Friday, December 28, 2007
Pregnant At Age 44 Following Tubal Reversal Surgery With Dr. Berger
This is topic hi again in forum New Message Board Members at Tubal Reversal Message Board.
Posted by debbiem (Member # 11820) on December 18, 2007 10:15 AM:
I was a member here several years ago. I had my reversal done by Dr. Berger 3 years ago. I had all but given up hope but now I'm currently 14 weeks pregnant at the age of 44!
I'm going to post a more specific message on the age & tubal reversal forum, but just wanted to introduce myself again and say to not give up hope if it isn't happening as soon as you would like!
Posted by So_Blessed (Member # 11773) on December 18, 2007 10:54 AM:
debbiem,I have a new motto that fits your situation perfectly. "A delay from GOD is not a denial" we have to stay faithful. I was a little concerned about not conceiving after TR but I see all things are possible. Stay Prayerful.
Posted by in-Gods-hands (Member # 11795) on December 18, 2007 03:37 PM:
So true so-blessed.It is great to hear that after all this time you are getting that little one debbiem. Never give up hope for hope is fought in God and he can do anything.I am so happy for you.
Posted by Stephanie RN (Member # 460) on December 19, 2007 12:57 PM:
Wonderful news! Thanks for sharing this information and please keep us posted on your pregnancy.
Posted by Sarah Dziadosz (Member # 11326) on December 19, 2007 01:06 PM:
Congratulations, that is fabulous news! Sarah
Posted by lesliebrown569 (Member # 7110) on December 19, 2007 02:01 PM:
congrats debbiem!! what year were you on here? I have been up here since 04
LeslieEDD~ 8/4/08TR~4/20/07
Posted by cnrstepp (Member # 11810) on December 26, 2007 02:46 PM:
Posted by aussiewife33 (Member # 10263) on December 27, 2007 08:07 PM:
i am so excited for you thats wounderful exciting. i wihs you the best..... i agree with you that if you stay faithful like abrahams wife you will be blessed . sometimes we just get tested on our patience.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Why Did You Choose Dr. Berger For Your Tubal Reversal Surgery
A potential patient at Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center asks fellow message board members why they chose Dr. Berger as their tubal reversal doctor. Women who have come for surgery or plan to have reversal surgery in the near future, share the many reasons why they prefer to have Dr. Berger perform their surgery. One important reason mentioned is the time and expense Dr. Berger takes to analyze patient data so that potential patients have the information they should have to make an informed decision about tubal reversal surgery.
The following is Dr Berger in forum Preparing for Tubal Reversal at Tubal Reversal Message Board.
Posted by tjtreacles (Member # 9962) on December 14, 2007 08:22 AM:
I just wanted to let you know Back in 2005 when I was looking for a Dr to do my reversal I went to my family Dr and he sent me on to you He had already sent another lady to you that had a baby. ( I also had one thank you) I was contacted from a friend who asked me about my reversal and who I went to and I sent her your web site info She also went to her family Dr (which is different from mine)to find out info on a reversal and he also told her to go to you. I just wanted to let you know that you are very liked in our town and it seems that the DR's here think the world of you as we all do too. I just wanted to share this info with you. I think it is neat that two different Dr's send their patience to you. Thank you again for making this happen for all of us. TJ
Posted by Gary S Berger MD (Member # 3) on December 14, 2007 11:07 AM:
Dear TJ -
Thank you for your message. I am glad to know that I have a good reputation among the doctors in your town. Apparently, it has been spreading over the years. When you see your doctor next, please thank him for me for sending you to me!!
Posted by Julia Smith, RN (Member # 10) on December 14, 2007 12:51 PM:
Thanks, DJ! Having worked with him for many years, all of us who work with him believe that Dr. Berger is the best tubal reversal doctor! But it is nice to hear that other doctors think well of him, too.
Thanks again.
Julia Smith RN
Posted by SAVANNAH (Member # 11823) on December 17, 2007 11:12 AM:
Hello everyone. I have been watching this site for over 6 months while planning to have a tubal reversal but this is my first time writing in. My doctor here in Florida also highly recommended Dr. Berger, I've been in touch with the office but I started to do a little research on my own and looked at some other doctors. I requested some information from a doctor in Kentucky. Being a nurse myself I was surprised and impressed when my phone rang one day and it was [the doctor] himself. Something doctors don't do very often. I thought it was a good sign of caring and confidence. If anyone can help me make my final decision, whether its a past patient, nurse or Dr. Berger himself I would appreciate it. I mainly want to know what the difference between the two doctors methods are and how responsible they hold themselves and their work to results after the patient has paid for and gone through the procedure.
Posted by momto10 (Member # 11808) on December 17, 2007 11:38 AM:
I can only tell you how I came to my decision. I
too was on [the other doctor's] site (for a short time), the reason I lurked, but didn't participate was 2 fold,
1. I really felt like everyone was worshipping him, it felt funny, like he was a deity or something, I would prefer a little more modesty. And the other reason was that I REALLY respect Dr. Berger because he POSTS EVERYTHING, the good, the bad, the ugly....I feel like he holds NOTHING back. I see EVERY statistic, he keeps records of every possible variation, as though he was constantly conducting research. [The other doctor] is all sunshine and roses and we as mothers know that if something seems to good be to be true, it probably is. I can't trust someone who doesn't disclose everything.
2.I also preferred the "staff" here. The nurses are friendly, helpful, and ACTUALLY wanting to help you have a baby.
OH I need to add a few more reasons (sorry, the more I think the more I realize).
3. I found Dr. Berger on the site, he WANTS to help bring about a new soul, it's not all about the money for him. He cares about he souls he helps to produce. Just the fact that he knows a soul is involved is amazing.
4. For number 4 I wanted to include all the little reasons that matter but not as much, the price, the helpfulness of the site, he is doctor recommended, he works WITH our current doctors before during and after, and his staff is SOOO Smart and they are willing to share all their knowledge.
Hope this helps... It doesn't mater to me who you pick, I just found myself in your shoes and I wanted to words to my decision.
Posted by Julia Smith, RN (Member # 10) on December 17, 2007 11:51 AM:
Dear TJ: I apologize for the lengthy response, but I think it addresses some of the questions you had.
Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center is the only medical facility specifically for tubal ligation reversal surgery. We provide the most detailed information about tubal reversal available from any doctor, hospital, or medical institution. This blog post describes how we are able to do this.
Keeping track of patients following surgery makes excellent sense from a clinical point of view. Continuing follow-up after surgery helps ensure the best care for each patient and allows us to evaluate the success of tubal reversal surgery and the care we provide. Setting up and maintaining a system to ensure ongoing follow-up is not usually found in a private medical practice since this is costly and time-consuming and requires staff knowledgeable in database management. Regardless of the cost and time requirement, Dr. Berger has made it a priority because of his commitment to giving patients all of the information they should have in order to make an informed decision about tubal reversal surgery.
At Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center, we have a computer system where every nurse enters patient information before, during, and after each surgery. In fact, all 11 of our nurses contact patients, record data and make daily entries into computerized records.
With this follow-up information, Dr. Berger can analyze and report accurate statistical data about the long-term outcomes of tubal reversal procedures he has performed. Other doctors often quote our statistics -- but they cannot provide information on their own since they are not able (or willing) to go to the time and expense of collecting their own data!
The patient follow-up system consists of information collected in many different ways and includes a minimum of 6 calls or e-mails to the patient in the first year following surgery.
1. Post-operative nurse visit the morning after surgery;
2. Telephone follow-up on the second postoperative day;
3. Telephone follow-up on the third postoperative day;
4. E-mail questionnaire at two weeks;
5. Telephone contact at 6 months;
6. Telephone contact at 12 months.
Other information is collected and recorded any time we communicate with patients post-operatively. These contacts are usually initiated by patients to report pregnancies and the outcomes of pregnancies. When patients report new pregnancies, we request that they complete a Pregnancy Report Form. Each week, we summarize the new pregnancy results in the Weekly Pregnancy Report Forum of the Tubal Reversal Message Board and also give more details in the Weekly Pregnancy Announcements.
After reading our information and statistics and comparing it to what might be available from other doctors, we believe patients will recognize that Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center is the only facility where accuracy of information is considered to be a priority and sharing it with prospective patients is considered to be a necessity. Providing facts rather than offering misleading or speculative statements about tubal reversal success is one mission of our practice. We believe this is the right thing to do.
I hope this helps!
Julia Smith RN
Posted by Brandi (Member # 3653) on December 17, 2007 11:53 AM:
Hi Savannah and welcome to the board. I'm also from FL..Panama City area. I have not had my TR yet, but plan to schedule after New years. I began researching TR doctors about 7 or 8 years ago and my search ended when I found Dr Berger. It just feels right!! Not only will you find amazing support from Dr B and his staff, but the ladies on this board are all very supportive and informative. I just couldn't imagine going anywhere else.
I wish you lots of luck no matter where you decide to have TR!!
Posted by stephg124ny (Member # 7023) on December 17, 2007 03:40 PM:
I wanted to add a little something to this post that helped me make my decision. I also researched the Doctor in KY. He charges extra of you are overweight. Dr. Berger just plain old won't operate because it isn't safe regarding anethesia. I am not overweight, so that wasn't an issue, but it made HUGE warning bells go off in my head that a doctor would essentially perform elective surgery on someone where it wasn't necessarily the safest. he also wanted pictures of you in bra and panties to assess your weight. about HECK NO!!!
I felt that in the KY docs literature that he was bashing Dr.Berger's surgical technique. (and really it was a roundabout way to bash Dr.Berger himself.) I don't feel that anyone should have to bring someone else down to raise themselves up. It just isn't right.
The other doctor includes all pregnancies into his statistics, including those achieved by IVF. Umm...that isn't the same thing. If I wanted to achieve pregnancy by IVF, I would have gone that route to begin with. If I remember correctly, the other doctor offered IVF if the TR didn;t work. That's all well and good, but I live in NY, so I certainly wouldn't be traveling to KY to have that done.
Anyway, I had my TR is 2004 and I really felt that Dr. Berger cared about me. He also cared about my reasons for wanting the surgery. His staff was beyond excellent. My TR baby is 2, so I know for sure the surgery works! HTH!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Your Tubal Reversal Consultation
This is topic Need details about consultation????? in forum Preparing for Tubal Reversal at Tubal Reversal Message Board.
Posted by Springpatch (Member # 10614) on December 06, 2007 11:05 AM:
Can someone who has already had their consultation give me details about whats happens at the consultation? Im nervous )-:
Posted by suzy2722 (Member # 11780) on December 06, 2007 11:13 AM:
I would like too know that too my tr is in jan,2008 and so nervous and happy at the same time maybe someone will let us know.....
Posted by fertilitygoddess (Member # 10835) on December 06, 2007 11:35 AM:
well u get there and check in and then u go back and have ur wieght and hieght done ,and i think blood pressure if i remember and then u get a transvaginal ultra sound to visualize ovarys and stuff and then they shave you...and u have a one on one talk with dr. b and asks u why u want more children and things like that ,it realy is not a big deal at all and u also talk with cant spell it but hope u get it...and thats it....u will be fine ladies he is great so is his staff,u will feel right at home..
Posted by Springpatch (Member # 10614) on December 06, 2007 11:40 AM:
Thank you so much. I just found out about the ultra sound and I got scared wondering if there was something else that my possibly be painful that I needed to know about. and Suzy, Im on December 14th (8 days) im so excited!
Posted by fertilitygoddess (Member # 10835) on December 06, 2007 11:45 AM:
in my opinon there wasnt nothing terribly painful about any part of it ,not even the tr was the easiest surgery i ever had ,the most painful part for me was the iv just hate needles ...but im sure u will do fine just relax..i was worried before mine too and all for nothing
Posted by Springpatch (Member # 10614) on December 06, 2007 11:55 AM:
Im hearing that give a numbing medicine before they put the IV in? I'm worrying about the trip back on the plane. Im worried about the type of scale they weigh you on. Im hoping its digital. Also, im bringing my husband and my daughter (they are both post-surgical LPN's ) and I have to split them up for appointments. One for the consult and one for the surgery. I wish they could both be there.
Posted by fertilitygoddess (Member # 10835) on December 06, 2007 12:04 PM:
for the first part of consult u go back alone and then when u talk to dr. b they go get dh..the type of scale they wiegh u on is like one of those slide bar scales if u know what i i just hated needles period numb or i wish i can tell u what it would be like on the plane but we drove 18 hours both ways and i can tell u it sucked bad but mostly cause it was during the ice snow storms at the begining of the
Posted by Sarah Meacham, RN (Member # 9766) on December 06, 2007 12:15 PM:
Hi springpatch,
At your consultation,we do measure your height and weight (but it is not a digital scale). We also check your vital signs and perform a vaginal ultrasound to assess your uterus and ovaries. We will review your pre and post-operative instructions, and you will then meet with Dr. Berger and the anesthesiologist. Please let me know if you have any other questions and we are looking forward to meeting you next week!
Posted by Jennifer K.Garza (Member # 8951) on December 06, 2007 12:15 PM:
Springbatch if your worried about the plane trip home you need to do what my husband did he informed the boarding ladies that i had just had surg. the day before and they let me and my husband get on the plane 1st and get seated that way knowone ran into me and they also had a wheel chair waiting for me once we landed ( even though
i ended up giving to to a young girl with cancer who was in more pain than me)..Hope this helps.
Posted by Springpatch (Member # 10614) on December 06, 2007 03:15 PM:
This all helps guys. Although the slide bar scales are not as accurate as the digital, I will have to go with the flow. Thanks for the info. on talking to the Airline, I didn\'t think of that and that is exactly what I'm worried about. Getting shoved and pushed around the airport and getting on the plane. Its also a long walk to the terminal. My mind is racing 1000 miles a minute anticipating my surgery next week. I really am excited.
Posted by pumpkin_powers (Member # 9198) on December 06, 2007 04:18 PM:
I had to lose weight for my TR. I was so nervous that I'd get there and the scales would be different and I'd have to cancel my surgery. I went to walmart and had a digital scale here at home that I weighed on at least twice a day. Well the day of my consultation I weighed before I left home and when I got to chapel hill their scale was exactly the same as mine at home. I think it's pretty accurate. Just make sure you have your exact height because I thought I was 5'5, but no I'm 5'4 and 3/4inch and it made a difference on my BMI. There are no words to explain how comfortable the staff will make you feel. It's like you're part of the family and they're welcoming you in. Hoping for long, wide open tubes and a speedy recovery for you ladies who are about to go.
Lots of Love
TR 3-7-06
Posted by Springpatch (Member # 10614) on December 06, 2007 04:32 PM:
Wow, now I'm wondering if my doctors office rounds up with my height. I'm 5' 8". But what if i'm like you and it comes out to be 5' 7 3/4. Also, on a digital scale it will show if you are 155.5 or 156. 156 can put you over the BMI and 155.5 can put you right at where you need to be. Its really scary. On many scales there is a 3 pound variance. My main worry is that I would normally start my period on the 14th which is the day of my surgery and I'm worried about retaining water because of it. My period can take me up by 5 pounds )-:
Posted by mamasoup8 (Member # 11212) on December 06, 2007 05:24 PM:
Hi ladies! When I had my TR on 11/05/07 I posted the whole day's experience. I had a Monday appointment, and so both consult and TR were the same day. HTH!
If the link didn't work, you can look at Nov 07 GTC #3 page 5.
Posted by pumpkin_powers (Member # 9198) on December 06, 2007 06:10 PM:
OH yes and they weigh you with all your clothes on. If I remember right I had to take my shoes off for the height measurement. I think it's cutting it close if you're only within your BMI by a few ounces and maybe it would be a good idea to lose a few extra pounds just to be on the safe side. I know My max weight could be 207, and I lost down to 197 just to be on the safe side. I also was still so paranoid that I wouldn't drink anything the morning before I had my final weigh in until after I got off those scales. I had an early consultation the day before my surgery and went straight for mexican food once we were done weighing in. It was so yummy after all that work to get down within the BMI limit. And the vaginal u/s isn't uncomfortable, what hurt the worst during my entire process is when I was being shaved the razor nicked my skin and it pinched me. Ouch! And leave it to Kathy to put a sparkly band aid on it for me, my DH about died laughing when we got back to the hotel and I showed him my diva band aid. LOL.
Posted by pam mills (Member # 617) on December 07, 2007 09:55 AM:
You are getting some great advice from our patients, one of the reasons this message board is so useful! I want you to try to take some deep breaths and believe in what they are telling you.
We will do everything possible to make your time here a pleasant and memorable one. Keep your eye on the prize, as they say, and know that we will be with you every step of the way.
Have a safe trip to Chapel Hill and I will see you when you get here!
Pam Mills, CRNA [CHTRC]
Posted by Springpatch (Member # 10614) on December 07, 2007 01:12 PM:
Thanks so much Pam: I am really trying to relax about all this. There are just so many scenario's that could occur that could stop my surgery from happening and Im having trouble not focusing on it. Im traveling a long distance to get there and I feel like I could lose everything I worked for over 1 pound. I'm scheduled to start my AF on Friday, december 14 (day of my surgery) Im a wreck thinking my weight will be fluctuating all over the place because of that. I normally take Midol PMS for 2 or 3 days before I start but, I'm not taking anything at all because of my surgery. If my surgery is cancelled, the journey is over for me, I couldnt do this again (emotionally or financially). Its a once in a lifetime chance and Im praying constantly that all goes well. Im flying in 2 days before my surgery just to give myself a chance to relax and not worry about delayed flights or being late for consultation, and youre right, the ladies on this forum are fantastic. They are all so supportive and they validate my feelings letting me know I'm not the only person out here with these concerns. I admire so many of them as they have worked so hard to reach the goal, a BFP.
Posted by Springpatch (Member # 10614) on December 07, 2007 01:36 PM:
Hey, can anybody tell me what they wore to their consultation? I just put my jeans and shirt on my scale and it weighed 3.5 pounds by itself, argh!
Posted by pumpkin_powers (Member # 9198) on December 08, 2007 06:45 AM:
black dress pants and a thin shirt, put your coat on over it til you get inside you can take your coat off and they won't weigh as much as your jeans. Also if it helps and I know it's not the healthest diet. I had alot of weight to lose and I only ate chicken breast and asparagus for a few weeks before my surgery. I cut out all drinks and any other source of sodium that I could think of just to make sure that I wasn't retaining unnecessary water. But the diet I was losing weight like crazy. Now I was taking prenatal vitamins to go along with that just to make sure I was getting enough vitamins, and wouldn't suggest it for a long period of time, but it may give you a boost so that you have some padding on your weight limit and you can relax and enjoy your trip. I was the exact same way you are before my surgery. Have faith in yourself that it'll work out. If you'd like you can email me for tips pumpkin_powers at
Lots of Love
Posted by guidobob (Member # 11710) on December 08, 2007 12:30 PM:
My wife had her tubal reversal just this week, so it is still pretty fresh for us. We went there on Monday, so the schedule of things may be different on other days.
She was very nervous; we drove down - an eleven hour drive - not sure what to expect. While there are countless messages on the board detailing great experiences, the fear of showing up and discovering either a second-rate facility or a scam were still in the back of our minds.
She was also nervous about "making weight," even though she was not even close to the BMI cutoff; my dear wife likes to fret over everything [Smile]
We met the shuttle van at the lobby of the Sheraton at 6:45; Doctor Berger's facility is only 5 minutes down the road.
When we pulled in, the courtyard gate was unlocked and open. We made our way up the stairs to the second floor, and the receptionist was ready and waiting; the waiting room up there looks like a very cozy, large, well appointed living room.
My wife got the luck of the draw and was first, so it was a very efficient, streamlined process. First up was blood pressure, height and weight. All went well, and we immediately met with Doctor Berger. He is professional, courteous, and yes, asked why we chose this. He didn't seem judgmental about age or weight; he seemed genuinely committed to giving my wife back her reproductive rights to the best of his ability.
After that was the vaginal ultrasound; my wife preferred for me to be present; it was about 10 minutes total, minimally invasive, and yes, the nurse fine tuned the hair line for surgery.
Again, we were first, so we were immediately escorted downstairs to the surgery reception, and we were quickly greeted by one of the surgical nurses. I believe we had some very brief paperwork at that point, but we moved so efficiently, I could be wrong.
We were escorted to the surgical waiting area, where she changed into a johnny and a robe, and answered some of the standard surgical questions.
My wife is no fan of needles, and we let the nurse know that previous IV experiences weren't very good. When the nurse had trouble with the IV, she immediately called in one of the OR nurses who took over and inserted a new IV in one quick, painless hit.
They talked us through every single step, and soon, my wife was walking in to surgery. She says she climbed onto the table and doesn't remember a darned thing until waking up!
As she was waking up, the nurse went over post-op care with me in painstaking detail. What the meds are for, when to give them, what existing meds can be taken with them, etc. It was thorough, and I felt quite capable of caring for my wife when we returned to the hotel.
When she was awake and lucid, and had successfully emptied her bladder, they allowed her to dress, and called for the Hotel Shuttle. 5 minutes later, it arrived, and we were back in our hotel room before 11am!
At 7am prompt, the nurse visited our hotel room, and inspected the incision and took every bit of time we needed to feel comfortable for our trip home.
A few tips:
- An important detail is that Doctor Berger's facility is amazingly effecient; while you don't feel rushed, you are done before you know it. They have fine tuned the process so very little time is wasted.
- If you have a little extra time the night before your surgery, visit the Southpointe Mall (Just off Route 40, I beleive.) It is 10 minutes from the Sheraton. It's big, inviting, and my wife is a huge fan of See's Chocolates; there is a stand there, and it made for a nice post op "recovering" treat. There is also a Cheesecake Factory there. We didn't partake, but it's there [Smile]
- Stick to the medicine schedule! Don't be a hero and skip your pain meds, or you will regret it. My wife was sore, but now, 5 days later, had a few bouts of soreness that would have been difficult in the days after, without meds.
- The nurses are all wonderful people; we enjoyed meeting them, and letting them take care of my wife. One kind nurse referred to passing gas as "burping your pants," and we are still laughing at this great phrase. Let them take care of you, and you will do fine.
Posted by Springpatch (Member # 10614) on December 11, 2007 03:12 PM:
Thanks so much (guidobob and Staci). You answered my questions wonderfully. I really needed a play by play; and you are right, I am nervous about the same things you mentioned. Did either of you feel that the pain meds were sufficient to take care of the pain during the trip back home? Also, were the post-operative instructions easy to understand?
Posted by pumpkin_powers (Member # 9198) on December 11, 2007 05:25 PM:
Instructions are a step by step guide and very simple. I had no trouble with pain. I took the meds when I was suppose to and almost felt to good. I had to keep reminding myself that I'd just had surgery and couldn't do so much. I was such a whimp that the worst part of it all was taking the steri strips off after surgery. They're nothing but little strips that have adhesive on them kind of like a band aid. Felt like pulling a band aid off. The only time after surgery that I felt any pain was when I sneezed, and when I tried to get up to quick from laying or standing. I hope this helps.
Lots of Love
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Dr. Berger's Patients Discuss Use of Ovulation Predictor Kits
This is topic Help/Need advice? Can't figure this out. in forum After Tubal Reversal at Tubal Reversal Message Board.
Posted by sillypuddha (Member # 11649) on December 09, 2007 12:31 AM:
I have never used OPK's before or anything like that. Had my TR on 11/29/07!! Went great, and I feel wonderful. Just trying to figure out when I O, just to have a head's up on things. I am not temping, and I am currently using FF as a calendar for things. I am using the OPK's 2X a day. I usually test around 10 am, and 9:30 pm. Last night I tested late--10pm, got a - on my OPK, this morning I tested around 10am, got a +. I decided to test again around 1pm to just check it again, and got another +. Tonight, I tested at 9pm, and got a -. Does that seem right? I only had a surge of about 12 or so hours, and where does that put me O wise. My cycles are every 28 days like clockwork. I am currently on CD14 as of Saturday. According to FF I should O today, but again, I have not temped, and this is the first month I am doing any of this. I must be completely stupid. I can't figure any of this out for the life of me. You girls are all such a wealth of knowledge and support, so I figure some of you can explain this to me. Sorry for being such a great big PIA, but I'm hoping someone can help me out with this stuff. Thanks, Krys
Posted by TheMzD (Member # 6500) on December 09, 2007 01:31 AM:
Its very normal for the surge to only last a few hours - you should actually release the egg within 12-36 hours after the surge. Since you just had surgery, your ovulation may have been delayed just a bit, but thats OK.
Good luck!
Posted by Tarebear38 (Member # 9544) on December 09, 2007 09:06 AM:
Kay is exactly right, and yes, it's perfectly normal to get a + and a - in the same day. That's why it's so important to test twice a day when getting close to ovulation. The normal advice is to bd the day of a + OPK, plus the next 2 days (so 3 days in a row). And HEY, don't call yourself stupid! That's not nice, lol. Everyone always has lots of questions at first, so don't worry & ask away.
Posted by sillypuddha (Member # 11649) on December 09, 2007 10:40 AM:
Thanks so much girls for your advice. I really appreciate it. I guess there is still so much I have to learn. I think it's funny, I never had to even think about this with my others. You're all so wonderful, knowledgeable, and supportive.
Posted by mama12 (Member # 11260) on December 09, 2007 10:41 AM:
From the chart Dr. B gave me I'm every 28 days which I know, but from what it said I O on or about the 11th day every month. I know this, we did have a BFP.
What we did was the 9 - 14 BD every day and it worked. I had a mc no big deal but we did get a BFP it did work for sure.
This last month I think I o'd on the 1st. I don't test, never do I can tell when I o when I sing my voice is better when I o. It was clear as a bell on the 1st which was CD11.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Is Tubal Reversal Surgery The Right Step For You And Your Partner?
Many times the partners of potential patients have questions and concerns regarding the right physician for tubal reversal surgery. The Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center message board offers an avenue of information for partners to discuss tubal reversal surgery and to gain the support and information that they need to chose the right step for their family .
This is topic Help DH Choosing TR Dr.!! in forum New Message Board Members at Tubal Reversal Message Board.
Posted by KimBE (Member # 8677) December 02, 2007 06:27 PM: Hi, my DH is choosing between Dr. Berger and our local TR Dr. I told him I'll have a lot of support here on line, and that the ladies encourage my soul dearly. He have read some messages on the board. We are not't going to have my tr until 1/09 because I just started my new job 6 months ago and my flex will pay only $3,000 the first of Jan. 08, and another $3,000 the first of 1/09. Anyway I need him to know how important it is to chose Dr. Berger. He is worried something bad will happen to me. He wants another baby (boy), but He don\'t't like surgry. What can i do? KimBE
Posted by Luckypj's (Member # 9974) December 02, 2007 07:40 PM: Kim,In my opinion, there is no other choice but Dr. Berger for TR. The surgery is so precise and so specialized that a doctor must perform this surgery 4 to 5 times a day to achieve good results. This is what Dr. Berger does. This is ALL he does. I had my TR in December and got my BFP in February. My DD is now 7 weeks old! Dr. Berger and his staff are so wonderful and so caring. They put you right at ease the moment you enter his office. Before TR I saw a very prominent RE. It was clear I was just another patient, a number with a checkbook. Dr. Berger and his staff made me feel as if I was their only patient. My ob/gyn called Chapel Hill while I was pregnant and they were very cooperative and gave him all the info he needed. He was so impressed he has already referred another patient to Dr. B! It is definitely worth the trip to Chapel Hill. We can't wait to go back and introduce everyone to our miracle baby! I hope this helps you out. Welcome to the board and good luck!
Posted by KimBE (Member # 8677) December 02, 2007 08:02 PM: Thanks Luckypj's. I want Dr. Berger to do my TR. I want my dh to chose Dr. Berger aswhile. I don't wnat to go to our local TR DR. He is new to the tr here, and have done 3-4 women. He specialize in male vr. He doesn't seem what is the word?? Like Dr. Berger and staff which is very interested in us, our feelings, and cocerns.I hope my dh gets that. Kim
Posted by KimBE (Member # 8677) December 02, 2007 08:07 PM: Congrets on the new baby what is her name? We have 3dd and 0 dd.
Posted by rkandlm (Member # 6776) December 02, 2007 08:07 PM: Kim,I agree that there is no other choice. Dr B is the best. I am currently pregnant with TR baby #2.I have met women who have gone to local TR doctors, and none of them have had as good of sn outcome as me. They had more pain, had to stay in the hospital, and haven't gotten pregnant yet. I too was worried that finding a doctor on the internet might be scarey, but I went with my gut, and I am SO glad I did. I even joked to people that I was worried I would show up in CH and Dateline would be there saying I had been scamed! BOY OH was nothing like that. It was a beautiful, loving place, that fixed me more then good! Have you DH get on and post, let us tell him ourselves, we can even have our DHs get on with their opinions! LisaEDD 3-30-08 withTR baby #2....It's a girl!!!
Posted by KimBE (Member # 8677) December 02, 2007 08:45 PM: Our local tr dr. wanted to make a small cut up and down my lower abdoman, and keep me over night in the hospital. He also said no work for 1 week. I can do no work for one week but no over night hospital stays. hotals yes, hospital NO! lol my dh didn't go to the appt with me at our local here. Kim
Posted by KimBE (Member # 8677) December 02, 2007 08:51 PM: I'll be happy to have him to get online and post. He is sleep right now. He's tired he took our girls to church, and cooked. I wasn't feeling well this morning so i didn't get to go. I have to work tonight 3rd shift. I'll be sure to let him know to get on tommorrow night. Be watching him in the message. Thanks tr sisters Kim
Posted by KimBE (Member # 8677) December 02, 2007 09:13 PM: i meant 3dd and 0 dslol kim
Posted by **hopes** (Member # 8326) December 02, 2007 10:32 PM: KimBE,I looked into TR doctors for two years before I went to Dr. Berger. I had consults with two local doctors and looked into another nationally known doctor and Dr. Berger. I went with Dr. Berger because he was so upfront with his stats. ALso, the local doctors only did around 15 TR per year. I ended up choosing Dr. Berger and had one of the local doctors that I consulted with be my new OB.Dr. Berger did my surgery July 2006. My local doctor saw me three days after surgery and mentioned how impressed he was at how I was moving around. My TR baby was born only 10 months after my TR surgery. I am so thankful I went to Dr. Berger.I know its really hard to put your fate into someone you have never met. Please trust me when I say, that going to Dr. Berger was the best choice I ever made.**hopes**TR July 06TR baby boy born May 07
Posted by Rhonda Brown, RN (Member # 9485) December 03, 2007 06:03 AM: Dear KimBE,We have seen many times here where the DH is very hesitant about surgery. It is a big step and I think that they have a hard time with the thoughts of their partner going through surgery. Sometimes even though they want more kids, it is a big step and responsibility for them. Communication and information is the key. You could always order the tubal reversal video and this may help. Let me know if either of you have any questions. Good luck and I hope to meet you in the future. Rhonda
Posted by sillypuddha (Member # 11649) December 03, 2007 11:40 AM: My husband was also very skeptical about having surgery by a doctor whom we had never met, especially after knowing the last doctor, and he basically became a butcher. My husband had a lot of fears, and so did I. We weren't sure if going to a doctor we found on the internet was a wise decision, but we decided to order the dvd just to see. Well, let me just say that after watching the dvd, and seeing just how skilled Dr. B really is, our worries melted away, and my husband was more than sure that he wanted this to be our TR doctor.Where else can you actually go on line and check stats, talk with others, and even check out other independent sites and see the same thing--that Dr. B and his staff are truelly amazing. I felt so at ease from the time I saw the video, started calling and asking questions, and started sharing with others online. I just had my TR last Thursday--November 29th, and in all honesty, I feel great. I had PTLS really bad, as well as wanting to be blessed with another baby, and all I can say, is that I already feel a definate difference. I cannot express how greatful I am that we went with Dr. Berger. He and his staff are just truelly incredible, loving, warm people, and the people you meet on here are so supportive and wonderful. To me and my husband, there is no other choice other than Dr. B and Chapel Hill, and he and I fully recommend them to anyone and everyone thinking about TR.
Posted by jarz (Member # 9286) December 03, 2007 12:21 PM: My DH was so afraid of me traveling across the country for a surgery with a Dr. I had never even met before, he too was afraid something bad was going to happen to me etc. But I was bound and determined to go to Dr. B. When I made it home safely (DH couldn't go so my sis went with me) he was happy and then after a couple of very trying PG's when I have had issues he asks me if I asked the Dr. in N.C. what he thinks. even before he asks if I have spoken to my regular Dr. here, he always asks what Dr. B thinks or if I asked Dr.B what to do. All of the staff at Chapel Hill take care of you as if you were their own daughter...I know it may sound corny or over the top but it is true. You will leave there and wonder why the rest of the medical community can't be like them. It was the best surgical experience I have ever gone thru and since I have been PG twice, it was successful too. Good luck with you decision.JO
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Deciding between TR or IVF
The following is topic "Deciding between TR or IVF" in forum Age and Tubal Reversal at Tubal Reversal Message Board.
Hi, I am new to the message board, and I am still not sure if I want TR because I am 41 years old. I want the procedure that will give me the highest possible result of pregnancy. Please give me some insight on what you think.
Unsure Lisa
Hi Lisa,
I am 42 and just had my TR done on 9/28/07. I choose do to the TR for several reasons. First I did the 3 day FSH, LH and Estradiol testing to see if having another baby was even in range for me. My FSH came back 5.1, my LH came back 3.8 and my Estradiol came back at 39. All are excellent. So from there, I went to see a Fertility specialist, who told me that I do still have eggs, but they don't know which eggs are good and which eggs are bad. So if I chose the IVF they would extract as many as they could, for about 18K, but that doesn't mean the eggs they extract would be good, but all the things to do along the way, shots etc to get there and not even know if it will work for 18K, was a little to risky for me. But the TR gives me a chance to try every month, possibly trying a few other medications to make the TR work for much less maoney. So for me the TR was the right choice. $5900 out of pocket, and several changes to keep trying...
Carla 42 TR 9/28/07
This page should give you some more information to help with your decision about Tubal Reversal Surgery. Look forward to meeting you, hopefully!!
Lisa, welcome to the board. THis is a tough decision to have to make.
I agree with what Carla posted - have your doctor do the prelim. fertility workup on day 3 of your cycle (its OK if you are still bleeding). Get the FSH level checked (this is like the gas pedal that gets the ovaries working), LH and estradiol (high estradiol can mask high FSH). These levels will give you some idea of how to proceed.
A good FSH is a good indicator that you still have eggs left - your body isnt having to work too hard to get follicles started. BUT - keep in mind that our eggs are as old as we are. Having a lot left at this point doesnt mean they are any good. IVF can not guarantee a pregnancy, and is quite a bit more expensive for each attempt.
In fact, at our ages - I'm 41 today - IVF has pretty low odds for the expense.
Good luck as you make your choice!
I will tell you my experience. I was told I was a perfect candidate for IVF. I had the FSH and all the prelims done. After my first round of IVF I became pregnant with twins, I lost both by 12 weeks and had to have a D & C. After much thought we decided on 1 more cycle that was unsuccessful. IVF is emotionally, physically, and financially draining. After my 2nd cycle the RE told me I was too old (I was 37) and so were my eggs and that I would probably need an egg donar. Thank goodness I found Dr. Berger! I had my TR in Dec of 06 and found out I was PG in February! I am due to deliver any day now! I know that IVF has worked for many but you should definitely do some soul searching before you plunge in. With IVF you only have the opportunity to conceive a couple of times a year and then you have to pay for it every time. With a reversal you can try to conceive once a month. I also believe that with IVF there is too much human interference. Natural is always better for your body! I thank God everyday for giving Dr. Berger the skill and the compassion to help out all of us who regret their TL. Sorry this is so lengthy! Whichever you choose I wish you much success and will remember you in my prayers!
Hi Lisa I just wanted to chime and say that I agree with all the post you have received. I had my TR June 2007 and I am in the 2WW now.
I had 4 cycles of IVF two were successful,but 1 ended in M/C and the other ended right after the procedure. The other two were stopped because I was not responding. Luckpjs is correct that it is draining. My fertility Dr made me believe IVF was my only option. I have been on the IVF road since 2003. I feel like I have wasted a lot of money and hundreds,possibly thousands of viable eggs. IVF is extremely expensive. I can honestly say not including insurance payments we have spent over 50 grand. For the price of one of my prescription I could have had TR surgery twice. Do the math. The TR will give you the oppurtunity to try month after month as opposed to waiting to complete an IVF cycle. Just remember there are no guarantees with IVF even when the eggs are transferred they is no guarantee a pregnancy will happen. Talk to your DH and make a joint decision. God bless you and good luck in whatever decision you make.
One other thing I did not mention those shots can be pretty painful OUCH Will you administer your own shots or will your DH have to? And if so have either of you given shots before? Its not an easy thing. My DH gave me my shots and sometimes I felt as if he were sticking me too hard, but I think i was just being paranoid and stressed. You will alos have to have vaginal ultrasounds, a battery of test
and your DH will have to his semen analyzed. Will your insurance cover this?
Just thought I would add that in , I found out about a lot of the additional charges after the fact.
Hi Lisa, I had tried IVF last year around time and it is very emotionally and finaicaly draining. I wish I would have had my TR done 1st. To go though the process of IVF not having it work is the worst experience I ever had. I had my TR in May 2007 no BFP yet, but aleast we can try every and not a one or two time deal.
Good luck
TR 05/21/07
Lisa..I'm 37 (38 in a few weeks)...I went thru IVF in 05...'perfect' reason it shouldn't take on first try.... well didn't work and all that $$ gone on one shot. After many DR's telling me TR was not option...DR B did the TR this year...7/23/07, I came out with lengths of 3cm on each side. We were blessed with a BFP 9/12/07 (first cycle TTC), sadly though ended as Ectopic 9/25/07. Even with the ectopic we are estatic to know we did get PG......and have another chance and another chance. Spending $6000 for chance after chance compared to easily $15-$17,000 one chance IVF...I'd go for the TR -- hands down.
I also have a friend that did IVF too-- a couple of cycles - no success...had her TR 10/06 and is expecting baby any day now...and Dr B did her TR as well...and she is 40.
Good luck to you with whatever decision you make.
TR 7/23/07
Ectopic 9/25/07
I'm sorry you feel that way Jerseygirl...however it is everyone's opinion....and we are all speaking from experience. Having tried IVF and it didn't work...then doing TR and having the CHANCE to do a repeat month after month is better than having the chance to do nothing because of financial reasons and insurance not covering IVF. I know there are women on the boards that have been sucessful with IVF..however statistics on that one too...the rate of it working first time....of ALL women that choose is low.
Blocked tubes - everyone knows is a risk we take with TR... everything is a risk. I'm very sorry yours are blocked....but the chance was there for you, just as it would have been had you went with IVF first time. Bad hand dealt to you and once again very very sorry for you.
It doesn't matter if those that have posted have yet carried a baby to term....
Bottom line...everything happens for a reason. If we are meant to have a baby then we will..if not...then we wont regardless of the medical intervention used to try......
Not meaning to ruffle feathers..just expressing my opinion.
I REALLY think you hit the nail on the head...with saying all should be tested / checked over prior to TR or IVF....this a valid and smart point..that really I'm sure alot of sisters just thought they could have the surgery and all would be great...not knowing the underlying problems.
I'm sorry for your situation as well. Good luck with your dr appt next week!!!
Thank you Berta! (I was editing while you were responding).
Thank you ladies for all of the advice and personal histories with TR and IVF. Because of your insightful information I am going to have a battery of test and weigh my options. With prayer I know I will be strong no matter what the outcome. Thanks again ladies!
Posted by Tarebear38 (Member # 9544) on October 13, 2007 01:58 PM:
Good luck to you!
Good luck to you on this journey!!
Mslisalisaf - Dr. Berger has a graph that compares pregnancy rates after tubal reversal vs ivf on that may be helpful to you.
You can also find statistics comparing tubal reversal and IVF here:
hi All,
im considering reversal soon, but after having
4 c-sections in the past, would i have scar tissue? i was never told about this, and will it effect the surgery and it,s result,s. have had 4 goes at IVF with no success.
thanks marly x
Marly, I would definitely think about getting checked to see if you have any scar tissue or any other "plumbing" problem that could be preventing you from getting a sticky bean after all those IVF attemps. Good luck to you!
Hi, Lisa. Although reversal surgery is statistically and financially the best option for pregnancy after a tubal ligation, women over age 40 have a special set of circumstances that are - unfortunately - often not addressed during an IVF consultation. The truth is, most IVF clinics will not accept patients over age 40 or 42 unless they agree to use donor eggs (eggs from a younger woman). This is to help keep their statistics high. We performed IVF for many years at our office and Dr. Berger is now limiting his practice to tubal reversal surgery for a reason: It gives women who have previously had a sterilization the chance to conceive naturally again -- without medications, shots, and continued expense each time they want to conceive. Most of the women who contact us have already considered IVF - and have definitely ruled out donor egg IVF - and for good reason.
It will be very important to ask your reproductive specialist very directly whether he/she will accept a woman age 42 for IVF without donor eggs or decline you if your FSH level is slightly elevated (as many clinics do).
For almost all women, reversal surgery is the most successful and least expensive option to have a baby after a previous tubal ligation.
I hope this is helpful.
Julia Smith RN
Friday, October 26, 2007
A Tubal Reversal "Thank You" For Dr. Gary Berger
Posted by Eric'sGirl (Member # 10652) October 26, 2007 01:35 AM:
This THANK YOU! is long overdue…. I had my TR one week ago! I have started and restarted this 100 times over in the past 7 days. I can’t find the words to say what I feel in my heart… so the following is a mere fraction of the gratitude that Dr. Berger and all the wonderful nurses and staff at Chapel Hill deserve.
I found Dr. Berger’s website in March 2004. Life had thrown one hell of a twist my way… my high school sweetheart and I were reunited. I may have loved other men in my life… but never the way had I loved him. And he was back… a second chance to correct bad life decisions we made 10 years earlier.
In those “lost” 10 years I had met and had kids with a man… a man that was my best friend and my worst enemy. He changed me… I lost some of the personality traits that made me “me” while I was with him. And along the way, I opted for a TL – and asked a doctor to “cut and burn” my tubes instead of the clips he was going to use. I knew if I came home with clips I would only hear over and over again how I did that so I could leave him and start a new family with someone else. His post operative notes didn’t make much sense! So the first time I sent them into Dr. Berger, he told me my post op notes were ambiguous. I was told I could have the pre-screen laparoscopy to determine the true effect of my TL.
So that is where it sat… until I got married in October 2006 and decided to start pursuing a TR more aggressively. In January 2007 I had an ovarian cyst… and a wonderful local Ob/Gyn. My doctor told me we could wait 8 weeks for the cyst to resolve itself and do a follow-up ultrasound. I said I didn’t want to wait 8 weeks and risk a rupture – that I was considering a TR. He removed the cyst and took pictures so I could send them to Dr. Berger.
Those pictures put me in “marginal” candidate status - I am a smart woman… but never looked into the numerous ways a TL can be performed. That doctor… the one that was recommending clips because I was so young (27 yrs old) went on to remove all but 3-5cm of my tubes and cauterize them right up to my uterus wall. No two ends for anastomosis… and possibly not enough tube left for implantation.
In 2004, I had sent my report to two other doctors – wasn’t as impressed with them from the start….but this time I was doing due diligence in the research phase. Again, I contacted the two other facilities. One took over a week to respond… and the other, the nurse on the phone wasn’t versed enough to understand the “implantation” option… or maybe they just didn’t perform it… or maybe not that often – I don’t know. All I know is neither had the support network that Dr. Berger and his staff provided.
I once sent an email over the weekend…. Because I had time to send it then and wasn’t expecting an answer until Monday… It by no means was anything pressing. Dr. Berger himself responded… shortly after I sent it!!!! Oh my goodness… that pushed me over the edge. It was followed shortly by a response by the nurse that was copied on it!
I have now been to CHTRC… I don’t know how they do it! Four consults and four surgeries each day… and somehow there is ALWAYS a prompt reply to every phone call and email. And the message board full of ladies who are saving to schedule, waiting for their day, or on the other side…. You couldn’t ask for a better support system!
On Wednesday, October 17th I walked into CHTRC for my consult. What an amazing place to be! Nothing but professionalism from the second you walk in… until you walk back out. I hire people for our service company… I can’t believe the caliber of the staff Dr. Berger has assembled! It is not an easy feat to find that many people who put their heart and soul into their work and the cause!
On Wednesday, October 17th I met with Dr. Berger. I don’t know if I have ever been in the presence of such a gifted and caring individual. And I don’t know if I have ever been so shaken. He accepted me… at my “marginal” candidacy – and I came face to face with that reality. I signed a surgical consent form that needed to be so vague – “bilateral tuboplasty” (plastic surgery of my tubes!) it read. I didn’t fit into either “standard” (anastomosis or implantation) procedure. I walked into that room knowing that there was no other person on this planet that could put me together. And with complete professionalism, he walked me through every reality and every possibility. I watched as he drew out what he MAY be able to do. I left struggling to hold onto the faith I had – IN HIM! I wanted a miracle out of him – how unfair of an expectation was that?!?! In fact, I even told him to write, “Dr. Berger is going to pull of a miracle tomorrow” on my surgical consent form – instead of “bilateral tuboplasty.”
My husband wasn’t there that day. He was in Cincinnati for work – flying in that night to be there for the surgery the next day. But I wasn’t alone… Dr. Berger’s network extends past the doors of CHTRC. Online I had my girls pulling for me… from all over the world! And back at the hotel, I had Donna and her husband Bob. Donna was on my thread… and had surgery the day of my consult. We hung out after her surgery and my consult…. Clear through my husband arriving at 9 o’clock that night. They kept my chin up. Without them I would have sat in my hotel room – crying until my husband got there. It was ALL OR NOTHING the next day.
So with my hopes and dream of babies with my high school sweetheart on the line… I walked back into CHTRC on Thursday, October 18th. I have never been so scared of an “answer," and surgery never seemed so – well… refined and simple. There were no worries… they took such good care of you and kept you so comfortable! I almost forgot there was a chance this wouldn’t go well!
I remember telling me they were starting the anesthesia. I remember trying to wake up and ask the nurses what he did. I wasn’t the typical case… he had told them he wanted to explain things to me… they weren’t able to say much. I remember someone telling me, “thumbs up!” I remember someone saying, “It’s good news!” I wasn’t catching their hints. Half loopy – and fully determined to get the answers I wanted… I guess I worried my recovery nurses. My husband later told me they came to get him and told him they had upset me.
Dr. Berger PULLED OFF A MIRACLE THAT DAY! He found my original passage through my uterine wall. He connected the minimal tube my TL doctor left behind. Dr. Berger sat in front of me and told me I had 4.0 cm on the right and 3.0 cm on the left. OH MY GOSH!!!! I wasn’t supposed to have much more than that in there!
And here is where I can’t explain what I feel inside… gratitude… hope… faith… yes! But they don’t come close to describing what it feels like to be whole again. What it feels like to be with my husband. What it feels like to make love and know I may be able to make a baby…. The old fashion way.
I don’t know how to say “thank you” for all that! I believe in always giving of yourself what you can give… you may never know when you will need to ask someone for something. I have never done something so great in my life for anyone – I don’t know how to pay this forward – I spin every time I try to fully grasp the impact he has had on our life.
Never have I been so amazed by anyone! I don’t know what made him dedicate himself to women… to families. He gives us so much – and there is nothing we give him! Or so I feel.
I have been on the boards long enough to know my same story is replayed time and time again by women who find you… what a gift you give us by providing us the opportunity to undo our past!
I am sorry this is so long…
Dr. Berger, Sarah, Jan, Ericka, Jennifer, Julia, Rhonda, Pam, and Dr. Phlugrath – I remember each of you from that day or previous correspondences… and I know there were other surgical nurses and recovery nurses I was too hazy to acknowledge… please don't feel I thank you any less!
THANK YOU! Thank you for caring so much…. Thank you for being the amazing people you are… Thank you for what you have given me… us… and our family!
May all your lives be as blessed as those you help!
Chrissy 34
Eric 35
TR 10-18-07
Posted by pam mills (Member # 617) October 26, 2007 05:53 AM:
I am speechless, what an endearing testimonial! It was our pleasure to care for you.
Thank you for putting your trust in us and coming to the Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center.
Pam Mills, CRNA
Posted by Ericka Pamplin (Member # 1953) on October 26, 2007 07:37 AM:
Chrissy, thank you for your kind words. It was a pleasure meeting you and Eric. I'm glad you enjoyed your experience here. Best wishes and I hope to here POSITIVE news from you soon!
Posted by Rhonda Brown, RN (Member # 9485) October 26, 2007 08:40 AM:
Dear Chrissy,'
Thank you so much for the kind words. It was truely a pleasure meeting you. It is such a blessing for us to be a part of such a wonderful experience. Good luck to you and please keep us posted on how things go for you.
Posted by Jennifer Okun, R.N. (Member # 1806) October 26, 2007 08:45 AM:
Thank you Chrissy for your touching post. It means a lot when patients take the time to send a sweet message like yours. And I am happy to hear that your experience here went so well.
Best wishes to you and I also hope to hear good news from you soon!
Posted by Myrna (Member # 11121) October 26, 2007 08:51 AM:
Thank You for the kind words and I wish only the best for you and Eric. Please keep us posted on your journey.
Posted by Cjl (Member # 11408) on document.write(timestamp(new Date(2007,9,26,9,11,0), dfrm, tfrm, 0, 0, 0, 0)); October 26, 2007 09:11 AMOctober 26, 2007 09:11 AM:
OMG! I actually cried when I read this just now. I hope and pray all goes well for you Chrissy!
Baby dust to us all as we wait patiently!
Posted by ANANICKY07 (Member # 11330) October 26, 2007 09:32 AM:
This is a very touching story... My eyes are watering just reading.
Happy baby dust to you Chrissy.
Posted by danielle83 (Member # 11518) October 26, 2007 12:30 PM:
Awe, you have me in tears. That was such a touching post. I feel the same way about the Chapel Hill staff and Dr. Berger. They are angels under cover. Just like you said, helping us undo our past and move on with our futures. I pray that you get your BFP soon, best of luck
Posted by Sweetpea (Member # 2742) on document.write(timestamp(new Date(2007,9,26,14,4,0), dfrm, tfrm, 0, 0, 0, 0)); October 26, 2007 02:04 PMOctober 26, 2007 02:04 PM:
I was very moved to read your testimonal. We are all very lucky to have crossed paths with Dr. Berger and his amazing staff. Dr. B is blessed with the great talent of putting us back together. I wish you tons of baby dust and look forward to your post that says your PG!
Posted by Eric'sGirl (Member # 10652) October 26, 2007 02:36 PM:
To all of you posting and wishing me well... THANK YOU! This wasn't meant to draw attention to me... but again, the support system on here is second to none!
Baby Dust, BFPs and new additions to your families... right back at all of you!
Posted by Gary S Berger MD (Member # 3) October 26, 2007 05:01 PM:
Chrissy - Your eloquent and heartfelt post has obviously touched other staff members and message board members as well as me. I want to thank you for your message. I am pleased that everything has gone well for you, as I wish it for everyone who comes here. And, of course, I hope that time will result in the birth of a healthy child for you and your husband.
I think often about the importance of being able have "second chances". With regard to "miracles"...What I view as a miracle is not what I do, but the body's ability to heal itself and restore normal function when surgery is performed carefully to repair disrupted anatomy.
Just last week while you were in Chapel Hill, I received a gift from from the Tubal Reversal Nurses, a beautifully framed quote by Einstein that I think is apropos to repeat here:
"There are two ways to live your life - one is as though nothing is a miracle, the other is as though everything is a miracle."
Posted by Eric'sGirl (Member # 10652) October 26, 2007 05:33 PM:
Thank you, Dr. Berger!
I choose everything is a miracle! And the blessing of you is one of those - whether you will accept that being donned upon you or not!
Donna (My TR sister) gave me a Willow Tree figurine - Angel of Mine(mother and baby). You have one in the waiting room. I will now seek out that quote to put by it and the picture we took of us at the hotel. I can't think of a more perfect way to display a tribute to our Chapel Hill adventure!
Bless you!
Friday, October 19, 2007
When To Have An HSG X-ray After Tubal Reversal Surgery
A tubal reversal patient of Dr. Berger's and member of Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center's message board asks other members and the staff if she should have the HSG x-ray the same day if she received a positive on her ovulation predictor kit. The answer is "No". The HSG x-ray should be performed after your period and prior to ovulation - usually between cycle days 7 through 10. It should never be performed after your LH surge or ovulation, since it could interrupt a very early conception.
Posted by pray4me (Member # 2763) October 19, 2007 10:42 AM:
I am schedule for a HSG this afternoon. This morning I got a positive on my OPK. Is there a minimum of days between HSG and O?
Is there any harm to my tubes if I have the HSG and O the next day? So many Questions.....
Please share the knowledge
Posted by Simonsen6 (Member # 10172) October 19, 2007 10:48 AM:
What Cd are you on? Good Luck today~ WIde open tubes!!!!
Posted by Jennifer Okun, R.N. (Member # 1806) October 19, 2007 10:52 AM:
You should not have the HSG when you are ovulating. The HSG should be done when you are finished with your period, but prior to ovulation
What cycle day are you on?
It sounds like you should wait until next month for the HSG - usually done between cycle days 7 and 10.
Posted by Jennifer Okun, R.N. (Member # 1806) October 19, 2007 11:00 AM:
This is # 1 on our HSG page (on our website page: )
An HSG should be performed after your period and prior to ovulation – usually between cycle days 7 through 10. It should never be performed after your LH surge or ovulation, since it could interrupt a very early conception.
Posted by pray4me (Member # 2763) October 19, 2007 12:01 PM:
I am on CD8. I normally O CD13 or CD15.
Posted by Jennifer Okun, R.N. (Member # 1806) October 19, 2007 12:15 PM:
Well, if you are sure you got a positive on the OPK it is better to wait to next month I think.
What does your OB/GYN think?
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Pregnancy After A Tubal Reversal Procedure
Kelly posts this message to others on the Tubal Reversal Message Board who are waiting to become pregnant after their tubal reversal procedure:
Posted by KLJ (Member # 7534) September 28, 2007 04:30 PM:
I know how easy it is to loose hope when it seems like everyone else is getting PG. It took us 21 months and 1 m/c later to realize our dream. It was a long and bumpy journey but one we Thank God that we choose to take. Just remember that it is a blessing to be able to have the chance to become PG every month which is more than we had before the TR.
Here's a little reminder that dreams can come true. Our little miracle baby Keaton, he was born 8-29-07 a month old tommorow. So hang in there ladies and I am blowing baby dust your way.
Kelley (42)soon 43
TR 3-25-05
Posted by Eric'sGirl (Member # 10652) September 28, 2007 05:01 PM:
Congratulations! And a lifetime of happiness with your new addition!
Posted by Sweetpea (Member # 2742) September 28, 2007 05:04 PM:
Thanks for giving me hope. Congrats on your baby.
Posted by Michelle39 (Member # 11154) September 28, 2007 05:35 PM:
Kelley, Congrat's and best of luck.. You give me hope. I had my tr on 3/12/07 and 6/29/07 found out it was e/p and I had another m/c 8/25/07. Just finishing af and going ttc again. I hope this time it sticks where it's suppose too. Your son is beautiful. Thanks for sharing!! Michelle
P.S. It's good knowing that you did this at 42 I'm 39 my self...
Posted by Melissa Lamb (Member # 11304) September 28, 2007 07:49 PM:
Kelley,he is so precious but I'm sure you already know that and your the envy of this board now,Thanks for sharing him with us. You have been so blessed. Thanks for the baby dust. Melissa
Posted by BabyAddict_X5 (Member # 10701) September 28, 2007 09:29 PM:
He is so sweet! Thank you for sharing your story with all of us to give us inspiration.
Me - 39
TR 3-26-07
No BFP yet
Posted by Webmaster (Member # 1) September 30, 2007 06:36 PM:
Thank You for your testimonial Kelly and Mike:
"We have a perfect baby boy. I want to thank every one at Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center, especially Dr. Berger, for making this journey possible for us."

Thursday, September 6, 2007
Tubal Reversal Surgery Press Release
Facility Specializes in Tubal Reversal Surgery
Press Release - September 2007 - Chapel Hill, North Carolina physician dedicates practice to restoring fertility in women who have undergone previous tubal ligation surgery. Read More...
Tubal Ligation Reversal: New testimonials on Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center Web Site
"My husband and I just had our second TR baby boy. I had a C-section and my doctor said Dr. Berger does incredible work." Samantha B.
"I want to thank Dr. Berger for blessing me with my new little miracle baby, born 11 months after my tubal reversal operation." Kim and Michael P.
"When my friend, Tiffani, (who is expecting her 4th TR baby in January), told us about Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center, my husband and I didn’t hesitate to schedule our appointment. It was well worth the 2 ½ year wait for this beautiful Berger Baby!!!" Aaron and Barby H.
"Thank you Dr. Berger for the work you do. It really is changing the world one little life at a time." Scott and Rachel P-W.
"I had my tubal reversal surgery by Dr. Berger in September, 2002. I have had 2 sons after my tubal reveral so far and have just found out I am expecting another baby in April." Misty R.
"Our Berger baby girl arrived just 10 short months after having the reversal procedure." Geni W.
"I want to announce the arrival of our new baby girl. We are so happy we traveled to Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center have the reversal done. I had the tubal reversal procedure performed September 21, 2006 and we found out we were pregnant the day after Thanksgiving." Elizabeth S.
"Kate just turned one. Turns out we got her an extra special present! Positive HPT today...we are THRILLED." Steph C.
"It will never be lost on me what miracles these little TR boys are. Thank you, Dr. Berger and staff for helping to make our dreams come true." Renee and Jack L.
"We are so grateful to Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center for the great work you do to allow families like ours to follow their hearts and bring a new life into their homes." Jennifer McN.
"My son Dylan is a Dr. Berger miracle. I had my tubal reversal surgery in January of 2006 and Dylan was born on January 22nd, 2007." Maria M.
"My tubal reversal baby boy is here thanks to the wonderful Dr. Berger and staff at Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center." Andrea P.
"I got pregnant 2 months after my tubal reversal. Thank you Dr. Berger - I had a great pregnancy, full term, and fast delivery." Phoebe R.
"Our 3 year old tubal reversal daughter, Hally, has changed our lives and I still appreciate everything Dr. Berger did to bring so much joy into our lives." Peggy L.
Tubal Reversal in Mexico - Reply
You will most likely find that Dr. Berger is incredibly reasonably priced when compared to other physicians especially combined with hospital fees. It came out to a 65% discount for us over what my local RE and the hospital was going to charge.
Also, when I say I did my research, trust me I did. I even called the NC medical board and governor's office. I research public records for any malpractice suits (not even one suit against him) and called the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology and there was not one negative about this man who has been practicing for 30 years! My general practitioner thought I was nuts for finding a DR online and when he completed his research, his words to me were, "I'd send my wife to him after everything I've learned." Now, my RE was a personal friend and recommendation by him so that should speak volumes to you.
As for success with the surgery, I unfortunately do not have another child but I have been pregnant three times in the last year since the surgery so at least he's taken me a step closer and I have faith that we'll have a "sticky bean" soon. God led me to Dr. Berger and he's now leading you to him as well. With effort, patience, and diligence, the money will come.
Again, the man is worth his weight in gold and his nurses are worth just as much, if not more!
Make sure to have all of your gynecological work ups done before you have the surgery to make sure you don't have any other obstacles. One other added bonus is that you won't find better support than on this board. The women are incredible, knowledgeable (even more so than some physicians and nurses that work in Gynecology) and courageous and always willing to help. My RE is always impressed with how much I know and the types of questions I ask. He tells me that I'm the most "informed consumer" he's ever had. I think Dr. Berger should charge a fee for the message board service alone because it's kept a lot of us from having to seek out a psychiatrist, hahahah. There's always someone to pick you up at your most desperate moments and a nurse you can call when you're just about to lose your mind. The best part is that the service doesn't stop once they send you home post surgery. They offer service and support well past the time you leave!
God bless you in your journey and send all your spare money to Chapel Hill even if it means skipping the "die for pumps" on sale at Macy's!!!!
Tubal Reversal Surgery in Mexico continued
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Tubal Reversal Surgery in Mexico
A new member of the Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center Message Board shares her "horrible experience" and poor outcome after traveling to Mexico to have tubal reversal surgery. At the time she was motivated by the lower fees she saw advertised, but found that the experience with the other doctor to be a bad one and not worth the savings. She has now chosen Dr. Gary Berger as her tubal reversal surgeon and plans to travel to North Carolina for a repeat repair and a second chance to have a baby with her partner.
Posted by browneyedangel September 05, 2007 01:24 PM:
Good afternoon! I am writing to let everyone know about what happened to me when I had tubal reversal surgery in Mexico this past January. It was the WORST experience of my entire life!!!!!!! I investigated tubal reversal very well, at least I thought I did. My boyfriend and I decided to go to Mexico because it was half the cost of having tubal reversal in the United States. I took a loan out of my pension, and we scrimped and saved for the remainder of the money.When I arrived in Mexico, I was told via translation from a co-worker of my boyfriend, because the nurses didn't speak English AT ALL! I was informed that I was to have surgery in a half hour. I wasn't prepared at all. I was scheduled to have it the next morning. But, three hours of surgery, it was to take an hour, I was wheeled back to my room. I was in MAJOR pain!!!!!!!!!
Long story short, I arrived back into the states and was in the emergency room in Philadelphia. I was then in the emergency room of my local hospital two days later because my physician thought that I had complications from the surgery. Two months ago I had an HSG done and was told that the surgery didn't work. I have 5cm of tubes on both sides, and my insurance company won't cover my infertility treatments or anything because I had my tubes reversed. However, if I did get pregnant they would cover me.I am now divorced, and almost 42 years old. I've been with my boyfriend for 1 1/2 years. We DESPERATELY want to have children.
I found Dr. Berger's web site and spoke to the RN, who was very nice and kind. I can have the tubal reversal redone by Dr. Berger. The problem is now having to come up with the money again. My boyfriend refuses to take out a loan for the surgery. I am not able to take out another loan on my pension. I had a horrible outcome from it. We really want a child, and are very mad that we didn't just save up more money and go to Dr. Berger in the first place.
Please pray for us that we are able to come up with the money to have Dr. Berger help us. WE DESPERATELY WANT TO HAVE A CHILD TOGETHER!!!!!!
God Bless!
Posted by ANANICKY07 (Member # 11330) September 05, 2007 01:34 PM:
Browneyedangel - I am sorry about the horrible time you had with your TR done in Mexico. There is a payment plan with DR. Berger that could interest you. I will pray for you and your boyfriend.
Come visit us in waiting room # part 18. There are alot of women saving, TTC and more. BIG SUPPORT GROUP.. Welcome back to the board.
Posted by Holden (Member # 11265) September 05, 2007 01:51 PM:
Browneyedangel...I am so sorry about everything you have been through. Good Luck with coming up with the money to have Dr. Berger do your surgery....where there is a will there is a way!!!
Good Luck and Prayers to you friend....
Lisa H. TR: 10/04/07
P.S. You can join us in "The Waiting Room Part 18"...
Posted by TR Moderator (Member # 5545) September 05, 2007 02:12 PM:
Dear Browneyedangel:
I am so sorry your experience at the other facility was not a good one and look forward to having you here for a re-reversal with Dr. Berger in the future. However, please remember that our rules for posting strictly prohibit name calling or negative comments about other doctors. For that reason, I have edited your post so that names have been removed. It is fine to write generically about your experiences, but flaming or criticizing other doctors is not allowed.
Thanks! We will look forward to meeting you! Please let us know if you have questions.
TR Moderator
This is topic Tubal Reversal in Mexico in forum New Message Board Members at Tubal Reversal Message Board.
To visit this topic, use this URL:
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Tubal Reversal Lens on Squidoo
Marty posts "I just left my little feedback on Squidoo. I am currently 22 weeks and I still can't believe it. When my baby is born on Dec 17th my TR will be TR surgery will be 8 months and 24 days. Thank you Dr. Berger and staff not only for performing my surgery but being there through all the ups and downs during the first months. I am having a baby boy and he's perfect!"
Dr. Berger's Squidoo lens about Tubal Reversal surgery has moved up into the #1 position in the Health and Medicine Section. Dr. Berger posts "The nice thing about having my page about Tubal Reversal in the #1 position in the Health and Medicine Section on is that the information will be available to more people. Maybe some of them will want to join the Tubal Reversal Message Board."
Posted by TR Moderator (Member # 5545)
August 23, 2007 08:19 PM:
Hello All –
You may be interested in reading Dr. Berger’s recently updated article about Tubal Reversal on If you give it a 5-star rating, it will help boost it up from its current position (#6 in the Health and Medicine section) and I am sure Dr. Berger will appreciate your feedback at the bottom of the page as well.
The link is
Posted by **hopes** (Member # 8326)
August 24, 2007 11:13 AM:
I LOVE the map of where everyone is from. And still my little pin sticks out as a loner with no one near. Neat site.
As far as I'm concerned, the more people who find Dr. Berger, the better. I gave birth to my beautiful TR baby only 10 months after my surgery!
Thanks Dr. Berger and CHTRC staff!
Posted by amberfb (Member # 10785)
August 24, 2007 12:27 PM:
Im not going to sit here and say he's a God well mabey fertility but he is Angel and the wonderful things he's done for the ladies who go to see him!
I remember him looking at me and telling Dh & I we would become pregnant very soon, My thought yea right!
I had my TR surgery on March 15,2007 started 50mg clomid in April and on the 3rd month of clomid as i was calling in the month of 4-6 of clomid I had this odd feeling come over me to look back at the calander to see when AF came last well to my surprise i was at that time 5days late, I tested and look at me today. Im right at 12weeks pregnant!
I couldnt ever Thank Dr. Berger and his wonderful staff enough.
Thanks again,
Posted by pam mills (Member # 617)
August 24, 2007 02:06 PM:
Thanks for your kind words and best wishes with your pregnancy. Keep us updated!
Pam Mills, CRNA
Posted by Gary S Berger MD (Member # 3)
August 24, 2007 03:44 PM:
I want to thank those of you who have gone to the Squidoo Tubal Reversal page, given it a rating, and left feedback!! The information is a bit different from what is on our website and should be of interest to anyone seeking information about tubal reversal surgery.
Posted by Marty (Member # 10659)
August 24, 2007 05:52 PM:
Hello Dr. Berger,
I just left my little feedback on Squidoo. I am currently 22 weeks and I still cant believe it. When my baby is born on Dec 17th my TR will be TR surgery will be 8 months and 24 days. Thank you Dr. Berger and staff not only for performing my surgery but being there through all the ups and downs during the first months. I am having a baby boy and hes perfect!
Lots of Love and good wishes to you all.
Martica (Martha)
Posted by Gary S Berger MD (Member # 3)
August 25, 2007 11:53 AM:
Thanks, Marty. I love getting more ratings on the Squidoo page and the feedback messages there also!
PS If anyone else goes to the page, bookmarking it (top link on the right) will also help improve its ranking.
Posted by ChucksGirl (Member # 8875)
August 25, 2007 08:03 PM:
If you haven't gone to the site you should take a look! It is great information with interesting facts about reversal surgery. I liked seeing the map showing where Dr. Berger's patients come from. I hope to put my own pin in soon! It is
Posted by Jennifer Okun, R.N. (Member # 1806)
August 26, 2007 01:02 PM:
Please take a look at the Squidoo Tubal Reversal page. We would appreciate it if you can give it a rating, bookmark it, and leave a short feedback message!
Thank you!
Posted by Annjeana (Member # 10632) August 26, 2007 02:09 PM:
I just rated Dr. B and I could have went on forever about how wonderfull he is. it's hard to do in only 1000 letters lol. but hopefully everyone can see how much we all love Dr. B. I could not believe the person who left the negitive feedback I cant imagine any of what she said being true, But my heart goes out to her for her Pain. I hope one day her dreams will come true and figure out how wonderfull Doctor Berger really is.
TR 3-07
Bfp 4-07
EDD 1-11-08
Posted by Jennifer Okun, R.N. (Member # 1806)
August 27, 2007 10:50 AM:
Thank you Angel and everyone who has rated Dr. Berger's article
Posted by Gary S Berger MD (Member # 3)
August 28, 2007 06:30 PM:
I want to give an update about my article about tubal reversal on Since message board members and friends have started going to this page and rating it, it has moved up from 16th to 4th position in the Health and Medicine section. If anyone else would like to help out, I will greatly appreciate it!!! I also appreciate the nice comments that have been left there.
The link is
Thank you all....
Posted by MS_LICIA (Member # 9456)
August 28, 2007 09:33 PM:
Hi all, I visited the site regarding Dr. B & gave a perfect score. I had no complaints then & I have none now. It's the most recent post or the first post beginning w/today's date which is 08-28-07. Anyways, my DH & I can't thank you enough Dr. B. We are one step closer to an addition to our family. You helped make it possible. Had an HSG done on 08-24-07, shows both tubes are WIDE OPEN... Cheers to you Dr. B for a job well done & MOST DEFINITELY APPRECIATED.
Posted by JulesnKev (Member # 7375)
August 28, 2007 11:16 PM:
Hello everyone,
well, no baby for me yet, but I have nothing but wonderful things to say about Dr. B and his staff! So, I said them on squidoo, and left my thoughts on a few of the negative ones, too. Still trying and praying...and still very grateful to Dr. Berger that we CAN try and pray.
Julia D.
This is topic New Information About Tubal Reversal by Dr. B in forum After Tubal Reversal at Tubal Reversal Message Board.
To visit this topic, use this URL: