trying to walk more. But that's one pound lost in about a week, so I must be doing something right!
Posted by darkfeary474 (Member # 11949) on May 15, 2008 10:05 PM:
Hello ladies!
If it would be OK i would love to join in here , I have come a long way on my journey to lose this extra weight and become healthier and to be able to have a baby with my now husband, Last July 2007 when we got married I weighed in at 294 and sense then I have lost 49 pounds so far and I now weigh 245!!! I am 5'9" and 34 years old and right now the chapel hill BMI calculator says my BMI is 36.2 at this weight. and it shows when I lose 10 more pounds and get my weight down to 235 my BMI will then be 34.7 which will put me right below where I need to be to be able to have my TR!!... I Am So Excited to have come this far!!
Good Luck to All We Can Do it!!!
Posted by Snookums (Member # 12230) on May 16, 2008 09:47 AM:
Hi Everyone!
Had my TR yesterday and I feel WONDERFUL!!
Can't wait to be able to start concentrating on my walking more once I am 100%!!
Congrats to everyone...keep on going!! We can do it!
Talk soon!!
Posted by Pennylane (Member # 12121) on May 16, 2008 10:06 AM:
The diet costs 39 dollars and then you have it for life. I bought it in 2006 and I go on it and then I'm off for a while and then go back on it when I need to take some pounds off. but the website is the name fatloss4idiots then it is dot com. I just thought that it might help a little.
GL and can you believe that we are down to 69 days!!! WOW exciting!!!
Posted by beebeekinsers (Member # 12115) on May 16, 2008 02:25 PM:
Welcome to the group darkfeary474 you have done an awesome job already! It seems like it comes off easier once you get started, so just keep working at it, and you'll be under 35 BMI in no time!
brenda0704, you have to be doing something right! A pound is a pound! Good job!
Shannon Congrats! I am so so happy for you!!
Penny thanks for the info. I don't know if I will buy the diet or not, things are going pretty well with just walking.
Kimbe Don't give up!! Just pick right back up where you left off!!
As of today, Friday 51608
beebeekinsers W 190, BMI 34.2, 14 lost, 10 to go
Brandi W 159, BMI 31, 25 lost, 44 to go
brenda0704 W 202, BMI 35.7, lost 1, 19 to go
byGodsGrace W 280, BMI 43.6, lost?, 40 to go
darkfeary474 W 245, BMI 36.2, 49 lost, 10 to go
KimBE W 222, BMI 40.6, lost, 37 to go
mama_soon W 220, BMI 38.9, lost 5, 40 to go
MichelleToo W 166, BMI 27.6, lost?, 26 to go
pattync W ?, BMI 34.9, lost?, 48.8 to go
Snookums W 174.5, BMI 31.9, lost 4.5, 24.5 to go
wantanotherchance W 212, BMI 38.8, 49 lost, 42 to go
Posted by brenda0704 (Member # 12131) on May 17, 2008 01:51 PM:
OK, I wish I could use my naked weightweighed myself with no clothes this morning and it said 198! That won't work, because when I get weighed at the doctor's office I will have clothes on. It makes me feel good, though!
Posted by beebeekinsers (Member # 12115) on May 17, 2008 06:34 PM:
Well, yes we must wear clothes to the Dr.'s office...but when I used to go to weight watchers meetings, I definitely learned not to wear jeans when weighing in those suckers are heavier than you can imagine! Also, everything that can possibly come off take it off! Watch, glasses, jewelry, etc. Every little bit helps!
Posted by brenda0704 (Member # 12131) on May 18, 2008 03:20 PM:
Oh, I forgot to change my BMIat 202, my BMI is now 35.5 not too far above the limit!
Posted by beebeekinsers (Member # 12115) on May 19, 2008 01:28 PM:
OK, brenda I've updated your BMI!!! You are so very close!!! Great work!
As of today, Monday 51908
beebeekinsers W 190, BMI 34.2, 14 lost, 10 to go
Brandi W 159, BMI 31, 25 lost, 44 to go
brenda0704 W 202, BMI 35.5, lost 1, 19 to go
byGodsGrace W 280, BMI 43.6, lost?, 40 to go
darkfeary474 W 245, BMI 36.2, 49 lost, 10 to go
KimBE W 222, BMI 40.6, lost, 37 to go
mama_soon W 220, BMI 38.9, lost 5, 40 to go
MichelleToo W 166, BMI 27.6, lost?, 26 to go
pattync W ?, BMI 34.9, lost?, 48.8 to go
Snookums W 174.5, BMI 31.9, lost 4.5, 24.5 to go
wantanotherchance W 212, BMI 38.8, 49 lost, 42 to go
Posted by hopefulin2008 (Member # 11297) on May 19, 2008 04:03 PM:
Hey ladies hope your all having a great day! My TR is scheduled fo 8/4/08 and I need to lose some weight I am currently under the BMI requirements but not by much. I want to be added to your list if thats ok but I need to know what are you ladies doing to lose weight Im drinking water and walking on my treadclimber but I need to become more dedicated and I def need to watch what I eat more Im doing good but it could be better. My current weight is 200lbs and my BMI is 34.3. Jennifer
Posted by Snookums (Member # 12230) on May 19, 2008 07:02 PM:
Hi there Jennifer!!
Nice to see you over on this thread!
I can't wait until I am all healed up so I can start walking again! That's what works for me...I try to walk 2 miles a day. The road we live on is nothing but big hills in either direction, so I really get a workout! I also drink A LOT of water. I am a sweetaholic/ice creamaholic, so I really am trying to cut back!! Although while we were in CH, we had the BEST carrot cake delivered by room service!! YUMMY!!
I find I do ok if I substitute the fat free/sugar free pudding in when I need a fix...put some light coolwhip on it....not bad!! Then I got some good recipes from Weight Watchers for "sweet" snacks too that are great!
Hope everyone has a great week!!! Keep Moving!
Posted by hopefulin2008 (Member # 11297) on May 19, 2008 08:55 PM:
Hi Shannon yeah I have a bowflex treadclimber my DH got me for Christmas and I bought the 30 day shred from the biggest loser and it kicks my butt I actually just got finished with that Im fixing to go walk 1 mile. I just have a hard time fitting everything into my day. But I will def just to amp up my workout and eating habits though I would love to be 175 when I go to CH, but we will see. Im working as hard as I can at it and thats all I can do staying motivated is my biggest thing I thought once I scheduled my TR maybe it would not be as hard but its been a little rough. Anyways I will keep everyone posted on my progress. Jennifer in NC
Posted by hopefulin2008 (Member # 11297) on May 20, 2008 11:25 AM:
Pennylane I went to that website that you had mentioned, and I bought it (SHOCKER) LOL. Anyways it seems very reasonable and not hard at all. Im hoping this will work for me and help give me some motivation to continue working toward my weight loss goal not only for the tr but for me being a better and healthier person all around. I will let everyone know my progess I got my diet today from the diet generator but Im actually not going to start until sat after I go get alot of the fresh fruit and veggies. Im so excited to start this diet and see where things go.
Posted by Snookums (Member # 12230) on May 20, 2008 11:35 AM:
Keep us posted!!
Posted by beebeekinsers (Member # 12115) on May 20, 2008 12:03 PM:
Hi Jennifer,
I will be happy to add you to the list! Weight loss takes some time, so I only update when someone lets me know their numbers have changed.
I'm doing the same as others walking and drinking water! I haven't had a soda pop in so long! The funny part is that I don't really miss it! I thought I would.
For now I am doing Slim Fast for two meals a day, cause I am just BARELY under the limit on BMI for my TR, and I want to be under far enough that I won't be nervous about it.
Posted by beebeekinsers (Member # 12115) on May 20, 2008 12:05 PM:
As of today, Tuesday 52008
beebeekinsers W 190, BMI 34.2, 14 lost, 10 to go
Brandi W 159, BMI 31, 25 lost, 44 to go
brenda0704 W 202, BMI 35.5, lost 1, 19 to go
byGodsGrace W 280, BMI 43.6, lost?, 40 to go
darkfeary474 W 245, BMI 36.2, 49 lost, 10 to go
hopefulin2008 W 200, BMI 34.3, ? lost, ? to go
KimBE W 222, BMI 40.6, lost, 37 to go
mama_soon W 220, BMI 38.9, lost 5, 40 to go
MichelleToo W 166, BMI 27.6, lost?, 26 to go
pattync W ?, BMI 34.9, lost?, 48.8 to go
Snookums W 174.5, BMI 31.9, lost 4.5, 24.5 to go
wantanotherchance W 212, BMI 38.8, 49 lost, 42 to go
Posted by hopefulin2008 (Member # 11297) on May 20, 2008 12:07 PM:
Louise I totally understand me too I am also just barely under the BMI requirement and I figured up I am going to just getting AF or just getting over AF when I go in Aug for my tr and I totally dont want that to throw me off. I want to be so under the limit that even if the scale showed a 5 pound gain I would be ok.
Shannon I will def keep you all posted it seems like it is going to be really easy to follow but then again who knows.
Posted by valwoman (Member # 12459) on May 20, 2008 03:42 PM:
Hi to everyone, I am just getting started on my road to TR. I had my TL in Feb 96 and now I am going to schedule within the next month or so. I am concerned, however that I will be over the BMI limit. I am 5' 5" and 221 pounds, I used the calculator and I show I am right on the edge. How far under, do I NEED to be in order to have the surgery?
Thanks to anyone who can help.
Posted by hopefulin2008 (Member # 11297) on May 20, 2008 04:20 PM:
valwoman your BMI must be below 35 anything above 34.9 on the day of surgery, and they will have you to reschedule. Good luck on trying to lose the weight I myself and having to lose some weight. Any idea when you may schedule and with what Dr? Your more than welcome to come and join us in the waiting room part 56, its for ladies who are scheduled and those who have not and from time to time ladies who have done had their tr will chime in and answer any questions we may have. Good luck no matter where this journey leads you. Jennifer in NC TR 8/4/08
Posted by beebeekinsers (Member # 12115) on May 21, 2008 01:10 PM:
How is it going ladies? I just wanted to wish everyone a "losing" day! It is so motivating when clothes start to fit differently! Keep moving and drinking lots of water! Blessings to you all.
As of today, Wednesday 52108
beebeekinsers W 189, BMI 34, 15 lost, 9 to go
Brandi W 159, BMI 31, 25 lost, 44 to go
brenda0704 W 202, BMI 35.5, lost 1, 19 to go
byGodsGrace W 280, BMI 43.6, lost?, 40 to go
darkfeary474 W 245, BMI 36.2, 49 lost, 10 to go
hopefulin2008 W 200, BMI 34.3, ? lost, ? to go
KimBE W 222, BMI 40.6, lost, 37 to go
mama_soon W 220, BMI 38.9, lost 5, 40 to go
MichelleToo W 166, BMI 27.6, lost?, 26 to go
pattync W ?, BMI 34.9, lost?, 48.8 to go
Snookums W 174.5, BMI 31.9, lost 4.5, 24.5 to go
wantanotherchance W 212, BMI 38.8, 49 lost, 42 to go
Posted by brenda0704 (Member # 12131) on May 21, 2008 01:38 PM:
Wowour list is getting long!
Louise, you are doing greatlosing fast. I haven't really kept track of anyone else, but I hope you are all losing too. My family and I have been walking a lot lately, since the weather has been nice. But it got cold again yeterday and it's raining today, so we might not be walking. Hopefully the weather will improve soon. Keep it up, ladies!
Posted by hopefulin2008 (Member # 11297) on May 21, 2008 02:03 PM:
Just wondering what weights are you ladies using, and how often to you weigh yourself? I weight first thing in the morning after I go to the bathroom I seem to weight less in the mornings, and I get discouraged if I weigh 200 one morning and then 205 the next should I be fluckating (sp) that much in one day and should I weight like every fri or something... Just wondering.
Jennifer in NC TR 8/4/08
Posted by Snookums (Member # 12230) on May 21, 2008 02:27 PM:
I only weigh in once a week, and make sure it is the same time of day every week!
Weight fluctuates quite often during the gets very discouraging if you weigh too often!!
Posted by hopefulin2008 (Member # 11297) on May 21, 2008 03:43 PM:
Thanks Shannon your right it def gets discouraging at times, sometimes I think what the heck am I pushing myself for if I cant see any results, but I know its worth it.
Pennylane on that diet you were talking about I did the diet generator and I have a question since you have done it before I was hoping you would be able to answer this question. If it says that I can eat chicken and cashews do I have to eat just that or can I add like something to it like veggies and if it says turkey and an apple can that be like a turkey sandwhich?
Posted by darkfeary474 (Member # 11949) on May 21, 2008 06:26 PM:
Hello Again Ladies ,
I just wanted to chime in on the BMI Question that I Seen on here and let everyone know that I Myself was told by Dr Berger and i think it was his Nurse Julie that when i get my BMI down to 35 that it would be fine and i would be able to have the surgery as long as it is not over 35. so i am a bit confused as to why some people are being told that there BMI has to be Below 35.. am i misunderstood about something?
Posted by beebeekinsers (Member # 12115) on May 22, 2008 07:40 AM:
Darkfeary, if you have been told that you can have surgery at 35 BMI, then I'm sure you can. Here's why ladies are saying UNDER 35 (copied and pasted from the "Scheduling" tab of the CHTRC web site:
For maximum safety in the outpatient surgery setting, our policy requires patients to have a body mass index (BMI) of less than 35 at the time of surgery. BMI is based on height and weight and can be determined by using our BMI calculator.
The main thing to keep in mind is that if our weight is too high when we get there, they will have to reschedule, and nobody wants that to happen. I am coming all the way from Oklahoma, so it would be a tragedy if DH and I made the trip by plane, and then couldn't get the TR done!
I've got my eyes on the prize! I've tried dieting many times over the years, but I must say, I have never had quite so good an incentive as now! Not only will the weight loss make me an acceptable candidate for TR, but healthier for PG'cy.
We can all do this together, and I am thankful for all you ladies who are in this journey with me!
Posted by beebeekinsers (Member # 12115) on May 23, 2008 01:42 PM:
I had wondered how much different the Dr. office scale would be from mine at home, and to my surprise, it was a pound lighter! I also made sure to stretch as straight and tall as I could, and came up to 5'2" according the Weight & Height Vereification form, my official BMI is 34.2. This is so encouraging for me, especially since I have a good 8 weeks until surgery still to continue losing weight and another few weeks after that before we bgin TTC.
I hope everyone has a great "losing" day today!! And enjoy the Memorial Day weekend! I may even treat myself to a hamburger...
Posted by brenda0704 (Member # 12131) on May 23, 2008 03:44 PM:
It seems like the scale at the doctor's office always weighed me about 5 pounds more than my scale at home, so I better make sure I'm well below the limit at home before I go to get weighed there!
Posted by darkfeary474 (Member # 11949) on May 23, 2008 04:31 PM:
Yes that is my plan also, even though Dr.Berger told me that with my height of 5'9" and weight at 235 would be fine with my BMI right at 35 to have the surgery, I was to get my weight down to at least 230 before I even make the appointment call ... my goal is to ultimately get my weight down to 200 and that will come in time but i do not want to wait till then to have my TR done because I am 34 and a Type 2 Diabetic (I have my Diabetes Under Control) and want to have my TR surgery done before I turn 35 which will be in April 2009.
Posted by brenda0704 (Member # 12131) on May 23, 2008 04:42 PM:
OK, it's Friday and I am trying to weigh myself and post it every Friday, so I weighed myself today, and it was 197.5. I'm hoping this is right, because it seems like a lot lost in a small amount of time. My scale is a digital one, and I think it might need a new battery, because it's been kind of acting up. The first two times I weighed myself and posted it was just before and just after my period, so maybe I weighed a little more because of that. My husband works at the local hospital, and he has been weighing himself there, and he said our scale weighs him one pound less that the hospital's. So, I'm not sure if it's right, but according to my scale, my weight is 197.5, which makes my BMI 34.7. I plan to get myself weighed and measured at the doc's office soon, so I'll correct my stuff then if I have to.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Is FSH An Important Factor when Trying to Conceive After Tubal Reversal Surgery?
Carol, a member of the Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center Message Board members, asks other ladies to share their age and FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) levels because she would like to discuss trying to conceive after age 35 and the importance of FSH when trying to achieve pregnancy. An FSH serum assay on cycle day 3 can determine if a woman has a good number of healthy eggs left in her ovaries. An elevated FSH level indicates a reduction in the quantity of eggs. A normal or low FSH level shows that there is a good reservoir of eggs for future ovulations. Carol had tubal reversal surgery with Dr. Berger in April 2008 and is optimistic that she will be able to conceive a pregnancy since her FSH was low (less than 2) and her tube lengths after surgery were 6.5 cm and 7. 0cm.
This is topic Over 35 and FSH levels in forum Age and Tubal Reversal at Tubal Reversal Message Board.
Posted by caroljean776 (Member # 12436) on May 19, 2008 09:40 AM:
I wanted to do a little survey of age, FSH levels and fertility. Just curious how many of you over 35 had FSH levels done either before or after TR, what your tube lengths were and if you were able to conceive after TR, and if so, how long it took. Wondering how FSH level vs. tube length and/or age affects fertility after 35. Thanks.
Posted by AnitaA68 (Member # 8709) on May 19, 2008 09:47 AM:
I'm 40, had my FSH drawn at 39, and it was 5.6 I believe. My lenghts are 5 and 5.5. Ended up seeing an RE, and was diagnosed with unexplained infertility, but my tubes are both open.
Posted by Mercy123 (Member # 11862) on May 19, 2008 10:04 AM:
I am almost 43 and a few weeks prior to my TR, my FSH was 16.1 and last month (5 months after TR) it was 6.1. My tube lengths are 3.5cm and 3.
No bfn's as of today.
Posted by atf6377 (Member # 11791) on May 19, 2008 10:11 AM:
Hi -
I am 35 (was 33 at time of TR) and had my FSH done recently--7.1. My tubes are 2.5 and 4.0.
I have been pregnant 4 times since TR--all miscarriages---not related to tubes. I have a blood clotting disorder that is now being treated. I got my first BFP 6 weeks after TR.
Posted by Roxann (Member # 11055) on May 19, 2008 10:56 AM:
Hi caroljean776,
I'm 35 and just had my FSH levels checked last month on CD3, it was:4.5
I had my TR June of 2007 (R-6,L-4.5). No BFP's as of yet.
I was just dx's with being borderline PCOS, so I'm taking Metformin along with Clomid right now.
TTC since June 07
Sept- HSG- open tubes
Nov- 1st round of Clomid 50mg CD5-9
Feb- 2nd round of Clomid 50mg CD5-9
April- 3rd round of Clomid 100mg CD3-7 and IUI done on CD13
May-4th round of Clomid 100mg CD3-7 and IUI
Posted by caroljean776 (Member # 12436) on May 19, 2008 10:58 AM:
Thanks for the input. Mercy123 - I didn't know your FSH would go down - I wonder if the TR affected it? Anita and Andrea, I'm so sorry for the frustrations and MC - but maybe there is still hope, I'll be rooting for you! I'm 41 and had my TR last month. My FSH before TR was 2 or less - extrememly low - I didn't know if there was such a thing as too low?! I think my tube lengths are around 6.5 and 7 cm each - but I'm tall (5'9") and am told that tube lengths are proportionate to height. I hope more TR ladies chime in. Thanks.
Posted by Mercy123 (Member # 11862) on May 19, 2008 11:05 AM:
Is FSH An Important Factor when Trying to Conceive After Tubal Reversal Surgery?
Carol, a member of the Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center Message Board members, asks other ladies to share their age and FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) levels because she would like to discuss trying to conceive after age 35 and the importance of FSH when trying to achieve pregnancy. An FSH serum assay on cycle day 3 can determine if a woman has a good number of healthy eggs left in her ovaries. An elevated FSH level indicates a reduction in the quantity of eggs. A normal or low FSH level shows that there is a good reservoir of eggs for future ovulations. Carol had tubal reversal surgery with Dr. Berger in April 2008 and is optimistic that she will be able to conceive a pregnancy since her FSH was low (less than 2) and her tube lengths after surgery were 6.5 cm and 7. 0cm.
This is topic Over 35 and FSH levels in forum Age and Tubal Reversal at Tubal Reversal Message Board.
Posted by caroljean776 (Member # 12436) on May 19, 2008 09:40 AM:
I wanted to do a little survey of age, FSH levels and fertility. Just curious how many of you over 35 had FSH levels done either before or after TR, what your tube lengths were and if you were able to conceive after TR, and if so, how long it took. Wondering how FSH level vs. tube length and/or age affects fertility after 35. Thanks.
Posted by AnitaA68 (Member # 8709) on May 19, 2008 09:47 AM:
I'm 40, had my FSH drawn at 39, and it was 5.6 I believe. My lenghts are 5 and 5.5. Ended up seeing an RE, and was diagnosed with unexplained infertility, but my tubes are both open.
Posted by Mercy123 (Member # 11862) on May 19, 2008 10:04 AM:
I am almost 43 and a few weeks prior to my TR, my FSH was 16.1 and last month (5 months after TR) it was 6.1. My tube lengths are 3.5cm and 3.
No bfn's as of today.
Posted by atf6377 (Member # 11791) on May 19, 2008 10:11 AM:
Hi -
I am 35 (was 33 at time of TR) and had my FSH done recently--7.1. My tubes are 2.5 and 4.0.
I have been pregnant 4 times since TR--all miscarriages---not related to tubes. I have a blood clotting disorder that is now being treated. I got my first BFP 6 weeks after TR.
Posted by Roxann (Member # 11055) on May 19, 2008 10:56 AM:
Hi caroljean776,
I'm 35 and just had my FSH levels checked last month on CD3, it was:4.5
I had my TR June of 2007 (R-6,L-4.5). No BFP's as of yet.
I was just dx's with being borderline PCOS, so I'm taking Metformin along with Clomid right now.
TTC since June 07
Sept- HSG- open tubes
Nov- 1st round of Clomid 50mg CD5-9
Feb- 2nd round of Clomid 50mg CD5-9
April- 3rd round of Clomid 100mg CD3-7 and IUI done on CD13
May-4th round of Clomid 100mg CD3-7 and IUI
Posted by caroljean776 (Member # 12436) on May 19, 2008 10:58 AM:
Thanks for the input. Mercy123 - I didn't know your FSH would go down - I wonder if the TR affected it? Anita and Andrea, I'm so sorry for the frustrations and MC - but maybe there is still hope, I'll be rooting for you! I'm 41 and had my TR last month. My FSH before TR was 2 or less - extrememly low - I didn't know if there was such a thing as too low?! I think my tube lengths are around 6.5 and 7 cm each - but I'm tall (5'9") and am told that tube lengths are proportionate to height. I hope more TR ladies chime in. Thanks.
Posted by Mercy123 (Member # 11862) on May 19, 2008 11:05 AM:
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Tubal Reversal Surgery More Successful Than IVF
This is topic Anyone had a failed IVF cycle then do TR in forum New Message Board Members at Tubal Reversal Message Board.
Posted by VWChick (Member # 12295) on April 15, 2008 11:37 AM:
We just finished with an IVF cycle that failed. We went in for a TR consult but out local (well, a couple hours away) clinic convinced us to do IVF because insurance would pay for part of it and they were "almost positive" it would work the first time. This is a big and well-known reputable clinic. Anyway, even after a "perfect" cycle (according to the doctors and nurses) we still failed to conceive. Now we are rethinking TR. Yes, it would be more expensive. But it wouldn't cost us every time we try either! [Wink] Plus, I am certain that I have PTLS too. DH has a low sperm count but I think a lot of that is do to being a smoker (he's now willing to quit), wearing tight undies, etc. So we're thinking that if we can raise his counts TR might be a better way to go.
Anyone else do IVF first and the TR instead of the other way around? Thoughts from you ladies on my situation?
Posted by Simonsen6 (Member # 10172) on April 15, 2008 11:45 AM:
There is a March 07 girl named Martica that did IVF and it failed- That was in Jan 2007 (I think) then they had TR done by Dr. Berger in March 07 and she was our first PG mommie after TR and delivered a beautiful baby boy Dec 17th 2007- Now they are thinking about Tr baby number 2
I say there is NO OTHER like Dr. Berger - Sure we all have local Doctors in our areas but do they have the experiment as DR. Berger and on top of the newsest and best ways to do a TR? Dr. Berger only does Tr's wanting a baby so bad I only wanted the best...
I had PTLS too really really bad and after my TR with each passing month I woucl feel my body as if it were coming back to life and acting normal again.. After 10 months of TTC we finally got our BFP and are due 09-11-08...
With a tr you can try every month and you have already tried IVF so I say go to Dr.Berger and get your TR done... [Big Grin]
Best of Luck on your journey!!!
Lots of LOve,
Tr 03-09-07
EDD 09-11-08
Posted by in-Gods-hands (Member # 11795) on April 15, 2008 11:49 AM:
I did not try the IVF. I was told the same thing. I instead got a TR. I had mine on 3-24-2008. This will be our first cycle trying. Like you I thought at lest I want have to pay every time we try. Oh and the PTLS has greatly inproved. Just to let you know.
Posted by Sally, RN (Member # 7389) on April 15, 2008 12:00 PM:
VWChick--We have had many women come to Dr. Berger for TR after having failed IVF treatment. In most cases TR has higher pregnancy and birth rates than IVF. I am glad that you are rethinking TR. Please call and speak to one of the nurses if you have questions. Best wishes.
Posted by berta8133 (Member # 11188) on April 15, 2008 12:11 PM:
VW..yep..we did IVF in 05 cuz dr's said TR was IMPOSSIBLE......and when it wasnt sucessful....dr's said they wouldn't do it again unless we used donor eggs because my eggs were useless.
Had TR 7/23/07 have been pg twice...and hoping 3rd one is a sticky one!
I should have done TR first!
Posted by Bellarose (Member # 11069) on April 15, 2008 12:57 PM:
I did IVF in 2006. One fresh cycle and one frozen. I did conceive with the first cycle, but miscarried at 12 weeks. The frozen cycle was a Chemical pregnancy. We only had 2 embryos survive the freeze and thaw cycle, so we used them both up at the same time. 11 Months later I had my TR surgery. No BFP yet, but we still have hope... and 2 years later I have finally lost all the weight that I gained on the IVF meds.
One more IVF cycle may be in our future, but I haven't gotten to that point yet, I think I will try for another year, then revisit the idea with the DH.
GoodLuck with your decision,
Posted by kitkat32608 (Member # 12120) on April 15, 2008 01:13 PM:
VWChick. I was convinced also by the doctors to do IVF first because of the same thing. That they where so certain I would get pregnant right off because all the tests where perfect and my eggs where perfect and we made the most perfect embryos. It failed. Then they had us do an FET cycle with the leftover eggs to expend what we had. When the FET didn't work he said not to do another cycle. He said if you where 38 I would tell you to do another cycle but you're young, healthy and your eggs and embryos where of perfect quality. He also said my chances would be better with a TR in the long run. This is after he made me do IVF he admits my chances where better with the TR. I was so pissed and hence why I refused to have him do my TR. Plus something kept pulling me back to Dr. B's site and I'm so glad I did. I had my TR on 3.26.08. I hope this helps. Good luck in whatever decision you make. But I agree with you on making sure that his sperm count is raised before you make your decision.
Posted by Andie (Member # 8626) on April 15, 2008 01:17 PM:
I had a failed cycle in 04 - did my tr with Dr B 10/05 and have a baby boy and all my PTLS symptoms were gone within 2 cycles - yippee!
Good luck!
Posted by Luckypj's (Member # 9974) on April 15, 2008 05:42 PM:
VW Chick,
I too, tried IVF first. Was told I was a perfect candidate. My insurance covered some and it was STILL more expensive than TR. I conceived the first try and had an M/C in the 9th and 12th weeks (twins). 2nd cycle was unsuccessful. I was then told my eggs were old and should consider an egg donor. I had my TR 2/15/06 and BFP 2/9/07. I have a beautiful 6 month old daughter today! BTW - the RE I saw was rated in the top 10 of the U.S and in the end I spent 4 times as much on IVF as TR. Good luck and God Bless!
Posted by jcis4me (Member # 11983) on April 16, 2008 09:55 AM:
I too was steered towards IVF by my doctor of 22 years! In fact, he's the one that did my TL! After 2 IVF cycles costing us over $20k, we decided that TR was our best choice. In my heart, I had felt this was the right answer to begin with, but I was swayed by my docotr and the IVF specialist that IVF was easier and more successful. I now beg to differ! The hormone treatment/injections took a horrible toll on my body and emotions! Anyway, I had my TR in 1/08 and we are ttc this very week! Dr. Berger and his staff are awesome!!!
Posted by Marty (Member # 10659) on April 16, 2008 12:18 PM:
Hi This is Martica, My TR sister Becki wrote here about me. I did have a failed IVF in December 2007 had the surgery in March and was pregnant a couple days later. I have a beautiful baby boy that I never thought could be after the heartbreaking news of the IVF not working. AJ was quite an expensive baby and we call him the golden child 25K in IVF and 5800 in TR but if I had to do it all over I would have probably skipped the IVF. Doctors lie to you and tell you high percentages on getting pregant what they do not emphasize is that its a one shot deal and most of the time does not work. Im glad I went through with my TR (even though I was very down in the dumps) Also they told me that my husbands sperm was not that great... Well I guess it was cause he got me pregnant 2 weeks later!!
Lots of luck to you and hope your decision whatever it may be results in a beautiful healthy baby!
Take Care
Posted by melij (Member # 12286) on April 17, 2008 10:54 PM:
I am so glad i read these post. Just today i went to my gyn to talk to them about getting my tubes reversed and she told me the same thing that most of you talked about. That my eggs may be to old and few and that I should consider IVF fr a better success. This had me quite upset because i know that i will not be able to fund IVF. Now you ladies have just confirmed that I have made the right choice in having my TR. Thanks so much I know God sent me here for a reason. GOD BLESS!!!
Posted by kendraQ (Member # 11723) on April 19, 2008 09:05 PM:
i just had an ivf cycle. my re said that i had an a+ on all the pre-test and gave me a very high chance of success. well, i over stimulated and my cycle got cancelled. i was devistated. now, im also looking into doing a tr. i wish i would have tried a tr first, but i also had a dr say mine wasnt irreversible.
Posted by mommyofseven (Member # 12271) on April 20, 2008 01:36 AM:
I to tried IVF first and was lucky it was a success. Now after two years my husband and I want another child so are looking in to TR my doctor had told me in the beginning that IVF would be better. It was a good experience but now in order to get pregnant again I have to go through all of the same stuff and the expense is outrageous. So i'm leaning more towards TR if it dosen't work then back to IVF. Good luck though. I have heard nothing but positive on Dr. B's site.
Posted by ztaylor (Member # 12314) on April 20, 2008 08:56 PM:
I tried IVF and it did not work. I am 34 now and I was 33 when I did it. He gave me all kind of hope since I was so young and I already had 2 children. My husband is good too, so there was no problems. I have 1 tube and 1 ovary only but everything went excellent the whole treatment. My doctor told me in the first visit that I did not have any chances of a TR because it has been 13 years since my TL, that's why I decided to go with the IVF. I spent around 16,000 because he did not buy enough medication for my whole treatment and i ran out of it. I apologize girls about my lack of good abbreviations as you guys use but this is my first time writing and i really don't know them.I already send almost all my paperwork to Dr. Berger and i have already been treated like i was there. They are great and i am looking forward to have my surgery. You know what, at the end it doe not matter how many ovaryes, tubes, try outs, ivf cycles or whatever what it really matters is that is up to GOD to work it out!!! so you go with your instincts and pray GOD to give you your miracle!!!! you will be in my prayers...take care and don't give up on GOD...
Posted by Loribeau (Member # 8892) on April 20, 2008 10:45 PM:
I was scheduled for IVF next month, but have decided to cancel it. I just can't risk it. I know it works for some, but my doctor, despite my labs being "very good" said 20% chance it would work. I can't risk OHSS, multiple births or worse yet, BFN-- not for $15,000.
I had my TR 12/05 and I'll keep trying, if it's meant to be it will happen, if not, I'm OK- I guess.
Posted by JESSIKA (Member # 12096) on May 07, 2008 11:17 AM:
Posted by JESSIKA (Member # 12096) on May 07, 2008 11:23 AM:
